Chapter 39 One step at a time

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I leave without even turning my back to tell everyone why I have to leave. Because of me I probably screwed up the whole testing, but I need to be with Bree.
I meet up with the helicopter that Bree is in. Flailing my arms wildly to get the heli pilots attention. He lowers the helicopter back on the pad so I can run on.
"Thank you" I say as I step in. I walk to the back where Bree is. She's laying down on the small makeshift bed. I kneel down so we're face to face.

Bree's POV
Rye kisses my forehead, "Do you feel any pain?" He asks. His eyes alarmed.
I nod, "A little"
Some pain throbs at my stomach but it's not enough to hurt. I still can't believe it--maybe it's a false alarm. I hope it is. But then it doesn't feel right to call it a false alarm.
"Can you wait till we reach the hospital?"
I nod, "Yea" I hold his hand, "Do you think this is a false alarm?"
"I don't know, after all I'm not you" he laughs slightly. I agree, "Maybe not, although I'm a month early Rye" I pause, "Isn't that a bad thing?"
He wants to nod but he shakes his head, "Maybe the baby is eager to come out" he grins.
I still shake my head, "But Rye usually normal women would be in pain, I'm not"
He shrugs, "I don't know Bree, we'll see."
I agree with Rye, but I'm not even ready to call myself a mother. I still had a month to wait for this day.

(Arrive at the hospital)

I tell the doctors I can walk somewhat. Rye gives his shoulder to me so I can support myself better. We walk into the delivery room after Rye helps me change into my gown. Now there's a lot more pain, but not enough to really hurt.
I lay on the bed, not even ready for this.. Still something doesn't feel right. Rye takes my hand, "Pain?"
I shake my head, "No, not really."
The nurses walk in and take my pulse, turn the machine on, which nothing happens. There's no beeps telling me I have contractions. Once the doctor walks in he tells me the news, "There's going to be some complications with the labor process--since you're only eight months, and the other difficulties that occurred when you were in the middle of the pregnancy." He says, "You won't experience a lot of pain now but it'll increase as time progresses.." Rye sighs, "What do you mean labor complications?"
The doctor looks at Rye, "You're wife will have to stay two days in the hospital before she'll give birth. But she can walk around as long as she doesn't walk while she's in a contraction."
Rye and I look at each other. I'm exhausted just by the news. I clutch onto his hand, "But Rye" my eyes water, "Why has this been so complicated!? The whole pregnancy."
Rye looks around trying to find an explanation, "Something good will come out of this."
A tear rolls down my cheek, "A sick baby?" I question. He rolls his eyes, "Bree how can you be this negative"
"Rye don't make this situation worse, you don't know what I've been through" I say raising my voice from a whisper to almost a yell.
"Yes I do actually and I'm sorry you had go through all that, but you can't be ignorant" he replies. I lower my eyebrows, "Ignor-" The doctor clears his throat. Rye and I turn to him, "Yes?" Rye asks.
"Uh nothing--Bree you should probably getting some labor pains soon, I'll come in every once in a while, and the nurses will check up on you." With that he walks out the door.
Rye sighs, "Sorry Bree I shouldn't have-"
I cut him off, "No Rye it's my fault.. You're right, I'm the ignorant one."
We smile at each other. Rye kisses my cheek. My smile fades as fear comes in, "I'm scared Rye"
"Don't be, take it a step at a time."
I agree, "Okay."

What do you think the name of their baby will be?

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