Chapter 32 I'm here

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Katniss POV
Grabbing onto Peeta's hand, waiting for the beautiful Bree to step out. The audience turns to face the last bridesmaid walking down the rose covered isle.
This place brought back so many memories! So many memories from when we were young! It makes me feel so old. I remember when I danced with Peeta here. In those days we were just dating, but we knew nothing about each other.. The kiss from the cave was the only thing that made me feel different about him.
I remember staring into Snows snake eyes here, I remember Flavius and Octavia, who are no longer here, I remember glorying at the food. It was overwhelming for us, the amount of food was rarely ever seen. It was like heaven on earth. Now the Capitol has only stayed the same as in wealth.
My reminiscing sidetracks when I see Bree in her beautiful dress! It's not just beautiful, its gorgeous! I look off my shoulder to see Ryes expression as he stands at the podium next to the priest.
He cups his mouth, overwhelmed by her beauty.

Ryes POV
My hands shake as I place them around my mouth. Bree is unexplainable. Her gorgeousness is breathtaking! Cade's finger reaches for my shoulder, "She's beautiful Rye!" He whispers. I nod slowly, in amazement. I can't even talk, she took my voice away. My sight becomes blurrier, and I find myself with watery eyes. The feeling I rarely come across.
Just getting lost in her dress.. It's probably the most beautiful thing I've seen in the entire world. The prettiest girl I've ever seen, am with the prettiest dress! Now that's once in a life time!
Her hair blows in the wind. Down of course; she prefers her hair down.
Her waist, I just want to hold it, her makeup that brings out her magnificent Amber eyes.. Her smile. I'll never be able to explain how happy I am when I see that smile. The breeze sways along, as I watch her take each step closer to me.
Her dress it draws me in every moment I lay my eyes on her.. It hugs her, it's slim. Of course Bree has a great figure, so the dress compliments her in so many ways!
I just want to wrap my arms around her and pull her into me. Her grandpa who walks her up to me whispers a goodbye as his finger slips away from hers. I bite my tongue trying to keep my crying from coming out..
For some reason her beauty is just so overwhelming..
Water in her eyes, she grabs my hand and rubs it. I take hers; their cold and clammy. I know she's just as nervous. I can't keep my face from smiling. Its just to hard!
Her hands shake and her mouth quivers. I try my hardest to keep mine from that too. My grip tightens, "Shh.. It'll be alright" I whisper. She gives a quick nod, "It's just I've never been married" she whispers.
"I know, and hopefully only one time." I joke. She chuckles. The priest clears his throat, "Welcome" he smiles, "You're a wonderful couple"
I smile proudly dying to kiss her, "Thank you" I reply. I stare into Bree's eyes. The knot in her throat keeps her from speaking.
"Bree, you're so beautiful! God you're gorgeous.. I would've never wanted anyone else, ever." I whisper.
A tear rolls down her cheek, "Thanks Rye, you're indescribable in that cream tux" her voice quivering.
"You're even more indescribable in that lace dress" I smirk. Bree blushes. We both look at the priest as he flips through that book lying on the podium. I can't help but look into her romantic eyes, her soft white skin, her sleek auburn hair. It's all an overload for me.
The vows are beginning to be read. Bree and I look into each other's eyes. I'll look down at her dress here and there. She'll grip tighter onto my hand, almost beginning to cry again. I keep any tears from falling, and try to calm her down as best as I can.
I can't believe I'm getting married. I'm so young. I'm only nineteen, and Bree twenty. Its so crazy. I never thought I'd get married this young! Life is all a blur. It goes by to fast.
I sigh at Bree's beauty, peaceful and tranquil.
When the priest finishes with the vow, I say, "I do"
And he, like all priests, say it once more to the spouse. Bree says, "I do"
The priest smiles, "Than you may now kiss the bride."
Bree and I lean forward until our lips touch each other's. I take her back and hold it, kissing her forever, or until the audience cheers their hearts out. Clapping. Bree's grandparents crying. I take a glimpse of mom and dad; dads cheering, moms eyes water.
I meet Bree's eyes and we finally feel real. Not just boyfriend, girlfriend. Not just the Rye from military or the Bree from nursing, but the real ones. The Mellark's! I sigh thinking of Bree Mellark.
The jets fly over us releasing confetti. Everyone keeps cheering. Even more when the jets soar over. The jets conclude the ceremony.
My buddies and her friends crowd us before the audience can even congratulate us. I feel like I'm being pulled away from her. I literally am. We both look over the crowd and smile at each other. I feel like this the last glimpse I'll see of her until the party. Rebel slaps my back, "You were great!"
"For getting out of the hospital you're pretty strong" I cough.
"Congratulations!" Cade says, "Oh and about the baby too"
I smile, "Thanks!"
Byron adds into the conversation, "How is the baby?"
"He or she is great" I reply, "We're hoping for a boy."
Iris clings herself to Cade, "Congrats Rye!" She squeals.
"Thanks Iris, where's Bree?"
She rolls her eyes, "The crowd"
I roll mine too. I tell my friends I'll be back meanwhile I make my way to Bree. It's worse then it was before. Now even the audience is there, crowding her. Poor Bree. Pushing through the crowd, making my way to Bree. Watching for any lace dress to show itself.
I see her auburn hair poking through. I sneak up behind her and kiss her neck, "Wife?"
She pops around giggling, "Husband"
"Doing okay in this crowd?"
She kisses me before I can even speak another word, "I'm doing alright I guess" she smiles.
"The bump?" I ask. She looks down to her stomach, "Its great"


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