Chapter 58 Almost home

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Ryes POV
Five months had passed since Willow had her baby. She told me that Lily had black hair with the most beautiful turquoise eyes.

It was getting closer. Almost. Just six more months till I would see Bree . I missed my Bree but we would call as much as possible.
We would share our life with each other: She would talk about the twins and what they did today, and I would talk about how my birthday was and how much I miss her.
It was almost so real. I was almost home.
But today Cade and I had to fly over some targets to shoot. It was pretty simple: I had to tell Cade when to shoot while he would fly. The only hard thing was we were going a ninety miles per hour. It was defiantly nerve racking, but my old commander would grade us this time. That gave me a break from that commander Gunner.
Once Cade accelerates into the air I keep my eyes peeled for any blinking targets down below. "It's nice to work together again." He says.
I nod, "First target in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2--fire!"
He drops the bomb at a great accuracy. "Wow! Did you see that explosion?" Cade's eyes are big and bright. "Ha, yea that was sick"
"Next target?"
"Now!" I yell. Cade gets it with great accuracy. "You know those targets are gonna come in multiples soon" I say looking in every direction. "Shoot!"
Cade gets a much better accuracy. More and more single fires approach us and we get them easily, until the commander cuts into the intercom, "Great now get ready for some multiples."
I strain my neck further to see anything passing by. My eyes get big. "Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!"
Cade lets out a frustrated huff as he pulls the lever up and down impulsively.
"Got em?" I ask nervously. He shrugs, "I think so.. I shot as many times as you told me."
The commander gets on the intercom, "Great, now let's bump it up."
"What does that mean?" Cade asks. I roll my eyes, "He went out"
Cade rolls his eyes, "Can't wait to see what he's giving us next" he says sarcastically.
I ignore Cades sarcasm and keep my eyes on the targets.. Nothing's happening. "This is odd" I suck my teeth, looking around for anything. Nothing. "Commander?"
"Don't rely on the blinking lights Mellark, this is the military.. Have fun" he laughs and then cuts out again. "Crap!"
Cade awkwardly stares at me. "Right, well I probably missed a whole bunch since the lights are off now.." I focus so hard my eyes become strained. "Oh! Theres one to the left!"
Cade swings to the left sharply. "3, 2--fire!"
"Good, we got multiples straight ahead"
"Keep firing now!" I yell.
"Now?" he questions. "Now, keep it up!"
He keeps firing until I tell him to stop. "Awesome! We got this."
"Do you think we'll win?" Cade asks. I nod, "Defiantly"
Again theres nothing there for the next five minutes, then it gets intense. "Right Fire! Left fire! Barrel roll, fire! Now repeat it!"
Cade huffs tiredly, but does everything perfectly. Static starts to cut in, "Outstanding" the commander claps, "That was a hard task, now land."
"Copy that" I reply. Cade glides the jet to the left smoothly. Soon we land and to our surprise everyone is clapping. We win that round. The commander walks up to us ands about to speak when burly commander Gunner walks right beside him. Gunner is about a foot taller then my old commander.
"Impressive.. Mellark I don't know why you came to the marines. You have so much talent in the Air Force." Gunner laughs scornfully then walks away leaving me with that idea that I've fought with over and over again, but I ignore it and move on.

Any suggestions for any more books I should make? I've gotten a couple, but I'd love to hear more.. Thanks :)

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