Chapter 20 The battle

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That night last night was crazy. It was addicting, and enjoying. I never really slept after that, I don't think Bree did either.
Bree gets up first once the sun starts to reveal itself over the rocky mountains. I see her getting dressed from the slits in my eyes, "Good morning" I smile. She looks back, "You finally woke up" she grins.
"I never really did go to sleep"
"Its almost six" she says, "We need to leave at six fifteen."
I nod and get up off the bed. Searching for my uniform in my disorganized drawer. "Hell, I can't find my pants."
"Did you forget to wash them?" Bree asks.
"Wait I have extras" I don't find any, "Whatever I'll have to wear the dirty ones" I roll my eyes. Spraying my pants with cologne so they smell good.
Once I'm dressed I comb out my hair and slick it back. I walk past Bree and kiss her neck. She jerks away slightly, "Baby whats wrong?"
"Nothing Rye" she sighs quietly. I shrug and put my hat on, "Are you ready?"
She nods and we leave for work. Its pretty silent walking there, I don't know why Bree isn't talking. Maybe it was the champagne, or maybe she wasn't ready for last night, but she gave into it. We both did.
Once we get there I wait for her so she can get her supplies from the nurses office. Today the marines and the air force are going to preform routine practice just incase of emergencies. The best of the nurses will watch us from below just incase something were to happen.
Bree and I walk to the runway were lots of captains, recruits, and lieutenants are standing, jet after jet lined up on the runway.
Bree yanks on my arm, "Rye can we talk?"
"Fast, I have to go soon"
She sighs, "Rye about last night-"
I interrupt her, "I know that last night was crazy, but I don't regret it, do you?"
"I just wanted to save it for another time.. Everything feels to fast."
"We both couldn't stop it, it was unstoppable. It was meant to happen."
She nods slightly, "I know I just think its all to fast"
"Bree your not..?" my eyes widen in fear. She shakes her head, "No I'm not pregnant"
I sigh, "Then its fine right?"
"I-I guess" she replies. The commander starts to yell at me, "Mellark lets go!!"
I kiss her nose, "Bye Bree"
She waves, "Do a good job"
"I will"
I get in the jet along with Cade and the many others in their own jets. All the air force are on one side, and the marines on the bad side. We have to pretend to shoot them down, vice versa.
Our team takes off first, then the other team. Cade gives me the orders on how to turn and I do what he says. Turning left and right, leaving clouds of exhaust in the sky.
"Left!" Cade orders. I do as he instructs. The sky is like a huge playground for us. It never ends. I look down at Bree and all the others. They look like ants.
"I think we lost the marines." I say. I look around for any jets. Yea we lost them, "Commander the mockingjays have won" I say into the speaker. Static comes in and out, "Commander its Mellark"
"You won?" the commander asks.
"Yes sir no one is out here, we've shot them down" I reply.
"Where's the rest of your team?" the commander asks.
"I don't know sir, I think we left them behind"
"Go meet back with them then" he yells. I roll my eyes, "Yes sir" turning sharply to the side and gliding off to find the others.
"So how are you and Bree?" Cade asks.
I bite my lip, "Good"
"Good? Just good?"
"You want me to tell you everything?" I roll my eyes, "I said we're doing good"
"Okay chill" he replies. Finally I find the rest of the team, "Commander we're all here, do you copy?"
The static begins to fade, "Lets all do this again" the commander says.
"The marines and your team will have another fight" he answers. Everyone lands their jets on the runway and we do it again.
Cade and I do just fine until one enemy jet chases us. "Ones on to us" I say.
"Left, right, left, right, left" Cade instructs. I follow his instructions. "Full speed" Cade says.
"It is at full speed" I reply.
The fake gunshot sounds, "They got us" Cade rolls his eyes.
"Commander mockingjay 451 is down" I speak into the intercom. I fly down to the runway and get out to watch the rest of the fight. The marines win this battle. But only this one time.
After the fake fighting I'm sent to teach the recruits how to fly.

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