Chapter 67 Unreal

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Ryes POV
Bree woke up at six today. She slammed the door behind her when she ran into the bathroom. I was half asleep so I didn't know what was going on. I just rolled over to my side and pulled the blanket back over. Thats until my alarm rings at seven. I look to my right, where Bree sleeps--shes not there. I lift my head off the pillow and notice the bathroom light coming from under the door. She's been in there all this time?!
I roll out of bed and stumble to the door. I twist the doorknob, but its locked. Maybe she just got out of a long shower...
But she doesn't need to get up early.. She doesn't have work anymore.
I shrug and knock on the door, "I have work today" I yawn sleepily. Theres no answer. "Bree.. You alright?"
Again no answer, "Bree, you're scaring me.. I will break down the door if I have to." I figure scaring her will force her to open the door. But it doesn't. Now I'm frightened, "Bree!"
I hear the door unlock and it slowly creaks open until I can see her face. Theres tears in her eyes. Good or bad ones, I have no idea. She pushes the door open until I can see her whole body. Bree holds out an object in her hands. Her hands are shaking. I look down to her hands. I gasp immediately. Is this happening?!!
Shes holding one of those pregnancy tests in her hands, and it reads positive. I rub my eyes, No it can't be!
But yes, it is. Bree sets it down and she flings herself onto me.
My eyes fill with tears, still I'm not quite there. I mean I just woke up! I'm still thinking I'm in a dream. Its completely silent. I can feel the happiness beaming off each other, but we're still in shock and we're still speechless.
Bodies pressed together. I can feel her crying against my body.
I hug her as tight as possible, just from happiness. Its been probably minutes and we're still hugging. I can't explain. Its just. I can't.
"Is this really happening?" Bree sniffles, "Rye this is crazy!"
We release the hold on each other. "Bree this is--Oh my god! This can't be real!"
She looks down at her stomach, "It is! All the signs.. I had all the signs!"
I cup my mouth, unable to breathe. Bree's crying from happiness and I am too. I never thought I'd be this emotional, but this is insane!
"Are you happy Rye?" Bree asks sniffling. I can't find the words to express it, "Y-ye-es!!"
"I'm nervous." she replies, "I don't want anything bad to happen like last time." her eyes fill with more water. I shake my head, "No Bree, no. Don't be, it won't happen again.. I promise you."
I don't know if that helped, but she smiles and leans in closer. I still can't get over it, its almost unreal. Its like a dream. Never would I have thought. I can't even think of work now, I don't even want to go.
I kiss Bree's head, "I can't wait to tell the twins... Just imagine their happiness Bree."
Her smile is unbearable, "Lets tell them now!"

What do you think about Rye and Bree having another kid? Tell me in the comments ;)

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