Chapter 2 Saved the date

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Willow and Oliver had come back from college about a month ago. During college they had made plans for their wedding. Willow would call us sometimes to get are approval on things.
Peeta and I are doing great. It'll get boring somedays, just because we were used to having company, but now its different.
Peeta made dinner tonight. Even though he's not young like he used to be, his talent in cooking is still the same. Peeta makes some sandwiches. We sit on the couch watching tv.
Its probably 8:30 now. Peeta and I finish. He takes the dishes and puts them in the sink to soak in water. I flip through the channels looking for something good to come on. A jump when someone suddenly bangs on the door. "Peeta can?-"
Peeta walks to the door before I even ask him to open it. Peeta leans forward to hug someone, "Willow!"
Willow? Is it really her? I shoot off the couch and run to the door. It really is Willow!
"Mom!" Willow exclaims. She wraps her arms around my back, "Willow!" I exclaim, "What are you doing here so late?"
"Its nine I know, but Oliver and I have to tell you something." Willow explains. I step out of the way, "Come in then" I smile. Willow and Oliver walk in and we all sit down on the table. Willow pulls out a small sheet of paper and hands it to Peeta and I, "I know I should've called you instead but-"
"No, no Willow its fine that you stopped by" Peeta's eyes study the words as he reads the sheet. "What is it Peeta?" I ask almost whispering. Peeta looks up at Willow, "You set the date?" he asks.
"What!" I grab the paper from Peeta and read over the words. Willow waits for my response. "You set the date!" I say excitedly. "I just said that" Peeta interrupts. I nudge Peeta's elbows and give him the eye. Willow smiles, "Yeah!"
"Oh Willow thats wonderful!" I smile. Willow smiles and looks at Oliver, expecting him to carry on the conversation, "I think its to soon"
Willow stares at him, "What?"
"I mean we don't even have decorations. We're still deciding who to invite, and it's in two months"
"But Oliver" Willow laughs, "We already made plans on the decor, and we already have the date saved."
"But who will we invite? Unless you want a small wedding"
"A small wedding?" Peeta interrupts. Willow looks at Peeta, "Well yeah.. I mean dad-"
"But Willow you're our daughter. Your wedding should be a big deal" Peeta says.
"It is a big deal, but I don't want something huge, just something small.. Like you and moms wedding."
Peeta looks at me, "What about you Katniss?"
"Uh. Well its her wedding Peeta, if she wants a small wedding then she can have one"
Peeta shrugs, "Its not my wedding, I'm fine with small wedding.. But if you're sure"
Willow nods and looks at Oliver. Oliver nods, "But who will we invite?"
Peeta interrupts, "Wait so where will it be?"
"Willow is thinking about the hill near the waterfall" Oliver replies. Peeta and I look at each other, "You mean where Peeta and I got married?"
"Yea, that's it" Willow replies.
"So who will we bring?" Oliver asks, "Do you and Peeta have any friends that would like to come?"
"Effie and Haymitch" I turn to Peeta, "I haven't talked to them recently.. I wonder how they are"
"So Effie and Haymitch?" Oliver asks. I turn to him, "Yea".
Oliver writes down their names, "Do you two have any family that would like to come?"
I look down, "Unfortunately no"
Oliver looks at Peeta expecting an answer. Peeta shakes his head.
"I'm sorry about asking-"
Peeta smiles, "Its okay Oliver"
"So we have Effie, Haymitch, Gale, my parents, Rye, and who else?" Willow asks. Oliver turns to her, "My dads siblings are coming: Uncle Vick, Rory, and Aunt Posy" Oliver says, "I've actually never met them before. None of them live in district 12 anymore"
Willow takes the pencil and writes their names down, "If we have anymore guests we'll write them down later"
"Now what about the outfits?" I ask. "Right about that.. I don't have anything. But I can always buy something." Willow replies.
"What about you Oliver?"
"I already have that one tux from graduation. I only wore it one time, its still new, and my dad spent a lot to buy that"
"I have the perfect suit for Rye. Its from Cinna's collection, and I've only worn it a couple times, when we went on tours and things" Peeta says. I nod, "I'll wear something from Cinna's. Maybe Effie can dress it up"
Everyone agrees. It gets silent and awkward. Suddenly I hatch a great idea, "Hey Willow, can you come over here. I think I have something"
Willow and I walk to my room. We pass by her old room. She stops in front of it. Thoughts come back to her, "I remember this place so well"
I smile, "Follow me." We walk to my closet. I open up the door and rummage through all my junk. I pull out a heavy box. It reads, "Cinna's creations"
I lay it down on the bed and slide the top off. Dresses upon dresses, shirts, and some pants pop out of the box. "Is this your designers clothes he made?"
"Was my designers.. But yea, it is" I take out dress after dress just to get to the bottom. Each one is perfectly folded. Finally at the very bottom is my wedding dress. I know Cinna didn't design my wedding dress, but I keep it in here anyway. Its to special to have it lay out in my other clothes. I unfold it delicately, making sure this ancient dress doesn't rip.
Willow gasps, "Mom, your wedding dress?"
I nod, "Yea, isn't it beautiful" I hand it to Willow. For a second she doesn't get why, but then it clicks.
"Is this mine now?"
I nod. Willow shakes her head, "Mom I can't take this"
"Willow, it will go to no good if I don't do anything with it"
"But mom, I-"
"Take it Willow. I would feel so much better if I gave it to you. Besides you don't have one"
Willows eyes fill with water, "Thank you!" she sets the dress down on the bed and hugs me. "You'll put it to good use anyway."
Willows chin quivers.
"I had my time, now its yours" I smile. Willow smiles, "Its gorgeous. I could just imagine dads face when he saw you in this."
"Yea, I'll never forget that day."
"But what if Oliver sees this?"
I grab another empty box from the closet, "Fold it and put it in this"
Willow folds it and delicately sets it inside the box. After that Oliver and Willow walk back to their house. Peeta and I wave goodbye.

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