Chapter 64 Taking care of them

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Ryes POV
Months had passed and it was February once again. My parents had invited Bree and I to another reunion in a couple weeks. It would be at their house, and of course we said we'll try to make it. I'll see how my shift will look. It'll also be a nice way to celebrate my twenty-third birthday. I'm sure they're planning on some type of celebration.. Theres no way dad would just ignore it and not make a cake.
It also depended on the twins and Bree's health--A couple weeks ago Bree got the flu (probably from the weather) but that turned into an viral infection (like what I had), and the twins surprisingly didn't get sick from Bree, but from school. So now they've been sick with the flu for a week. Rey's disappointed in the fact that he has to miss school. Hunter is bored out of his mind sitting in bed all day. And since Bree now has an infection she can't go anywhere near the twins even though the infection isn't contagious, she still needs to stay away from them for her own sake--her infection could become worse.
The only reason I didn't get the infection from Bree was because I was already immune to that sickness. I just had to be careful around the twins.
But because of that I had to do everything for Bree, for instance: Cook (biggest nightmare), do the laundry, clean up everything, take care of the twins, wash the dishes, basically everything that housewives would have to do, but also during all that manage my work, which is nowhere near easy! The twins would stay in bed all day until I get back around 3:15 pm. I usually got home around six or even nine, but I had to change shifts which also made everything a lot more difficult.

Once I come home the I get dressed into something more comfortable: sweater, and sweatpants. Poor Bree is in bed all day. "Hey" I say. She shows a little smile and stretches, "The twins are eager to get up."
I nod and blow her a kiss then walk to their room. "Daddy!" they exclaim.
"I'm so bored!" Hunter coughs. I walk to find the thermometer and hold it close to their foreheads. Hunter is a lot better, 98.5, then theres Rey who is worse. His is 104.5. He's had a fever for four days straight now.
"Can I get up daddy?" Rey asks. I shake my head, "You need to sleep."
"But I have!"
I tell him only for a while, and Hunter is good enough to walk around normally. I give Rey bags of ice to rest on his forehead when he sits down. I don't have the mother knowledge, so I don't know if I should make Rey colder, but I've heard that its best if they are colder instead of hotter.
Even though its February, I still tell him to wear only a t-shirt instead of two shirts that he had on before. He spreads out on the couch and tries to calm down the shivering. Soon he falls asleep again. I guess he just wanted to come out of his room for once today.
I make some tea for Hunter while he plays with his blocks. While it brews I get some work done. I do the laundry, clean out some things, make their beds, and then finally relax with Hunter. He tells me all about how much he wants to go back to work with me and how he doesn't like school and he's happy he doesn't have to go.
"Hows work?" he asks. I ruffle his hair, "It was fun" I smile.
"Still flying those planes?" he sniffles. I nod, "Mostly, and then sometimes I shoot with my bow."
"Sounds fun" he sighs. I can tell he really wishes to come back to work with me again.
Rey starts to wake up and waddles off the couch. "You still cold?" I ask. He shakes his head, "Not as much."
I nod and grab the thermometer and check Rey's temperature once again. Its gone down: 100.3
He's happy to finally feel better and not as sluggish he tells me. "Wanna play?" Hunter asks Rey, and from then on they build things with blocks and random things found in the house.
Bree opens the door and peeks out. I walk towards her and we smile at each other. I wish I could kiss her.
"I just remembered" she says hoarsely, "Today was the last day to collect my things from my office."
"Y-you mean.. You want me too?"
She nods slowly. I sigh, "I have to watch the twins.. I don't know who'll watch them.. You can't"
"But I can't walk to my office either." she winces from her sore throat. I really don't want to, especially with the twins being alone.
"Rye. Its that.. time." she whispers.
My mood suddenly changes, "Sure honey I'll go."
So she thanks me and I leave, almost sprinting. Finally when I do I walk into Bree's (nurse) office. Everyone gives me that eye: why aren't you in your uniform?
But I ignore them and grab Bree's things: her medical supplies, picture of me and the twins, her personal items, and lots of folders.
Again when I leave I get more looks. Even my commander sees me and glares at me. I just smirk, knowing that I'm rubbing it in his face.
Finally after the five minute walk, I return the things to Bree, and thankfully the twins didn't get into any mischief while I was gone.
"Thanks Rye, it wasn't to much right?" Bree asks. I shake my head, "No, it was fine, anything for you."
She chuckles until it becomes a cough and she asks for some water, instead I get her tea since she rather have a hot cup instead of a cold cup of water, that'll only make her throat worse. She puts her robe on and sits on the couch, making sure she doesn't touch a thing.

(an hour passes)

Now the scariest part of the day--dinner. Its only six, but I figure that I should get it over with, so I grab some ingredients, and throw them into a pot of stew. Please don't be like mom, please taste good, I have to accomplish something in cooking!
But when Bree says that it smells really good, I finally feel confident in cooking.. Well, not really, but..
It takes at least twenty minutes until its hot and steamy, but surprisingly its some of the best soup (other than dads) that I've ever had! And everyone thinks so too. Especially Bree who is proud I didn't ruin the dinner (like the last couple nights.)
Bree starts to yawn and rub her eyes after dinner, so she heads to bed and says goodnight. A couple hours later, I stay up with the twins until they both become sleep-eyed. So I get them dressed into their pajamas and help them brush their teeth.
Once they lay in their separate beds, I say goodnight and I love you, like I usually do. "Mommy always sings." Rey yawns. "He's right" Hunter adds. I hate singing and never felt very good doing it. Its the thing I actually feel the most uncomfortable in.
I shrug it off and give it a go. I don't know what Bree sings to them, but I do know one song--the meadow song. Don't ask, but mom always used to sing this to me as a kid, somehow it helped both of us. After her nightmares she would hug me and sing it and it would calm both of us.
"Deep in the meadow.. Under the willow.." I struggle to the words, "A bed of grass... A.. soft green pillow. Lay down your head.. and close your sleepy eyes.. and when they open, the sun will rise." suddenly it becomes comfortable, "Here its safe, here its warm, here the daises guard you from every harm."
They both rest their heads on the pillow peacefully, "I like that one" Rey says and drifts off. I smile and close the door behind me after I say one last goodnight.

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