Chapter 42 Its happening

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Another day passed. Bree was due today. The practice was called off for today, so I went straight to the hospital. It was 8:30 am when I walk into her room. Shes asleep still. I tiptoe to her bedside--she left the tv on after I left last night.
I take the remote and turn it off--that wakes her up.
"Rye? Why-"
"I didn't have practice today, they gave me a day off." I reply. She smiles, "That was nice of them."
I nod, "Feeling good?"
"At the moment" she grins, "In a couple of hours probably not"
"Savor this time then" I sit in the corner of the bed with her, "Need anything?"
She shakes her head. I look around the room, anxious to be a dad. Bree whimpers, "Rye arm!"
I hand her my arm to use as her lifeline. She cries out in pain, "Its happening Rye!"
"W-what?!" I shoot up, "I'll get the doctor!" My heart racing, adrenaline pumping, I skid around the corner to reach any nurses standing near the rooms--a couple are. "My wife is having her baby, do you know where the doctor is?!"
"Which doctor?" one asks. I try to search for an answer, but I don't remember his name..
"I don't know!" I roll my eyes, I can't believe I forgot!
"Not at all?" the other asks. I shake my head, "No"
They tell me they'll find someone who will know, I just need them to hurry. I wait where I met the nurses. Tapping my shoe impulsively on the white tile. Praying someone comes so I can get back to Bree.
Ten minutes later the doctor comes. I was about to lose my mind--Bree must be in so much pain right now. We run back together. "Sorry" he pants, "I was delivering another baby"
I ignore his apology and walk into the room where Bree is. The nurses follow behind us. I run to Bree--shes crying in pain. She had taken off her gown after she found out she had to stay in the hospital for two days, and wore the clothes she came to the hospital in. I would bring her outfits when I had lunch break. I take the gown hanging on the hook and hold it in front of Bree gesturing she needs to change into it.
Even though she crying from pain, we walk into the bathroom to change. I take her shirt off and everything else following.. I carry her and set her gently on the bed. She whimpers, unable to talk.
The doctor pulls the gloves over his hands. I sit next to the bedside, holding her hand. She looks into my eyes, "It hurts"
I nod, "Don't forget your breathing exercises."
"Okay Bree, your getting strong contractions." the doctor says. Bree arches her back, screaming inside. I offer my arm. She grips onto it without any hesitation in digging her nails into it. I wince a little. Last time Willow scared my arm from squeezing it so hard.
Bree's yelling after ten minutes of contractions. She only has a minute to relax in between each contraction. I murmur some funny jokes into her ear. She tries to laugh at them, but the contractions limit her from that. Squeezing the life outa my arm, I still don't bother to tell her shes hurting me. Shes the one in more pain..
Fifty minutes later, shes fully dilated. The doctor orders her to push. She pants, curses impulsively, and screaming in anguish. She doesn't bother to talk, she just continues pushing without taking a break.
I encourage her and keep telling her something to make her laugh. Her face red and hot, panting uncontrollably. She cries out in pain, yowling.
"Rye!!" she digs her nails even deeper, "Help!" she cries clenching her teeth together, "Rye please!"
I don't know what I can possibly do, "What can I help you with baby?"
She shakes her head, "Its to much!"
"Nothings to much for you baby--nothing" I encourage. Arching her back, digging her other nails into the bed frame, cursing. "Bree we're getting closer.. The heads almost out" the doctor says.
My eyes get big, "Bree almost!"
"Why can't it come sooner!" she pushes, "Rye can you get the wet cloth?"
I nod and dab her sweaty forehead, "Don't give up"
"I'm trying not to" she cries. I stand up to get a better view of the doctor, "Any updates?"
He nods, "Shes doing great, the baby is almost here"
I sit back down rubbing her arm, hoping she'll keep the work up. She never gives into relaxing, just keeps fighting. I'm so proud for her. Here comes the hard part--the doctor announces that she needs to give three more big pushes. She wails at the first.
"C'mon Bree! Don't give up, you got it, c'mon" I chant. Second push is a little easier, she takes a deep breathe on the last push, meanwhile I'm encouraging her, almost rantingly.
A yelp of pain, along with a cry from a newborn. Bree lifts her head from the pillow. I jump up, "Bree!!" I bury my face in Bree's--kissing her sweaty, exhausted face. I don't care, she doesn't mind it either.
"A baby boy!" The doctor announces. I come up for air and walk to see the baby being weight and measured. I cover my mouth--He's perfect! Tears fill my eyes, "I-is he healthy?"
"He's a little sick, we'll have to give him a shot.. But he's great" the nurse says. "Will he have to stay extra days?" I ask, my voice quivering.
She shakes her head, "No not at all" she smiles. That unfamiliar feeling comes on: tears. I swing around when the doctor exclaims. "What?!"
"W-we have twins!" he replies. "
Twins!!?" I exclaim. I run to Bree, who's exhausted by the news, "Rye! Twins! But how?"
"I-I don't know!"
She studies my eyes, "Are you crying?"
I nod, "Bree wait till you see him, he's perfect!"
Water fills her eyes, "Rye what if we have a girl? We don't have a name for her"
I shrug, "Easy, Bree."
The doctor interrupts are conversation, "We have to get this baby out soon!"
Bree grips onto my arm, "Rye I can't, I can't deliver another!"
"Yes you can, you can do anything" I kiss her forehead, "C'mon, you did it one time"
"Yes, but-"
"Bree" the doctor interrupts, "You have too, if not then a c-section."
I rub her arm. She takes a deep breath and pushes. Willpower is the only thing that keeps her going. Crying through the pain, yelling and screaming. Panting more and more.
Encouraging her, making her feel more comfortable. Hoping for a son. Bree yelps and wails as she continued to push.
"Its a breech" the doctor tells one of the nurses.
"What?" I bud in. "That means the babies feet are coming first" he replies. "Will the baby be alright?" I ask.
He nods, "Most likely"
Bree looks at me. Her face is worried, mine is too. I gesture for her to keep pushing. She nods, shutting her eyes tight from the pain. Clenching her teeth, she doesn't stop pushing. Shooting up yelping.
"One more push!" the doctor says.
"Cmon Bree, this is it! You're going to be a mom!" I say. Bree looks into my eyes and then looks away. Its the last time I hear her scream. The cry of a newborn drones out Bree's.
For a moment I ask myself if this is really happening until I hear the doctor announce we have two sons.

(Continued) Next chapter coming tonight

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