Chapter 70 Christmas Day

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Ryes POV
"Daddy! Get up!" Hunter hollers, which only means its christmas. The most loved holiday.
Will and I had hid the presents under the tree early in the morning before anyone had gotten up. Bree sits up and yawns, "C'mon Rye, lets get up." she rubs my back.
I have no choice but to get up, so with many attempts to get up from the cozy bed, I do.
The twins are full of excitement and try to patiently wait for Bree to change Brynns Diaper and feed her quickly.
Still in our pajamas, along with everyone else. We're the last ones to be make it to breakfast.
Frozen cold, rubbing hands together and blowing into them to get any warmth. Once we walk near the kitchen, its actually warm and toasty.
"Merry Christmas!" they all welcome. Roselyn pats the two empty chairs next to her and tells the twins to sit with her.
I pull up two chairs for Bree and I. The cluttered little table, which is only meant for four people, not ten, acts like a heater from all the body warmth.
I elbow Willow who's sitting next to me, "Did I miss anything?"
She shakes her head, "Just waiting for breakfast."
"Daddy can't we open presents now?" Hunter asks.
"It would be much better if you ate breakfast first" I reply. He rolls his eyes and eagerly waits.
"He burnt the first bunch of scones" mom says, "Thats why he's running late."
My eyes widen, "Dad burnt something?! Wow this should go down in history: Dads first time ruining something." Everyone laughs along with me, knowing that dad never has ruined food before.
Soon within a couple more minutes the food is served: fruit thats arranged by colors and cut perfectly, loaves, scones, cinnamon rolls, snickerdoodles, and lastly some of dads world famous bear claws. Along with of course some hot apple cider. It makes you jealous, just at how dad makes everything so perfect.
Without hesitation everyone grabs whatever they can while its there. Its like a battle.
Once everyone has what they want, we all settle down and enjoy the goodness of dads cooking.
Theres no other time then having family time. Our mouths are stuffed, but we all find a way to answer questions and laugh. Everyone brushes up on their lives and shares stories of the old Christmases.
"I want to be just like daddy" Rey says, "Flying in jets, and everything!"
Everyone chuckles. "What about you Hunter?" Mom asks.
Hunter knows exactly what to say, "Just like daddy, but not jets, bow and arrows."
Mom raises her eyebrows, "We got another archer in the family don't we?" she smirks.
"I want to be a baker like grandpa and mama" Roselyn says. Lily nods, "I want to open my own art studio too."
"Lily loves painting" Will adds.
"What will Brynn be?" Oliver asks. Bree shrugs, "Maybe a nurse like me"
"We'll get her into nursing when shes old enough." I add.

We start to open presents after we finish up on the stories and memories. Its a blast. Mom and dad obviously went out of their price range to get everyone presents, which by the way are great.
I got the Rey a replica of my favorite jet that I fly--the Phantom 600. I had it customaed so that it was realistic: the wheels would spin, the engine would even make noises when you pressed a button, and the doors would swing open.
Hunter got a bow and arrow set. Its also customaed to look exactly like the ones I use in the marines: Its a matte black with symbols on it, and the arrows are the exact same, except the arrows aren't damageable.
For Bree I got her every girls dream: jewelry. Real sapphire earrings and a diamond necklace shes been dying for.
She got me awesome sweatpants and shoes, in which I will defiantly wear.

Willows POV
Oliver got me cooking supplies which I was in need for, and many things for the bakeries and delicatessens. Everything I wanted on my christmas list came wrapped in a box.
I got Oliver some new shirts and just everyday things he's been wanting.
And for the girls I got them dolls and toys. Roselyn got a lot of outfits too, which she adores.
Lily made me some paintings, and Roselyn made presents for me out of clay that she was experimenting with at school. It was the sweetest thing!
Oliver kisses my lips, "Hope you like everything"
I nod, "Yes of course I love 'em! Did you like mine honey?"
He wraps his arm around me, "I guarantee it"
"Mama" Lily pokes, "Is the presents over?"
"See anymore hiding?" I ask.
She looks around and to her dismay finds nothing but scraps of wrapping paper and ribbons. It only means one thing to her: no more presents..
All of us help pitch in and throw away the trash from all the presents. Lily, along with Hunter and Rey hate it and rather play with their toys. Roselyn on the other hand enjoys picking up the trash and help throw it away.
After all that we stand around the tree and cheer, "Merry Christmas" then stash all of our new presents in our temporary rooms.
"Hey you know what?" Dad yells across the hallway, "Get dressed everyone, get your coats and boots on, we're gonna have a snowball fight."
Theres no turning down one of dads snowball fights.. Its the best snowball fight in District 12. Especially with all the other members of the annual winter snowball fight.
Usually dad wins, actually all the time, but maybe not with Rye..
Oliver and I get changed and put our coats on and I tie my boots. Oliver sighs, "I wish dad was here."
"Well at least he found someone.. I mean you honestly wouldn't want him to still be lonely."
Oliver nods, "He's been so happy lately.. Its like his life was never hurt"
"I'm glad Oliver" I smile. He joins in on the smile and nods, "Me too."
"Oliver, Willow ready?" Dad yells across the hall. Rose tugs on our arms, "Lets go!"
Everyone is bundled up for the freezing cold weather. Once dad opens the door, a cold gust of air fills my lungs freezes my insides.
Rye and dad shovel a pathway so we won't collapse into the ice. "Think its good dad" Rye pants. Dad nods, "You all ready?" he says excitedly.
The kids chant and Lily immediately makes a snow angle. "Let the annual snowball fight begin!" Dad says, and with that I grab big piles of ice and scrunch them together. Oliver gathers his own ginormous pile of snow, while the girls giggle and throw mini snowballs at each other. Bree sticks with me, since this is her first experience with us radical snow ballers.
Rye, the competitive one, takes the twins along with him and makes their own barrier of ice, protecting themselves from any oncoming snowballs.
Dad barely misses me and skims right over my head. "Ooh! Almost" he laughs. Theres snowballs soaring every way you look. Ducking and screaming when one hits you surprisingly out of the blue, laughing and cracking up when you smash your opponent, running and eventually falling into the three feet depths of snow.
Its foggy and blurry and extremely straining to keep an eye out, until you're hut unexpectedly. The girls barely are hit and would rather make snow angles.
"I got you!" someone yells. Right before I realize its Oliver he sits me right in the eye. "Oliver!!" I laugh through the pain that burns.
He runs to me cracking up, but feeling bad and wraps me in close to kiss my head. "I'm so sorry Willow" he laughs, "Did I hurt you? I'm sorry" he says between laughs.
Furious at Oliver, but to in love to hate him, "I might be blind in one eye" I chuckle.
"Get me back.. you can get payback" he says.
I laugh, "Oh Oliver no, lets keep snow-balling, just not at each other."
He nods and quickly dodges another snowball anonymously thrown from out of nowhere. Theres a sudden shriek of pain and laughter, "Rye!!" Bree yells. Theres snow scattered all over her. "Rye I know you're out here" Bree laughs.
Suddenly another one hits Bree's cheek, "Rye cut it out!"
Dad runs over to Bree and I laughing, "That time it was me, but Rye is over there somewhere"
"Probably with the twins too" Bree says.
"Go get him back, so far he's winning" Dad pants from dodging balls, "He hasn't been hit one time.. Its that barrier he made."
Bree gestures her head, "Lets go get him."
I agree with a revengeful smile. Theres one things about girls: they always know how to get revenge. So with that we run to find his barrier while dodging snowballs.
I hear his whispering: "Ok now Hunter lets try to get Uncle Oliver"
Without hesitation once he instructs Hunter, we kick down the barrier, throwing snowballs at him, shrilly laughing.
The twins run away giggling, screaming, "We've been caught, ahh!"
Rye lays on the ground laughing uncontrollably, "How did you sneak over here?!" his face is as red as a tomato and he's covered in snow so much that he's almost disguised into it.
We keep throwing snow at him as he screams and tries to escape. "Enough! Please!" he says between laughs, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"
All three of us breathing heavily, our throats are numb from the piercing cold weather. Rye stands up and brushes the snow off of him while Bree laughs at his red face.
"If I get sick" he threatens with a chuckle. "I guess I lost" he laughs.


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