Chapter 45 Family time

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A week had passed, it was still to cold to call it spring. There was still piles of snow laying around everywhere, but Bree and I had a break for spring. So we decided that Bree and I will go back to District 12 to show my family Rey and Hunter.

The train in 12 arrived early in morning. The twins put us through so much work for the three day excursion. Finally relieved to get out of the train and step into my hometown.
The air is so less artificial and actually has a crisp, pine smell to it. I love it!
It's a bunch colder here, but there's less snow--just a thin layering of ice.
My parents hadn't known I was coming, just Willow and Oliver. I told them to bring Roselyn and stop by mom and dads house early in the morning, like around this time. Then all of us could be together and Roselyn could meet her cousins.
I bought a new pair of boots for mom. Real fox fur inside, and for dad a cashmere coat.
After the long, tiring walk to their house hidden in the meadow, I knock on their door. Eager to hear their reactions. Hoping that Will and Oliver are there.
I hear dads voice muffled from the wooden door--he opens it hesitantly, wondering who it is until he sees my face. His face almost identical to mine lights up. That welcoming smile, "You came!" He pats my back, "Just for us?"
I nod, "Just for you, and also to say hello to your grandsons." I smile. He cups his mouth, "Katniss!" He calls. She walks out, her hair braided as always. "Rye, Bree!" She hugs us, but her eyes can't keep off from the twins.
"Rye, they're precious!"
Bree and I smile, "Thanks" we both say in sync. "But you traveled here just for us?" Her smile fades.
I laugh, "Course mom" I wrap my arm around her, "We had a break from work"
"Good" dad says, "As long as you didn't skip it, we're not worth it that much" he laughs. I roll my eyes smiling.
Mom has us come into the house before we "Freeze".
Willow and Oliver hug us. "I thought you weren't here Will" I whisper into her ear. She winks, "Don't be silly I wouldn't forget"
"Hows my little niece Rose?" I look to my shoulder to catch a glimpse of the twins that both mom and dad are holding. Oliver carries her in his arms, "Shes doing great, she can talk"
"Already?" I ask astonished. "A little" Oliver says, "Shes a year and three weeks"
"Its been so fast" I sigh, "I just hope the twins won't grow up this fast"
Oliver lays his hand on my shoulder, "They will trust me."
Bree lays her chin on my other shoulder, "They love them." I look at mom and dad enjoying Hunter and Rey. I smile to myself. Dad hands me Rey, "Anyone hungry?" he smirks.
"Dad, no we ate on the train." I reply, "You don't have to go all out" I know he'll do the exact opposite. When it comes to food dad goes ALL out. He goes straight to his corner in the kitchen. He practically lives back there.
We all sit down at the table for four. Willow and Oliver bring up extra chairs. Its so crowded, but cozy. All the body warmth keeps us toasty.
"Did you hear we're getting more snow later today?" Willow says. "But its spring" Bree says. "Apparently not" I laugh. Mom takes her chair and scoots into the conversation. Dads still back in the kitchen. "So dad you still working at the bakery?" I raise my voice so he can hear me. "For the moment" he replies.
I lower my eyebrow. Mom taps my arm, "He'll retire soon"
I nod oh'ing. Dad serves us hot chocolate while I try to balance the cup in one hand as my other one holds Rey, "Hows the business Will?"
Willow wipes the cream off her lip, "Wonderful" she replies smiling with big blue eyes, "Its surprising actually, doing better than I ever imagined"
I nod, "Good for you Will"
She blushes and says thanks. "Hows you and Oliver doing?" I ask. Willow and Oliver look into each others eyes grinning, "Amazing" he replies, "Never felt so good" he gets lost in her eyes. Bree gets lost in their romantic love as they share a kiss. Mom elbows me, "Hows the Air Force?"
Everyone's attention spans on me. I nod, "Good! Bree agreed that I should switch over to the marines."
"But why?" Willow questions.
"I can do both: fly and shoot.. I missed shooting, and one day I realized that I have such good talent in that too."
Everyone's heads nod. They agree with me. "So how is it here in 12?" I ask mom.
"Great as always--They're thinking of adding paved roads, thanks to President Peyton (Commander Paylors son) in charge--Peeta is also great, same with me."
"Less nightmares?" I laugh. Dad hears our conversation from the kitchen, "No" he jokes. Everyone chuckles. "I missed seeing you two, mom and dad" I say.
"We missed you too" they both reply.
"Lemme just say" Dad says carrying a platter of food, "Your two sons are the most precious things--aside from Roselyn"
I lay my hand on his shoulder, "Thanks dad"
Bree says thanks too, but quietly. I nudge her shoulder, "You don't have to be shy around my family" I whisper into her ear. She nods, "Sorry"
I kiss her nose, "No worries"
Dad passes around the beef first. "Dad is this one of your made-up breakfast dishes?"
"Its famous" he replies passing out the huge bowl of gravy along with mashed potatoes and scrambled eggs. It all brings me back from when I was a boy. I plop a spoonful of mashed potatoes onto Bree and I's plate. The gravy is passed to me. I pour some on my potatoes and do that same to Bree's, "Dads gravy is do die for--its basically a food group" I pass the bowl around as scrambled eggs are passed to me.
Once everyone gets their serving we sit their eating. No noise except the sound of chewing. Barely any elbow room. Mom to my left and Bree to my right. Hunter is sitting up against Bree's stomach. Rey is sitting with me too.
I enjoy every single bite. "Dad, that was like the best!" I say.
"Thanks" he smiles. Mom kisses his cheek, "Thanks it was really good honey."
He says thanks once again. Everyone else thanks him for breakfast. Even though Bree and I ate in the train it was good to have real food.
"Look!" Willow points to the window,"Gosh its snowing hard" she adds. And it is. Our eyes widen at the flurry of snow. We watch as it gets heavier. "Sure its march?" Dad asks laughing. "Doesn't look like it" I add.
"Are you and Bree staying overnight?" dad asks, "You can't just go back on the train"
Bree and I look at each other. We have a whispered discussion. "He's right" Bree says, "Yes, thank you Peeta."
He smiles, "Anytime"
"We should start collecting plates now" mom says. Dad collects them all and washes them. Everyone else sits by the fireplace in the living room. "You know we should do this more often" Willow says. All of us agree with her.
We let Hunter and Rey get to know Roselyn--they get along very well. "This is your cousins" Willow says pointing Roselyn's tiny finger in the direction of the twins. Rose waves, "Hi"
My eyes light up, "She talked"
Willow nods, "She's been trying to get more complex, but it never comes out pronounced the right way."
Already, within minutes the twins and Roselyn are best friends, or even closer. Rose will say words like "hello, hi, bye" words like that.
Hunter starts to cry after an hour has gone by. Rey follows. Bree nudges me, "I should probably feed them."
I nod, "I'll help get the room situated too."
We excuse ourselves for a short time. Bree carries the babies and my job is to carry/pull all of the luggage. Bree always packs heavy so that makes even more bags.
Mom and dad say that we can stay in my old room, like we did last time. I unpack everything while Bree breastfeeds the twins.
When we get back to the living room its pure white outside. This is by far the weirdest weather. Dad is serving more hot chocolate, while everyone else is sitting down talking. Bree and I join them once again. I give the presents to mom and dad. They love it! Mom wore her boots right away and dad hung his coat to use for every day work.
Roselyn gets antsy and restless so Willow and Oliver say goodbye.
We stay out in the living room with the crackling fire, and mom and dad.. But soon our eyes grow restless and Bree and I walk back to our room with the twins.
Mom and dad only had one crib; it was pretty big--big enough for two babies, so they share a crib, while Bree and I fall asleep spread out on our bed.

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