Chapter 68 Five months

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Ryes POV
Our little surprise turned out to be a girl.  Bree and I had went to see the sonogram. The first time we told the twins they were speechless and beaming with happiness. When they found about a baby sister, they were thrilled. Rey had wanted one, and Hunter couldn't make up his mind about a girl or boy. I just told him to wait and see, and sure enough he found out.
We would have a baby shower (probably after she is born.) We had a little idea of what name we wanted. Bree wanted her name to start with a "B". I enjoyed the idea.
We were still so shocked, and the scariest part about it was that it was literally coming in just four months! Yes, Bree was five months and already about to burst. She had no complications like last time. Everything was going a lot smoother this pregnancy.
At first the couple months of pregnancy scared her--the thought was frightening for her. She was anxious about the baby having complications. Staying home with the twins helped her keep herself together.. I don't blame her, it was a very risky pregnancy with the twins, but everything was worth it in the end. Thats what I would tell her: "Whatever happens, in the end its all worth it."
I guess it helped her keep her mind set on positive thoughts..

This morning I get up with the twins around seven. My work starts at eleven, so I have a little time.. Bree and I still haven't told mom and dad. Its just we've been so busy.
"Daddy when will sissy come out?" Hunter asks. I pour them a glass of milk, "Soon enough."
"But how long is-"
I interrupt Rey's question and hand them their milk, "You two better enjoy the next couple months its just you two.. After sissy's born you won't be the center of attention." I smirk. The thought settles into their minds as they frown. "But I like being the center of attention." Hunter mumbles.
I shrug and sip my glass.
"Daddy" Rey says, "When's work? Can we come with you?"
"No sorry bud, but how bout next month.. I'll be free for a day or two, we'll sneak into the aircrafts again." I smile. That perks up their enthusiasm.
We all eat some toast and watch tv on the couch. Bree's silky hands find my face. I didn't expect her to wake up this early, I didn't even know she was right around the corner. "Morning" I smile as I lean in for a kiss.
"That was one of the best sleeps I've had." she yawns. I arch my back in pain, "Not for me."
She sits on my lap and gasps when she notices the twins eating crummy toast. "Rye! This is a new couch!" she exclaims. I roll my eyes, "It'll always come off."
"Theres jam too!"
"Bree if we can afford a new couch we can afford something to clean it off with." I reply. She glares at me unable to make her point.
In return for my point being made, she orders me to clean up the mess.

Once its completely spot free she resumes sitting on my lap. The twins leave for their room so they can play. We share a few more kisses. "You know what?" her addictive eyes stare straight into mine. They're so intriguing I almost forget about her question.
"I think I have a name." she replies grinning. She pulls out a notepad, "I choose these"
I lay out on the couch and she lays against me. Theres those easy nods or shakes, but also those hard "maybes". Bree and I cross out definite the "no's".
Then we finally come down to the last three.. Thats the absolute hardest!
"I personally like Brynn." Bree says. It takes five minutes to try to decide if Mellark would go good with Brynn.
The most frustrating, hardest, time consuming, decision is picking a name. You have to like it, but also know or at least hope your kids will like it too.. Its aggravating!
"I actually love Brynn." I say. Bree and I take a long pause of searching each others eyes, but we come out with one answer: Brynn.

So its Brynn and shes a girl.. I decided to give them a girl because it would be cute if the twins had a little sister.. Btw even 'girl' was the most voted gender so I choose it since everyone thought it'd be a cute choice ;)
What do you think about it?

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