Chapter 12 Ultrasound

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Willows POV
Three months pass. Oliver and I had a great christmas, and now its January. The pregnancy has been five months which means the ultrasound. Oliver and I wake up earlier then normal because we have a early appointment. Oliver and I get dressed. He's pretty quiet about the whole thing, "You excited Oliver?" I don't here an answer, "Oliver?"
"Yea" he replies.
"Yea what?" I ask. Oliver walks out of the closet buttoning his shirt, "I'm excited"
I smile, "What gender do you want Oliver?"
Oliver shrugs, "Are you going to make breakfast soon?"
I ignore the fact the Oliver didn't answer my question, he's probably half a sleep I guess, "Sure Oliver, hold on"
He walks to the mirror and looks at himself. I smirk, "You look fine."
"It's to dressy, I'll change my shirt." he walks to the closet and grabs another one. Ive never seen him this stressed out about what to wear. I shrug, maybe he just wants to look good, but he already does, he doesn't need to get dressy for an ultrasound.
I walk to the kitchen and get out the yogurt, and some fruit. I make a parfait. I would usually make something more substantial, but we will be late if I have to literally cook something.
Oliver walks into the kitchen and we eat silently. I can't make out Oliver's disposition today. Really since the time he found out I was pregnant. I'm sure he's happy. I know he is happy, but he seems scared, and downcast.
"Oliver what's wrong?" I ask, hoping for him to answer. He shrugs, "I'm fine Willow"
I keep staring into his eyes. Trying to get past his lies. "O-Oliver, please don't lie to me.. You're happy right?"
"Of course I'm happy beautiful" he replies. I give a little smile along with Oliver, "But you don't seem-"
"We should get going Willow" Oliver interrupts. I hesitate to keep going and ask the same question again, knowing that he'll try to avoid it.
We get up from the table and put our dishes in the sink. Oliver and I leave for the hospital. Again its silent. I can feel Oliver thinking, but what about? We take the train of course, after that we get off and walk into the hospital. Wait in the long line, check myself in, and meet the nurses in the room. I lay down on the hospital bed. Oliver offers his hand to me. I hold on to it, "Girl or boy?"
He continues to look around. "Oliver?"
"I don't care" he replies, "Maybe a boy"
"I want a girl" I say, "But I don't care either."
The nurses walk in the room. They pull my shirt up so my stomach is showing, then they rub the gel onto my stomach. Its freezing to say the least. I feel Oliver's grip loosen.

Oliver's POV
My anxiety starts to kick in. I don't really know why, but ever since I said what I said about Willow and the baby, I can't seem to forgive myself. I feel all the regret I tried to ignore, all come back. The baby had just added extra stress. I know that I accepted the baby, but its still a lot for me to handle. I am strong for Willow, but my anxiety was really high today. I had some dreams about my mom and how she left me, and thinking of that is frightening. I start to loose my mind. Trying to shake that thought out of my head. I let got of Willows hand. She looks into my eyes, "Oliver?"
I hear her muffled voice but I'm lost in the anxiety, "Oliver?" Willow asks with a sharper tone. She gets my attention, "I-I'm going to use the restroom" I get up from the chair and walk out of the room. I hear Willow ask the nurses to wait for me.
Am I really ready for this? I better be. I am, but my anxiety is stopping me from something happy. I walk into the restroom. No one is in there thankfully. I stare into the mirror looking at myself. My breathing gets heavier and I start to loose it. I am a dad, or I will be. I start to shake, and panic. Holding in the yell that wishes to come out.
I can't go back in there now. Not like this, I'm a mess. Gripping onto the sink, my eyes watering.
I've always been strong, why am I such a jerk now. "I left her again!" I yell at myself, "Whats wrong with me?!"
I feel like punching the mirror, but I manage to hold that in, "I'm not my mom!" I yell. Willow has every right to ask me questions. I have been acting gloomy and rude. I'm not part of my mom, so I need to stop acting like that person. I take a deep breath, remembering that I have to walk into that room again. I try to stop my racing heart.
Straighten up and walk out. I can't let my childhood get in the way of my wife and kid.
I shake it off as best as I can. Thinking of all the stupid excuses to come up with. I hesitantly open the door.
"Oliver what took you so long?!" Willow exclaims. I stutter, "There was a-a long line, sorry."
"Oh, okay, well the nurses were waiting."
I nod and try to slow down my breathing. Willow hears my heavy breaths, "Why are you breathing heavy Oliver? Is something-"
"No I'm fine" I reply trying to show a smile while I try to slow my breaths down. Willow looks away. The nurses get out the microphone looking thing, that scans over her stomach.

Willows POV
I watch with big eyes, hoping to hear the gender of the baby be called. The nurse keeps scanning my stomach. I lift my head off the pillow and watch the screen. I see the babies head, and the babies arms. I get teary looking at our baby, it looks so adorable. I look at Oliver. We make eye contact, he smiles, and I smile back.
"Congratulations" the nurse says, "Its a girl"
I gasp, "A girl?! Thats just what I wanted" I look to see Oliver's expression. He smiles, this time its an actual smile that I haven't seen in a while. Oliver wraps his arms around me, "I'm so happy Willow!"
I nod, "Me too Oliver!"
The nurses clean the gel off my stomach and then excuse Oliver and I. Oliver wraps his arm around me, "Willow I'm so excited" he smiles. We walk to the train station.
"Now for the names" I laugh.
"Not the names" Oliver jokes, "And the room, we haven't started on that"
"Well since your off from work tomorrow.." I grin. Oliver kisses my cheek, "I'll find some time."

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