Chapter 14 The proposal

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Ryes POV
Sitting on the grass, I examine the little black box which holds the ring. I can picture her ring finger wearing it until I replace it with a better one. The ring was a silver band, ten carats, and three square cut diamonds. I can just imagine her face lite up when I slip it into her finger. I know she'll love it.
I had a break off from training. Bree had gotten off earlier today. I told her to meet me at the private park near the garden. No one ever went there, most don't even know about it. It was very tranquil and calm, perfect for this special day.
I also told Bree to wear something dressy, but casual. I wore a white collared shirt, and khaki pants. For me thats pretty dressy. Of course Bree would wear something fancy even though I told her not to look like shes going to meet the president.
I brought some sandwiches and scones. Of course they weren't mine. I wouldn't dare to touch that oven because I'm that pathetic. But instead I got them from a delicatessen--Willows delicatessen. She had opened delicatessens and bakeries around some districts as well as here in the capital. It was practically brand new, and I thought I would buy it from her store, since shes the best cook I've ever known, and most of the recipes are from dads secret recipe book, and his food is probably the best thing you'll ever taste. Anyway, back to Bree and I.. She should be coming to meet me under the willow tree.
I see her walking in the distance. I smile to myself, "Bree I told you not to go all out on your outfit" shes wearing a flowing flower dress. I can't help but stare. She sits down in front of me, "Rye when do we have picnics together?" she grins. I grin along with her. We stare into each others eyes. I get lost in her looks: in her dress, her hair, her eyes!
"I-I have some sandwiches" I say breaking the romantic silence. Her eyes get big, "Rye, you made them?"
I laugh, "No, I bought them from my sisters delicatessen."
Her big eyes fade away but her smile stays. She laughs a little, "Well its the thought that counts" she smiles.
"I could've cooked, but I don't think that would turn out good" I laugh. I open the basket and serve each other the sandwiches wrapped in white paper. I keep he scones still in the basket to save for later.
Bree unwraps hers carefully examining the strong scented sourdough and turkey sandwich. "Hope you like tomatoes" I say. She nods, "I love them"
"Oh and I asked for no iceberg lettuce since your allergic" I say.
"Aw Rye" she stares into my eyes, "Thanks thats nice of you"
I smile and bite into my sandwich. I still feel stupid for not making my own lunch for her. "How was work today bug?"
She takes a bite of her sandwich, "I had to stitch up leg" she replies, "And give some shots."
I shiver at the thought, "Lets not talk about that" I laugh. Bree agrees, "How was your day off?" she swallows.
"Great! Finally just some relaxing." I reply. We eat silently. The sandwich tastes just like if Willow made it. The same recipe she got from dad. Bree and I enjoy every bite of it.
"Did you like it baby?" I ask. She wipes her mouth off with a napkin, "Fantastic of course" she smiles.
"Was it because of Willows talents?" I smirk.
"Well Willow is a talented cook" she answers. I agree, "Shes the best"
Bree looks down and sighs, "Rye"
I gulp, please don't say anything about breaking up! Please don't say it, please..
"I don't know if you're ready for anything more then just boyfriend, girlfriend, but.. I don't know.. Maybe I am."
I don't say a thing. I don't want to agree with her and blow the whole thing. "Rye what do you think?" she asks, "I mean I know that you're only 18 and a half, and I'm only 19 and a half, but maybe we could work something out."
I pretend to agree with her, "I know Bree, but-"
"Sorry" she sighs, "This isn't the right time to have brought this up."
"Its fine" I smile. Bree smiles too. She takes my hand, "We will go further right?"
"How far?" I ask trying to keep the gulp inside. She looks into my eyes, "A family maybe."
I stare at her not really knowing what to say, "Me too.. But Bree thats a whole other story. We have to figure out all the-"
"I know" she interrupts, "Its just that your sister is having a baby and I want to imagine us like that too--in years of course."
I grin, "Girl or boy?"
She shrugs, "I'd like a son."
"Yea, me too" I agree. We stare into each others eyes, just getting lost. Suddenly I remember the scones, "Do you want some dessert?"
"Theres dessert?" she asks with wide eyes. I nod, "Of course there is. Its no fun without it" I grab the scones and give one to each of us, "Before you eat it" I warn smirking, "I found a little note." I hand her a piece of paper folded up. I watch her reaction as she takes it and reads it. I reach inside my pocket to get ready to whip out the box, "Read it aloud" I tell her.
"Okay" she replies, "W-" she freezes and looks up at my smiling face. I nod, "Go on"
She starts to shake with happiness, "Will y-you m-m-arry m-me?" she throws the paper to the ground, tears rolling down her cheeks. I get on my knee and pour my feelings out onto her, "Bree Hamington, I love unconditionally and my feelings for you will never vanish.. Every time I think of you I get that tingly feeling inside and I don't know how to describe the joy I feel with you.. I love you baby! So, will you marry me?"
Bree snivels and shakes as she stares at the ring. I wait for her response. She starts nodding, "Yes Rye of course!!" she jumps up and down. I laugh with happiness as I slip the sparkling ring onto her milky white finger. "I-Its dazzling!!" she cries. I draw her into my chest and caress her head, "I love you baby" I smile.
"Thank you Rye! I'm overwhelmed with happiness!"
I press my lips against hers. She runs her hands through my hair, "That sounds good!" she says.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"Bree Mellark" she replies smiling.

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