Chapter 5 Her day (pt 3)

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Willows POV
I drape my arms around dads neck. He holds my waist. We waltz around along with the others. I look away from dads smile, and I glance at mom and Mr. Abernathy. I rest my head on dads shoulder.
"When we get to our house for the party, I have something for you" Dad says. "Like what?" I smirk. Dad grins, "You'll see"
I roll my eyes playfully. Dad spins me around, "You're a beautiful dancer Willow"
"I've had a lot of practice out here."
"I remember you dancing when you were little"
"Oh god no dad" I laugh.
"You were good! Better then me.."
"Oh dad" I laugh. I rest my head on dads shoulder again. The music gets goes from waltz to quick step. I look around at the dancing. Oliver's uncle, Vick, and his granddaughter dance. He spins her around in his hands. She squeals and laughs. I take a deep breath thinking of my own children. Thinking of Oliver and what he would think of them. Rye and Oliver are talking. Oliver glances at me. I smile at him. He waves back.
I look into dads eyes. They are watery. "Dad please don't cry"
Dad laughs, "I know, I'm fine.. I'll miss you though"
His eyes fill with more water, "I'll still going to be here dad.."
"Speaking of that Willow" dad sighs, "You're still going to work at the bakery right?"
"Oh yea, of course dad" I smile.
"Did you learn a lot in culinary school?"
"Oh a lot!" I reply, "It was very fun.." I laugh, "I remembered your tips on pastries, and how to keep them fluffy and light, and how to cut the croissants into a triangle"
"What about that one important rule?" dad grins. I struggle to find the answer, "Uhh.. Oh! Cooking takes patience.. right?"
Dad shakes his head, "Nope"
I try one more time, "Always sprinkle love into it!"
Dad laughs, "Good!"
"You used to tell me that when I was five" My eyes fill with water remembering all the fun memories of us.
"Remember that one time when-"
Tears roll down my cheeks and I wrap my hands around dad's back. Dad rubs my back, "Mockingjays don't cry" dad laughs. I look at him and nod, "Thanks dad!" I lean to give him one more hug, "You're the best!"
Dad pats my back, "How about we go sit down?"
I sniffle, "Sure"

Katniss POV
Haymitch and I continue waltzing, "You did an amazing job marrying them Haymitch"
"Thanks sweetheart" Haymitch pauses to think, "She's a beauty!"
"Oh Willow" I pause, "I know, she's everything to me."
Haymitch and I look around at the others dancing. I glance at Peeta and Willow laughing together. I smile to myself. Out of nowhere the thought of Haymitch comes to me. He's so old.. This could be his very last wedding. My eyes water thinking of that. He's just like my dad.
Finally the music starts to slow down.
"I-I think its ending" I say. Haymitch slowly takes his hands off my waist, "That was great dancing with you sweetheart" Haymitch smiles. The music ends.
Haymitch and I walk to the chairs. I hold his hand and walk slower so he can catch up.
Peeta gathers up everyone and we all walk to our house for the party. Haymitch and I walk slowly behind everyone else. I give him my hand to hold on to so he has balance when he walks.

Once we all get to our house everyone makes themselves at home. I'm surprised that Gale and his huge family can all fit in our small house. Peeta and I decorated the whole house last night. I cleaned it until it was sparkling. Peeta takes the cake out and gathers everybody around the kitchen. He cuts the cake into good sized pieces. Peeta made his signature cake: marble cake, with cream cheese frosting, and strawberries. Peeta gives the biggest slices to Willow and Oliver.
Everyone socializes with each other: talking, laughing, its great. Peeta takes out more sweets he made at the bakery. Those are snatched up quickly.
Before we all open presents, Peeta takes Willow away into the hallway. I hope she'll like it.

Willows POV
Dad calls me to the hallway. I follow him. I have no idea what he's doing. "Wait outside me room" he orders. I stay there bewildered, and anxious to see what it is. When he walks out he's only carrying a box. Its wide, but thin. Some type of frame. He hands it to me. He winks, "the surprise"
"Okay.." I reply bewilderedly. I glance at his face. He's grinning, "Open it, go ahead"
I shrug and take off the paper wrapping. Theres a blank canvas. I stare at it dully. Dad starts cracking up, "Flip it over"
I laugh at my stupidity. When I flip it over my laughing stops. My eyes fill with tears, "Dad"
He stares into my eyes, "I drew that when you were five.. When you were dancing in the meadow."
"And you kept this that long?" I sniffle. Dad nods, "I planned it all out"
"D-dad its beautiful!" my eyes water. I run my hands over the beautifully drawn picture. Its me dancing in the meadow. The details are outstanding. I feel myself inside the picture.
"I hope you enjoy it Willow" he smiles. My chin quiver and I lean to hug him, "I do! I love it!"
Dad and I release, "Now lets go open your presents" he says. I thank him one more time. I set the picture down on the table and walk to the living room full of guests. Dad announces that we will be opening the presents.
Oliver and I sit on the couch together.
We pick up the first present, its from the Abernathy's. I notice the beautiful wrapping, "Who wrapped this?" I ask.
Mrs. Abernathy shoots up, "Oh me!"
"Its beautiful!"
"Thanks dear" Mrs. Abernathy blushes. I unwrap it even though its almost to beautiful to touch. Everyone watches closely. The first thing is a chest. Its gorgeous! The wood is perfectly polished. It has a heart lock. I pull out the key that comes along with it, "This will be great for storage" I say.
"Oh dear" Effie laughs, "It's for the children"
My smile fades. I look at Oliver, "Give me it honey"
I hand it to Oliver. I'm sure that children are the last thing on his mind right now. I fake a smile at Mrs. Abernathy, "It was lovely thanks!"
Theres still one more thing: a teddybear. I'm guessing for the children too. I look into his eyes. He looks back into mine as if he's trying to tell me something, but I can't make it out. I look away from Oliver and thank the Abernathy's.
Then its the Hawthorne's. I get a lot from them: towels, silverware, accessories, kitchen supplies.
Mom and dad give me more house supplies that will be very useful. Rye gave me a card, he couldn't buy anything because he was busy with the military. He wrote a very thoughtful letter though.
After that was over, we all talk for a little bit more. I ask Rye about the military. He says its going great, and that he is doing great in it.
Everyone starts to get tired. I get tired of being in my heavy dress. Oliver puts his arm over me. The guests start to leave. Gales family leaves. Mom and dad take down some more of the the decorations.

Katniss POV
Haymitch and Effie are still here, along with Gale, Willow and Oliver. Effie and Haymitch get tired, "Well we better get going Katniss" Effie says. I turn around to hug her. Haymitch walks to me and hugs me, "Thanks for inviting us sweetheart"
I rub his back, "Will you be okay if you walk home Haymitch?"
Haymitch laughs, "I'm not that damn old!"
"Haymitch! Language!" Effie scolds. Haymitch and Effie walk to the door. Peeta and I wave goodbye as they walk out.
"Thanks for everything Katniss!" Effie yells.
"Come anytime!" Peeta yells. We watch them leave. Peeta shuts the door. Gale walks towards me, "Hey Katniss?"
"Thanks for everything! L-like I couldn't imagine what I would do without you"
"Well its not like I do much-"
Gale hugs me. I'm not really expecting it, but I hug hm back. "Its time for me to leave now" he says, "but thanks again. I've never seen my son this happy"
I nod, "Same with Willow"
Gale gets his hat and puts it on, "Bye Katniss" he smiles, "Bye Peeta"
Peeta and I say goodbye. Gale walks to Oliver and says goodbye, "Love you Oliver"
"Love you too dad" Oliver says. Gale walks out. Willow and Oliver get off from the couch, "Thanks for the presents mom, and dad. They were great!"
"Aw thanks Willow" we say. Willow and Oliver hug each of us. They grab the bags of presents. I kiss Willow goodbye. Peeta does the same.
"Take care of her Oliver" Peeta pats Oliver's back. "Yes Peeta, I will protect her with my life.. Oh and thanks again for everything. This was great!"
"No problem Oliver" Peeta and I say.
"Thanks for the dress mom" Willow smiles.
"It was nothing Willow"
"Bye sis" Rye says, "Goodbye Oliver"
Oliver and Rye say goodbye. We all wave goodbye as they walk off. Rye gets packing since he has to go back to the military tomorrow.
Peeta and I continue to take the decor down.

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