Chapter 31 We're ready

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The biggest day of Bree and I's life was today. The wedding. Bree had gotten her dress, I had gotten my tux. It was all a blur, and it was happening. Nervous, and anxious I was. But extremely happy and lucky to be getting married to the perfect wife. I'd never thought I'd have one this perfect, but yet perfect in my eyes. Every single one of her flaws are beautiful in there own way. I'm the only one to find them to appealing, but I love her unconditionally and everything we did and even got carried away on, was worth it, because now when I look into her eyes I see the story that we both created--together. A story that no other couple in the entire world will relate to. We both have our on problems but I rather go through them with her and watch us become even more familiar with ourselves.. She's entirely gorgeous! Not just her personality but her adorable laugh, and her love for me. I'll never in my right mind be able to love anyone else.. For all eternity I'll love her more then I even love myself. Whether that means a life or death situation. I'll be the one to be there for her in rough times and the one to stand by her side, and never let her out of my sight.
My baby Bree, God do I adore her. I get emotional thinking of her sometimes. It's like I get all tingly when I kiss her, it's like a--a magical feeling deep down inside that I just can't explain.
She's my baby girl. My Bree.

My buddies and I were getting ready in one of the extra rooms next to where the ceremony is. Its outside, peaking over that wonder balcony from the mansion. Mom and dad have been there. They mentioned something about when they waltzed there for the Quarter Quell.
Bree is in the other room that on the opposite side. You have to walk outside to the patio to reach the room she's in. I know she'll be more than gorgeous! I can't wait to kiss her soft lips..
It tempts me, just thinking of what she looks like. I wish I could see now.
The groomsmen were wearing a white tux, same with the bridesmaids. That was Bree's choice. We argued over it one night.. Now that I think of it, it's funny. I stop myself from laughing out loud.
Rebel, who was accidentally shot in practice, just came out of the hospital about a week ago. He was so pale and weak compared to his usual self, but it was really awesome he came to see the wedding. I awarded him as best man since he made so much effort to come when it was unexpected.
He walks up to me, "How do I look?"
I Laugh, "The white tux matches your skin"
He rolls his eyes, "Least I didn't get-"
I cut him off, "Lets be nice before something bad happens" I smirk, "But that tux complements you" I smile. He takes a look himself, "Yea, you're right"
Someone lays their hand on my shoulder--it's Cade.
"Wish you luck out there" he smiles. I sigh nervously, "Thanks. I just don't want to mess up."
"Mess what up?" He laughs. "I don't know, I'm nervous"
"Rye, when are you nervous?? You're like the most easy going guy I've ever known"
I roll my eyes avoiding what he said but also agreeing, "Do I look good?"
He nods without hesitation, "Bree would approve!"
"Good, as long as Bree would" I smile thinking of her,"I hope she'll like present I got her."
"She'll be in love with it, especially since she'll need it soon"
"I can't wait! I'm going to be a dad!" I exclaim. Cade nods,"Iris and I really want to have a couple girls"
"Good luck" I joke.
Dash clears his throat, "We have exactly ten minutes"
"Ten minutes?!!"
"Yes, ten minutes" he replies. I haven't even gelled my hair back, but I leave it fleek and fluffy like I always used to wear it.. I should since I've been growing it out sometime. I grab the cologne bottle and spritz it all over my tux, adjust the bow tie, boost my self confidence by looking in the mirror, and wait with the rest of the groomsmen. Everyone I know will be there: my family, Bree's family, her friends and their boyfriends, my friends and their girlfriends. I sneak a look outside--everyone is sitting down, socializing.
Byron looks me in the eye, "Almost Rye"
I take a deep breath, "I'm ready, I'm ready to see my new wife."

Bree's POV
I remember breathing exercises, just because I'm extremely nervous, although I want this. I wanted this day for my whole life.. Little did I know I'd find the most humorous, most relatable, most sweet down to earth guy--Rye.
My dress hugs me pretty tightly. It's slim and elegant, it's a magnificent dress. With a enormous price. It's worth it, this is the only time I'll get to dress up this much anyway. My tiny three month bump is somewhat unnoticeable. You can't even notice it. Rye and I decided to tell everyone about this amazing miracle we were blessed with--the baby. I told my grandparents and it spread throughout my tiny family. My family isn't a significant number by far, I guess it's enough. At least I have family..
Rye told his family--I've never heard someone that happy before. They were so enthusiastic!
I snap back into reality when my aunt calls my name. I stare into the mirror, hoping that Rye will love my extravagant makeup and hair. The eye makeup brings out the contrast in my golden eyes.
I turn to face her, "Yes?"
"It's ready, you're ready to go out there and get lost in Rye."
I laugh a little, "I wouldn't say get lost in him."
"All kisses you get lost in" she smiles. I agree on that.
"When do I-"
She interrupts me, "Now"
My eyes widen, "You mean as in right now?"
"Yes Bree cmon"
I take in breaths of air, trying to calm down, but it's no use. Once I see Rye standing at the podium I'll loosen up, but as of right now, walking out, being the enter of attention, which I hate. That's the scariest part!
The bridesmaids walk out, one by one. My grandpa meets me to walk me down the decorated isle. Grasping onto his hand, consoling my emotions as best as I can, we step out. I force a smile, but once I catch one glimpse of my sexy husband I almost loose all balance. He does that one smile I absolutely adore, and I can't help but fall in love!

I know I said I couldn't write hahaha, but I was bored during the long plane ride and I figured why not.. So I guess if I can find any time to actually update it then I will.. But I'm afraid I won't be able to since I'll be a typical tourist and site see everything lol, anyway thanks :)
And qotd: what is the gift?

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