Chapter 66 Peeta and I

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Katniss POV
(Rye and Bree had left two months ago)
Peeta and I are doing good. He still cooks everything, and I hunt when I'm not complaining about my knee problems. God why am I so old? Some people wish to be young again; I don't! I would never go back to my youth. Maybe when Peeta and I were married and had a family, but nothing before.. That time was to hard to even think about.

Since Gale was the only one to actually talk to, (Haymitch and Effie had passed away) we would always meet together, and sometimes even Gale and I would hunt like before.
Everything is coming around. I know I say that all the time, but in all honesty, it is. Sometimes I envy our kids being born in such a good time.
Peeta and I will always have nightmares and flashbacks. His has gotten worse now, and mine are off and on, but when they happen its bad!
Peeta and I didn't have much planned today. He didn't have any work and I didn't either, like always.
Peeta walks to the couch and joins me. He grabs the remote and flips the channel to his shows. Just out of curiosity I snatch it from him and flip to the capitol news.
"Hey what was that?" Peeta lowers his eyebrows. I shrug, "I just wanna see."
Peeta sighs realizing I'm dragging myself into this channel again, "Katniss why-"
I silence him and watch closely. "Wonder whats going to happen when we die" I laugh, "Its not like they can bring us back to have interviews."
Peeta shakes his head, "You must really hate them.", and I do. It talks about Rye and Willow. Just brief pictures of the "lovers children". Its all so pathetic. "Who honestly watches this?" Peeta rolls his eyes.
"Low lifed m-"
Peeta silences me to prevent me from ranting. I change the channel and watch some of Peeta's shows. "Ooo I need to try that!" Peeta points to the recipe showing on the hologram. I rest my arm around Peeta's neck, "What will we do today?"
He turns to face me, "Its just the morning..."
"Yeah and? Lets do something."
He thinks in a deep thought, "Hunt"
"Already did that yesterday.. Theres not much right now." I reply thinking. Peeta gets up and walks away. I sit their confused until he comes back with a book. "Can you guess?" he grins. Peeta sets the book on my lap. I see the title "Memory book" I wouldn't ever turn down this book, for nothing. Even if the world was ending, I'd still sit on the couch and look through it.
I open the first page thats hanging on by a thread of fiber. Its so old, but it makes it even more special. I smile at Prim, "Imagine her all grown up now."
Peeta puts his arm over me, "Its like a walk through memory lane" he smiles.
"Look" I point, "Remember?"
"Our wedding! Of course." Peeta says, "Oh and that one"
I smile, "Willows first day." Theres so many emotions looking through this book. Some pictures it makes me laugh, and some it makes me cry inside. Theres a separate chapter about all the ones we lost after the games--like mom and Haymitch and Effie.
My eyes water looking at mom in the painting Peeta created. Its like as if she were just in our house.. I know I would've lost her anyway, but I lost her to early, and from cancer. Its a silent grief almost. I flip to Haymitch and Effie.
"R-remember?" I quiver. Peeta nods, "If only.. If only they were still here."
I try to shrug it off but it hurts so much. Effie and Haymitch were buried here along with all the others that lived in 12. Then after that chapter, its all about the kids. Rye and Willow again. But older.
Rye and his first bow, Willow and her prim doll. Then their teen years. Willow and Oliver, their wedding. Then Rye leaving, him and Bree, then their wedding.
We spend hours looking through this old book. Once we reach the end, theres one blank page left. It seems so lonely--out of every page in this whole book, this one is left out.
"We added so many pictures and drawings, and yet theres one blank page." Peeta scratches his head. "We should decorate it"
"Not me" I demand. Peeta laughs, "I can add to it" he runs to his room to get his art supplies. He comes out holding my bow, "Hold it"
"What?" I question.
"Stand up, and hold the bow in position" he instructs. So I do. I don't know what Peeta wants to do, but of course he'll do an excellent job at whatever it is. I stay there in that uncomfortable position forever.
Peeta focuses so hard on what he's doing, it almost gives me a headache. "You can relax now" he says. I sigh in relief and sit down on the couch. He shows me the painting I'm eager to see--its amazing!
"So realistic" I gasp, "Its just.. Wow!"
He laughs, "Now I will paint myself"
"How?" I question.
"I think I know how I look like" he gets working on it and uses the mirror to capture his facial appearance. I watch closely and even stand behind him, watching how anyone could be this good of an artist.
He finishes an hour later and then without any relaxing goes straight into Willow, standing right next to him in the picture. "Its a portrait right?" I ask.
"Yup" he answers shortly. Not because he's mad, but because he wants to stay in focus and pure concentration to remember all of Willows features and looks. Its partly easy since she looks like each of us.
When he finishes he draws Rye next to me. Since Rye looks so much like Peeta, its a pretty easy draw. "Almost done" he says, "Just gotta add the background and things."
I nod and patiently wait to see the complete painting.
Finally after another hour of just background work, then he hands it to me, "Its a family portrait"
I just want to cry, its so amazing. Theres a modern portrait of us. Willow and Peeta have aprons and mixing bowls in their hands, meanwhile Rye and I have bows. Its by far my favorite picture Peeta's ever made!
We're all standing on the hill next to the waterfall. Its so artistic! I would've never thought of it.
Peeta points to the caption underneath. It reads: Mellark family forever
Written in Peeta's neat cursive.
I cannot thank him enough. In fact I thank him the whole day.. Not just for the portrait, but for absolutely everything he's done for me and the family.
We've had a great life together..

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