Chapter 63 Roselyn's day

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Willows POV
Oliver and I walk back to Roselyn's school, holding Lily's hand while we go.
Once we reach the front doors we let Lily roam around on the swing sets and slides.
Roselyn just started learning about the games. I had already told her about her grandparents in the games and she took it confidently. She loved bragging about it. Defiantly not how I reacted when I first found out. I'm just hoping that she'll adjust to it better then I did, and never go into the depth I went into. I hope the same for Lily.
"Member that willow tree" Oliver points. I nod, "That was 'our' tree."
"I miss those days" he sighs.
I shake my head, "Not me.. I mean with you yes, but-"
He interrupts me, "Because of me you're still here." he pulls me in closer. I plant a kiss on his cheek, "Thanks"
The cold snow nips at my skin. Its awfully white out here--I'm surprised the kids actually had to go to school today. "I wonder how mom and dad are doing.." I say, "Hows Gale?"
"Ah, we got in that argument again.. That same old argument time and time again--About mom. But you know, its all good..."
"You know he loves you Oliver"
Oliver nods, "Yes I do. I know he does, but we always have conflict."
"Two strong personalties, thats all."
He smirks, "Thats why your mom and my dad didn't match."
"But he'll always be your dad no matter what Oliver. You can't ignore him because of all this. We all have a crisis here and there.. But has he stopped you from having a family? No. Its hard for him too. But unlike you he has to show it differently, and he blames it on you.. Thats just because he's angry with himself. How about you talk to him more, interact with him. You'll never have another dad again Oliver."
He looks into my eyes, "You know, you're right! If I could adjust my temper, and be caring, maybe we'll be able to communicate." He kisses my lips, "Thank you!"
I shrug, "Its nothing Oliver.. We help each other, because thats what you and I do."
The loud school bell rings, excusing all of its students. We step out of the way and get Lily from the swings. The kids are like a stampede--a never ending stampede.
Finally we spot Roselyn with her many friends. She sees us and tells her friends goodbye so she can run and hug us. "Mommy! Daddy!" she leaps into Oliver's arms, "We learned lots today!"
Shes defiantly like me when I was little: Enthusiastic. She has the talkative gene from dad. "Oh really like what?" I ask. Her eyes get big, "Grandma! S-shes the mockingjay! Or used to be the mockingjay."
"You're already learning about that?" Oliver asks. She shakes her head, "No"
"Then who told you?" I question.
"My friend who is in forth grade. We hung out together and she read me somethings out of her history book." Roselyn replies, "I will call Grandma Mockingjay" she giggles.
Oliver carries Lily and we get on the walk. Its about fifteen minutes.
Once we get back Roselyn talks all about her day: upcoming math test (which shes very good in), her mean teachers, how her 'crush' talked to her today, and the unexpected A+ in grammar.
Then we offer to help her with homework, but she refuses to have help and must absolutely do it herself.
Meanwhile Lily is eager to take a nap pronto before she starts throwing a fit. I lay her down her in bed, but she doesn't want that so I make a bed for her on the ground.. Kids can be so complicated and so tiring!
And treat you like slaves most of the time, but in the end, seeing them grow up is the best thing in the world.

(hours later)

I get ready for dinner and create this complex dish just to test my 'luck' and surprisingly it works! And surprisingly the kids like it.
Shortly after dinner I put Roselyn to sleep as Oliver puts Lily to sleep. Oliver and I stay up at least a couple more hours until I supposedly fall asleep (I don't remember anything though) on the couch and as Oliver tells me, he carried me to our bedroom..
Ohh the things husbands will do for their wives..

Sorry if this was kinda a short chapter, I just wanted to keep on including Willow and Oliver and of course their new family..
Well this is it. Almost finished with this book!

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