Chapter 35 Its Bree

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Two month had passed. Bree and I had left the Capitol mansion after three weeks of vacation there. It was a nice experience. Bree loved it. We had gotten back to work. Bree nursing, and I flying. Soaring everyday through the air. It's a great way to work.
I had just tested out another plane--bombing some of the dirt to see how to bombs work. Byron had helped build some of the bombs. It went good so far. I had two more to test. Still iffy about testing planes, after what happened five months ago.. But I still do my duty.
I hop into another, closing everything, putting my oxygen mask on, flipping stitches left and right. Accelerating rapidly, at full speed. I'm airborne within a few seconds. Byron watching from below along with the commander and the three nurses. I look of the right of the window--Cade is taking off in the second plane. "Cade what are you doing that was my plane." I joke. I can picture him shrugging, "Whoops" he laughs, "The commander said I should"
I roll my eyes, "Okay"
"Wheres Bree? She was just watching you.." Cade questions. Suddenly I remember--she was watching from below.. But why not now? "I'm sure she's fine.." I say, iffy about it. She never leaves when shes watching me.. The nurses can't, they always have to stay incase of emergency situations. I shrug and look out into the cloudy sky. Its so calm here, up in the sky. I look off to my shoulder. Iris and Reese are both gone now.. Three nurses, gone. For what?
"Your wife left too" I say to Cade.
"Thats strange." he replies through the intercom. I agree, "Bathroom breaks?" I ask. "Nah" Cade replies, "They only leave if its really important.. Extremely important"
I shrug trying to ignore whats going on down there, "Drop the bombs?" I smirk.
"Go for it" Cade replies. Both of us drop the bombs down into the dirt. The explosions create massive storms of dust on the ground. Cade drops a huge one, "Did you see that?!" flames escape from the ground.
I roll my eyes, "Just burn up the whole practice range" I say sarcastically. Cade laughs, "I didn't expect it to be that big"
I'm about to talk into the speaker when the commander cuts in unexpectedly, "Mellark!"
"Listen the fire is from Cade, I wasn't in part of that this time.." I say. The commander hushes me, "I'm not talking about that.." his voice alarmed, "Its your wife, i-its Bree."
My eyes widen, "Whats wrong with her?!"
"She was taken to the hospital.. Something about her back.. She couldn't move."
"Sure she wasn't going into labor?" I panic.
"I don't know, the other nurses rushed her to the helicopter."
I nod, trying to maintain my panic. Disconnect the commander and Cade from my speaker. I don't feel like talking at the moment.. All I about is my wife.

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