Chapter 50 Bad news

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Ryes POV
A month had passed since all that fighting happened. The commander let me come back after a couple days. He also got in trouble for what he did to Dash and I. Theres a rumor going around that he gave Dash a black eye.
I got in trouble of course, but at least we both got in trouble. The commander wasn't that hard on me anymore. He learned his lesson, but he's still rude. He was pretty impolite when I first walked back into his territory. I was patient with him for once. And I've decided I will stay there, it was meant to be as Bree said.
But along with good news always comes bad news: I have to leave the capitol for two whole years. District 13 needs some help since they are shorthanded. They are also planning on building more bombs for jets. Making jets too, and they want me and some others, along with Byron, Dash, and Cade, to build a bomb. I've never really thought of making a bomb, but I had a A+ in science and math every year since kindergarten.
Its good news for me, but not for Bree or the twins; I'll be missing their birthday parties, and just watching them grow up. They'll already be able to walk and talk by the time I get back. The worst part is I have to explain it to Bree.
After I walk back from work, to Bree who is still staying home with our twins.
Once I step into the house, the table is set up. The twins are sitting on their highchairs, and Bree's sitting in her chair. "How was work?" she smiles.
"Good" I kiss her lips, "Dinner?"
"We.. Uh didn't have much in the fridge so I made some salad." she replies. "Oh thats fine honey." I reply sitting down next to Rey. "W-whats wrong?" she asks munching on her salad.
"How were the twins?" I try my hardest to stay away from the bad news as of right now. She lowers her eyebrows, "Rye, what happened?"
I shrug, "Nothing" I say suspiciously. Her eyebrows lower more, "Rye I asked-"
"I asked about the twins Bree, how were they?"
She rolls her eyes, "Rey slept most of the day. Hunter kept me up all day from throwing fits." she replies shortly. "Now Rye you're scaring me, what happened?" she demands. I eat my salad viscously.
"Rye Mellark! I swear if you don't answer me-"
"Okay, okay.. I just wanted to finish dinner and then tell you but... I have to go away for work."
She drops the fork on her plate, "Where?"
"District 13"
"Thats across Panem...How long?"
"Two years"
She gasps, "T-two?!" I can see tears fill up into her eyes, "Rye do you know how much will happen in two years?!" she pauses, taking sometime to get her voice back. "The twins will be two!"
I nod sorrowfully. "I planned on having something special for their first birthday." she sobs, "And my birthday and yours too."
She leaves the table. I follow her and stop her from going into the bedroom. She grabs onto me, "Aren't you sad?" she cries into my shirt. I nod, "I am" I reply shortly to prevent my voice from shaking.
"You know I would do anything to stay with you... But I can't, I'm so sorry." I can feel my voice quaver.
"Its the twins too." she replies sniveling.
"Look on the bright side: You still have two months with me." I reply.

What do you think about Rye leaving?

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