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The king and queen alongside their three children stares at the white haired five year old child.

She was void of emotions, her ocean blue and brown eyes staring at the floor knowing all too well that looking directly through their eyes might end her.

Not that she minds.

She lost her head two lives ago after she decided to look directly at the king's eyes.

This was her twenty fourth life and by now she was sick of living. Her first ten years she continued to love and care, wanting to find happiness but after realizing that she'll soon lose it anyways she loved less. Cared less.

All those memories kept in her mind and sometimes she lose herself remembering them, forgetting which life she is in at the moment.

"Child the king has asked you a question." A strict voice shook her out of her thoughts.

"Your grace?" She meekly said, wanting to sound innocent considering she was only five.

King robbert snickered in amusement at her cluelessness  before repeating his question.

"What's your name child?"

She ponders.

Different names going through her mind before she remembers which one was right.

"Valeria, your grace. Valeria Sand." She finishes.


Joffrey, the first prince, currently eight year old. Snickered at valeria as she secretly played with tommen and myrcella.

If there was something that she would continue to enjoy throughout the repeating cycle of being reborn. It was childhood. The games, being coddled and cared for without a care in the world.

She was contented that she was reborn to a somehow decent life. Her last life she didn't even get to play games, she started working right away.

"Why would you two even play with that monster anyway?" Joffrey retorted suddenly at his siblings as he tried twirling his wooden sword only for it to tumble and fall to the ground.

"Monster?" Six year old myrcella asked in confusion as she turned to him.

"Yes. Do you see her eyes? Only monsters have two disgusting eye color for each eye." He said proudly nodding his head at valeria.

Valeria sighed in annoyance, secretly.

It's been a few months since she was shipped to kings landing after her mother was found and killed. As a symbol of the dorne's bowing to king robert they sent her as a gift.

To be slaughtered.

She was Targaryen after all.

But strangely, the king gave mercy to her. She was somehow not considered to be a true born targaryen because of her being a bastard—her mother and father's marriage was void after they were caught. She was tainted as he said. And her eyes were somehow proof of this.

But she couldn't care less. As long as she gets to keep her head. Considering she's been losing it for the past five lives.

"I like her eyes. I think it's pretty" little tommen said meekly as his fingers grazed her cheeks, close to her eyes, in wonder.

Her heart warms at this. Precious. should i keep him safe in my pocket?.

"That's because your stupid" joffrey lamely retorted as he rolled his eyes.

Psychopath. I should get on his good side if I want to continue living in the future. She thought.

"I like your eyes joffrey. I heard green symbolizes royalty-" it does not. "- it's very fitting for the future king" she said cutely with a large innocent smile.

A light blush spreads against his face as ego and proudness struck his chest, and with that she knew she already has him around her pinky.

He nods approvingly with a large smile almost making Valeria snicker as he grabbed his sword claiming that he should practice for his soon 'kingly' duties.

Green most definitely not symbolizes royalty. It symbolizes death though.

She turns back to the two royals once again, picking her doll so they could continue to play. "Let's play!" She squealed excitingly as the two smiled at her once again.

Throughout the six months she's been in kingslanding she had slowly gained joffrey's 'kindness', from getting pranked to only being called monster due to her eyes. She'd say this is a great development for his treatment to her.

Considering that he hurts her less physically now.

But when it comes to the other two royals, she'd say that their completely wrapped around her.

Secret play dates and late night secret picnics on tommen's bed.

"Oh no! A dragon! Save me prince tommen!" She squealed out as myrcella's doll riding a dragon ran after her.

Tommen laughed alongside myrcella before running after the two with a wooden sword in hand.

"Don't fear, my lady i will save you!" His tiny voice proudly said in contrast to it's meekness earlier.

The three ran and played without a care before laying down on the warm soft carpets in exhaustion.

"I hope mother comes home late from her trip with uncle" myrcella mumbled with a sigh knowing that her mother would not tolerate them playing with the white haired girl.

"Me too" tommen mumbled with his head laying on Valeria's stomach, legs tangled on top his sister's.

"We should play more tomorrow. Im leaving in a few days" valeria mumbled with a sigh of happiness.

She's scared with the idea of moving to the north.

Although it excites her.

She's closer to the wall. Something she hasn't been near at since her 13th life.

"I don't get why father is giving you away to the north." Tommen frustratedly said in anger.

"He seemed to be fond of you though, like my own little sister" myrcella stated with a giggle as the three of you sat up.

"I heard i was suppose to marry one of the starks-"

"What?" Tommen asked.

Myrcella nodded, remembering the two of them sneaking around the other day, accidentally overhearing the king.

"The king seemed to trust lord stark. And marrying me to the family might ensure no rebellions in the future" she tried explaining to her friend.

But he was child. He couldn't have understood.

His eyes watered rather cutely as he sniffs.

"B-but then you'd have to stay there forever! You should just marry me then we'll get to play all our lives!" He said sniffling making valeria giggle as myrcella fondles tommen's hair.

"I don't think that's how marriage works" myrcella confusedly said.

It most definitely does not.

Myrcella and Valeria laughed, comforting poor tommen as he clung on valera.

A knock on the door alerted the three though.

"Your grace, the queen has arrived."

One of the old nans warned the three, urging them to separate and get ready.

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