chapter 3- is it odd?

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Valeria, with no shame at all stated that she needed to pee. She might have an aged mind but she is still a child.

Vivian finally finishing attending to her scattered items, have come out of the carriage, giggling silently at her lady's words.

"Im terribly sorry my lady, my lord. We couldn't stop with the weather this bad, she might catch a cold so we decided to just hurry-"

Ned and catelyn laughed fondly at the child, "it's quite alright. Come child we should hurry in before you catch a cold." Catelyn fawned at her, gesturing to hold her hand.

Valerie gladly took her hand. Damn i need to piss so bad.

"-be sure to show our guests their quarters-" was what valerie last heard from ned as her and catelyn reached the nearest place she can pee on inside the huge castle.

Closing the door behind them catelyn squat down to her level to help her remove her fur coat.

The hood fell off, revealing her wonderful pale hair. Her rosy chubby cheeks, reddish lips. Catelyn's eyes traveled to hers and a small gasp was stuck to her throat.

Valerie was nervous at her reaction. What she would say about her eyes will alter the course of her life in the next tens of years.

"Do you find them scary my lady?" She nervously asked.

This seemed to snap Catelyn out of her daze. "W-what?"

"My eyes. Joffrey said only monsters have them" she stated with a hint of sadness in her voice.

Catelyn's heart warms at this, feeling guilty that she even stared.

"I-im not scared. I find them extraordinary." She said in awe.

"What's that?"

"It's beautiful my dear " she simply stated.

Valerie's lips tilted up into an adorable smile making catelyn smile fondly at her.

"But i really need to pee" valerie stated once again making catelyn laugh out.

"Alright let me help you."


"You should rest vivian" valeria stated as she settled down in her new room.

Vivian smiles as she finishes brushing Valeria's hair. "Are you sure you don't need me to stay my lady? Should i tuck you in?" She asked.

Valeria shook her head at her through the mirror with a smile on her lips, and with that vivian sighed gently then made her way to the door, bidding her lady goodnight.

As the door shut, valeria stood from the stool, shivering as she made her way to the windows.

The winds have calmed down earlier and it was oddly peaceful outside with a light fall of snow but still cold nonetheless.

Stupid Targaryen blood, I've lived beyond the walls before and the cold never bothered me one bit-

She waddled her way to the window and as she reaches for it- "hello!"

She jumped, a squeal stuck on her throat as a child around her age hung on top of her window.

She started hiccuping from the shock as she fumbled with his coat. "What are you doing! You might-hicc!- fall!" She panickedly said

With her tiny hands she grabbed his coat in a tight grip before pulling him inside much to bran's surprise.

They yelped as they toppled down on one another to the floor.

They both groaned in pain before their eyes opened, meeting each other.

Bran gasped quietly in confusion and wonder at her heterochromia eyes.

"Hicc!" She let out.

To this they both stifled a laugh before letting out a belly aching laugh at their current situation.

Valeria seemed to lose her hiccups as she breathes heavily, out of breath. "You're quite heavy. Do you mind?" She told him with a large smile.

"Oh." He let out in realization as he finally stood up before lending his hand out to help her up.

She gladly accepted and he pulled her up, even helping her pat off the dust on her dress.

"There." He mumbled in satisfaction giving her a smile.

How precious. She wondered.

She smiled back before turning to close her window.

"Im Bran. Brandon stark" he started as he stood behind her.

She turned to him, curtsying first before her sweet little voice spoke. "Im valeria. Valeria Sand, my lord"

He smiled at the way she addressed him. "You can call me bran." He suggested sweetly at her, rubbing his nape awkwardly.

Valeria giggled as she nods her head. "Then you can call me- uh I don't actually have a nickname" she realizes before giggling.

Bran giggled at her before nodding. "That's ok I'll make you one" he said enthusiastically.

She was almost shy at the way he kept staring right at her eyes and it confuses her why she was even shy about it.

"Is it odd?" She asked him.


"My eyes" she mumbled.

Bran immediately shook his head no. "It's my first time seeing two eye colors at once." He fumbled around his words. "It's pretty" he finishes.

She smiled at this.

Bran notices how she shivers a little so without a word he hurriedly pulled her to her bed, lifting her up a little to help her up. She just went with it without much restraint since she was feeling a little cold.

"Here" he mumbled before almost drowning her under the warm fur blankets. They both giggled as she trashed a little so she can pop her head out.

"I almost drowned!" She said with a small giggle to which he also laughed.

"I mean that was the goal-" a pillow hit his face immediately.

They both laughed, talking throughout the night with quiet giggles, small hand games and scary disturbing stories they both found interesting.

"How old are you ririe?" He asked suddenly.

"Oh. I turned six last week" to this he perked up with a boyish smile.

"I turned six a lot of weeks ago. Im older than you then" he teased to which she rolled her eyes playfully.

She yawned suddenly, her cute round cheeks puffing making him coo silently, he reached out pinched them and valeria seeing this, swatted his hand away before hiding under the covers.

"No" she stated. "My cheeks hurt already. You've been pinching them all night!" She mumbled under the covers.

He laughed at raising his hands. "Fine fine, i should go now and sleep though." He said with a yawn to which she nodded.

Bran went back to his room, through her window as she watched to make sure he didn't fall. And he didn't.

Once he waved a final good bye to her she finally went to her slumber, she sighed in tiredness knowing that memories of her past life will plague her as soon as she drifts of to sleep.

And so she slept.

It wasn't dreamless like she hoped. It never was.


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