chapter 38

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"i don't want to be like you" bran's voice echoed in the cave.

The raven sighed. "You wont. You wouldn't stay here as i did. You will leave eventually."

Bran's eyebrows furrowed at his words and before he can open his mouth his eyes traveled to where valeria was.

"What?" He mumbled as he saw her eyes pure white. "But you— your here?" He spouted as he turned to the raven.

How could valeria be in training when the blood raven wasn't there?.

"She's a fast learner" the raven spouted with a small smile as his eyes darted to the girl.

She could be warging for all he knows but he knew that she could already view the memories of the present.

All by her own. She wasn't stubborn enough to not leave when she has too.

Before bran could open his mouth Valeria gasped aloud. As soon as she regains her breath she immediately stumbled to stand up.

Legs bringing her into bran's embrace, her body heaves as her tears suddenly pours out. "What is it? What did you see?" Bran frantically asked her as he tried his best to comfort her.

"Its. Its myrcella she—" her voice cracked.

Those simple words and her reaction was enough for him to know what she saw. He sighs sadly as he wraps his arms around her.

"Shh. It'll be alright. No one can hurt her now" he says.

His heart clenches at her continous cries.

She sniffs after minutes and bran's continous rocking, "also. Kingslanding is shit at the moment"

Bran couldn't help but chuckle at her choice of words. "You can tell me later. You should mourn for now" he whispers lovingly at her as he wipes her tears away.

She sniffs, her cheeks puffing as she nodded.

He chuckles a little before his fingers slowly pinch her cheeks.

Just as he used to when they were mere kids.

Nostalgia hit her like a horde of horses, she couldn't help but lean onto his hand endearingly.

He still manages to calm her down despite the turmoil inside her..


The raven slept just as meera and hodor did. But bran couldn't sleep. He slowly sat up, his eyes darting to valeria as she slowly moves.

She'd always move around in her sleep.

He couldn't help but smile fondly, heart racing as his hands softly moves her pale hair away from her face.

But he froze when he saw her eyes wide open, her pupils gone.

She was having a vision? Warging?.

He didn't know what came over him but his palm softly came in contact with her soft reddish cheeks, his forehead leaning to rest onto hers.

Then he felt it. The force, pulling him in until his eyes rolled back.

Valeria's point of view.

I giggled as i watched fondly at the scene below.

This must be the first memory i visited that was in the past instead of the present. I don't even know if this is a vision or a dream.

But if this was a dream, i should be under that balcony with arya.

I watched as little bran shoots the arrow and miss, Ultimately groaning in annoyance, especially when robb and jon teased him.


How i miss him.

My eyes darted to lady catelyn and Ned. I can feel my heart clench. I miss them so much. I wish i could stay but i know I can't.

I could stay for a few hours more though.

I giggled again when i saw my little self sneakily hiding with arya behind the three boys.

I couldn't help but shake my head as i watched my self gush and stare at bran. "Was i that obvious?" I mumbled.

"I didn't know you were watching that time"

I flinched at the voice in surprise.

Because of my mannerism my eyes immediately darted down behind me. Expecting my husband to be on a chair or wagon, as he had been for years.

But i stopped as my eyes met with a pair of standing legs, my eyes slowly raked up until my eyes met the eyes of my one and only husband.

My breath hitched as my heart skipped a beat.

"I. You- you're-" I couldn't help but stutter in surprise that he was standing.

A cocky smile engulfs his face at my reaction. "Taller than you?" He teasingly said with raised eyebrows.

But i couldn't help but raised my head in amazement. "You can walk.." i excitedly said after i saw his excited gaze.

His hands softly touched my cheeks before he leaned in to give me a short chaste kiss.

I couldn't help but giggle when he peppers my face with kisses.

We both turned to look below again when laughs suddenly erupted, little bran had went to run after arya after her little stunt.

I laughed and so did bran as he hugged me from behind, "i really felt so stupid when i found out you were watching" he whispers.

She laughs at this.

Bran's eyebrows furrows when he watches her adorable little self grab his bow and arrow.

She joked with robb and jon before she loaded the arrow, and without even aiming she shot the arrow into the bullseye.

"You were so adorable" he mumbled as they walked down the stairs hand in hand, following Valeria's little self as she looks for bran.

"And i still am" she says with raised eyebrows to which bran only nods his head.

"Aww~ we were so adorable" valeria gushed as she watches the two children exchange their loving words.

She rested her head unto his shoulder as she sighs in content. "We were so young. Look at us now" she mumbles.

Bran smiles at her words as he looks down at her.

"You want a piggyback ride?"


"Bran! Slow down!" She said giggling as he ran, trying his best to avoid the people of winterfell.

She bounces on his back as he ran through the corridors before stopping at one door, heaving heavily with a smile as he laughs.

Nostalgia hit the two as he slowly opens the door and they were met with the familiar bed with it's fur blankets.

They spent their last months in winterfell inside this room. This was almost her room as much as it was his.

She sighs as she looks around. Feet clattering to move down from his back, and soon as she got down her feet had already taken her to The bed.

Dainty fingers slowly feeling the fur sheets, a smile rising to her face.

"We still have an hour and a half at most before we inevitably 'drown' in the past" she jokingly said to him as she met his eyes.

His eyebrows furrows as he digests her words. And then his eyebrows rose finally understanding her suggestion.

Excitement must've rose from his body unto his face as valeria laughs at the expression he was making.

"Well, we wouldn't want to drown now? We should make the best of our time"

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