chapter 11- the fall

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"the queen was so weird" bran stated making valeria laugh.

They were currently inside her room laying on her bed, doing their own thing. "Do you think the egg will hatch?" She suddenly asked looking up to him from her book.

Her head laid on his thighs as he sat up. It was the usual position you'd see them in and there will always be one problem in that. "Bran. Are you numb again!?" She exasperatedly said as she realized she's been laying on him for hours now.

He awkwardly chuckled before nodding his head. She groaned as she sat up, hands immediately massaging his legs to ease the cramps. "I told you to tell me when it's going numb" she grumbled.

"I know~ but you were so comfortable i couldn't bear it." He said giddily before his fingers softly pinched her cheeks.

She tried biting her cheeks to stop herself from smiling as she sighed.

"And i think the egg might cook-"

"Bran~" she whined making him laugh.

Both turned to look at the contraption they made. It looked like they were grilling the dragon egg to be honest. "You said heat might somehow revive it" she said.

"I'm not really sure but i heard dragons like heat- maybe that's why you're not good with the cold?"

Valeria rolled her eyes as she stood to walk to the egg. "It's odd that it's sunken though" she mumbled.

The egg's side had a sunken part further making valeria think that it might not hatch after all.

A smile took over her face as bran stood beside her. "I guess it fits me then. We're both an odd pair" she said referring to her eyes.

"You're not odd. You're unique- one of a kind even" bran corrected her- per usual.

She smiled at this, giving him a quick peck on the cheeks, stunning him.

Bran blinked several times in a blushing state, he didn't even notice valeria grabbing the egg with her bare hands, in a sort of trance.

When he finally snapped out of it he immediately grabbed the hot egg dropping it back to the grill with yelp that shook valeria from her trance.

Before she can even speak-" are you ok?" Bran worriedly, redden hands already holding hers to check for burns.

"I- my love your poor hands" she gushed out as she noticed the burns.

"You- you're. Your hands- you're fine?" He trailed off in confusion.

Valeria ignored this as she immediately took the glass of water that sat on her window sill, slowly pouring it on bran's burns.

He hissed little but the redness soon fade away luckily. Valeria sighed in relief as she took his palms kissing them endearingly. "Im sorry i shouldn't have done that without warning" she said sadly.

He only chuckled before he ruffled her hair. "You should go meet with myrcella she'll be leaving in a few days" he reminded her.

She nodded with a smile, kissing his cheeks goodbye as she finally left.

Bran sighed contently before heading out. he was planning on climbing one of the towers as soon as she left, she'd never approve of him climbing without her making sure he was safe, but then again she never liked it when he climbed.


"Summer?" Valeria confusedly said, she was heading to find bran since she was already done talking with myrcella.

"Hello my darling" she said as she crouched down to pet the pup.

Summer's tail wiggled in happiness before he started to look up the tower again in anticipation and worry.

Valeria's eyebrow furrows at this before her eyes darted up, her heart dropped to her stomach seeing bran suddenly flew out from a window.

Like he'd been... Pushed.

She screamed a painful scream as she ran to where his body plummeted to and suddenly she wished it snowed heavily last night.

Bran's body plummeted unto hers, she didn't care, her hands were even raised up as if to catch him, a large thud was heard as her head hit the ground and her consciousness slowly left.

Jaime didn't even hear the scream, already going back at it with cersei. But vivian, poor vivian was just running around the corner after hearing the gut wrenching scream of her baby valeria.

As soon as she rounded the corner her heart dropped to her stomach and she trembled. "M-My Lady! MAESTER! LADY CATELYN! SOMEONE HELP!" she screamed as she ran to the two children.

Tears were already filling up her eyes as she with trembling hands tried to carefully carry bran off the poor girl.

Bran's head hit Valeria's earlier causing her forehead to bleed, even his head is bleeding.

"What happened?!" Theon was the first one who heard, he already told a squire to call the lord or anyone at the matter.

"My god val" he mumbled in shock after seeing all the blood that gushed from their heads.

His heart almost stopped as he carefully carried valeria. Her head was turning purple, it was bruising.

He was tearing up as he and vivian ran, the handmaiden was a sobbing mess. "MAESTER!"

Theon screamed as he kicked the door open making the poor old man flinch.

But as soon as he saw the two children he immediately stood up in alert. "Hurry. Place them down-what happened?" He asked hastily as the two placed the children down on the bed.

"I-i think bran fell and he landed on valeria" vivian immediately said as she trembled to wipe her tears away. "Is she- will. I- please say she'll be fine." She sobbed out

"Call the lord and lady. I'll have to check on them" he hastily said as he ran around the room trying to stoo the bleeding whilst checking for other wounds.

Theon, although trembling wrapped an arm around vivian guiding her out the room.

"Please be okay"


AN: Am i going too slow or fast?? Also what scenarios do you want to see the two of them in? Aside from smut because i think that should happen when their a little older- what age do you think they should do something intimate?

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