chapter 9- fat

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Summer grew bigger within a month and valeria babied the pup so much.

"Pleasee he'll be cold on the ground" she whined as bran contemplated on letting the wolf sleep on the bed.

She didn't even had to plea, he would say yes almost immediately to all her wants and needs.

He shrugged before letting the pup sleep on the end of their bed.

Only to wake up with summer laying on top of them both.


"No. You know I don't like strawberries" bran barf after sansa tried feeding him some.

"You haven't even tried it" she whined annoyingly.

Sansa rolled her eyes as she ate another berry. They were just hanging around peacefully in godswood, watching the wolves run around hunting their food for the day

"Hello lady" the two starks turned to Valeria's sweet voice.

Lady seemed to found her coming back from her stroll, a basket on her hand, beside valeria walked summer.

He's been guarding her the whole time.

She greeted the two starks before sitting by them, finally showing what she picked in the forest.

Sansa gasped in delight. "Strawberries!" She excitedly said.

She just finished hers so this definitely made her happy.

"Help yourselves" valeria simply said as she chewed hers.

Sansa side eyed her brother with her cheeky smile as she grabbed and ate another strawberry.

Bran could only gulp as he looked away.

"My dear, wouldn't you want some?" Valeria said confusedly.

She was sure arya told her that bran adored strawberries. Which is why she went out of her way to look for some.

He hummed in acknowledgement to her words, eyes traveling to the strawberry in her hand.

His eyes darted at her large heterochromia eyes, he always drowned in them. Her adorable cheeks always red because of the cold.

He immediately grabbed her strawberry stuffing it in his mouth. Eyes widening, he didn't think it would taste this good.

Valeria smiled lovingly at this. He looks like a chipmunk.

She offered him another and another, eating some for her own as they started to converse about simple things.

Sansa's mouth could only drop at this. He is definitely lovestruck.

"Are you excited for tomorrow? I heard you were close with the prince and princess" sansa started.

Bran secretly rolled his eyes. He already didn't like the prince with all this talk about him being close with valeria.

Valeria nodded with her usual gentle smile. "Myrcella had the most beautiful blonde hair, she was so nice to me" she fondly said.

Sansa contemplated before asking her next question. "I. I heard that your mother was Targaryen-"

Valeria noticing her hesitation piped up immediately. "Oh! You should have seen her sansa! She had the most lovely pair of lilac eyes."

Sansa smiled at this. "Im sure she does." She mumbled before patting the younger girl's hair.

Bran watched the two with a small smile as a small comfortable silence overcome them.

"Sansa." She called out. "You might find prince joffrey handsome- rather very interesting, i mean he is a prince after all.. But." She seriously rambled.

"Never fall for him please- I'd rather you mary someone fitting of you" she finishes as she clung to sansa's arm, head falling to the girl's shoulders as she sighed.

Sansa's eyebrows furrow at this. Someone fitting of me? Am i not fitting for a prince?.

But she shrugged those thoughts away, nodding her head. She is just a child after all.


"Bran be careful!" Valeria called out worriedly.

She never felt that he's safe whenever he climbs, no matter how great of a climber he was.

What if the wall crumbles? Or the birds peck at him. Or it suddenly rained hail and he lost his footing-

Bran always laughed when she says those thing as he tried to ease her worries.

"The king is here!- there's so many of them" he gushed as he finally stepped down from the wall.

Valeria, as usual. Gushed over him, checking for any sort of injuries, dusting at his clothes, adjusting to make sure he was presentable enough.

She was about to tell him to be more careful but lady catelyn cut her to it.

"How many times do i have to tell you? No more climbing!" She sternly said.

And as the two talked valeria greeted the maester with her usual smile, to which he returned it with a nod.

"You look lovely, my lady" he simply said before she heard lady catelyn instruct bran to inform his father about the king.

"You accompany him, val" she said fondly to which valeria nodded.

Bran grabbed her hand as they made a run for it.

Valeria saw theon and jon stand behind the starks as they lined up, and she was about to make her way beside them but bran pulled her to his side, hand grabbing hers.

"Where's arya?" She heard catelyn ask.

She could only shrug when she was asked. She also didn't know where the girl was. But knowing her friend, she was pretty sure the girl was at the gates watching the horses flow in.

"You're shaking" bran said to her with a chuckle knowing she was excited to see her friends again.

She was most definitely buzzing at her spot.

The two turned hearing arya's ragged breathes as she ran to the line with a helmet on her head, ultimately being stopped by Ned removing it.

Robb was smiling amusedly at this. "Move!" Arya annoyingly said pushing bran- which pushed valeria too.

"Arya! That's not nice" valeria scolded her as she wrapped her arms on bran's for heat.

Arya could only smile guiltily at the girl before her eyes turned to the sound of horses entering the gate.

A smile rose onto Valeria's face as her eyes met joffrey. He was insufferable, yes. But his last words on the book he gave her showed that he was fond at her.

Knowing he'll be king in the near future, she'll have to be on his good side.

Valeria's eyes darted to where joffrey stared with his cocky smile and her smile dropped seeing sansa's stare at the prince.

You can say that Valeria's and Robb's expression at the moment were the same. Why the heck are these two looking at each other like that?.

The king entered, forcing everyone to their knees as they bowed. He got off his horse and headed infront of Ned.

They all rose when the king signed to do so. "Your grace" Ned started.

Robert stared. "You've gotten fat."


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