chapter 54

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"sansa and arya just fought" valeria softly said as she sighed heavily.

Bran also sighed before he rested his head unto the nook of her shoulder.

The water moved when he pulled her closer to him, "they're bound to. Don't worry, something good will come out of this" he simply said.

Valeria nods her head, "we must still speak with them. What use are we if we don't?"

Bran smiles at her words in agreement as he hummed.

The two stare at the fire, the warmth of the bath's water was comforting. They finally got some alone time now that Catelyn was finally leaving bran's side, sleeping in Rickon's room.

"We haven't talked about summer" bran softly said to her gaining her attention.

She froze a little from his words, swallowing the bile that formed in her throat. with all that's happening she didn't think they'd have the time to mourn.

She turned to face him, eyes meeting his as she wrapped her arms around his neck, softly sitting down onto his lap.

She sighs sadly but tears didn't leave their eyes as she slowly rests her head onto his shoulder. "Our first baby" she whispers.

She heard him sigh as his wet hand rose to caress her hair. "He'll always be our first child." He whispers lovingly to her.

She could only nod at his words as she  raised her head, placing a kiss on his collarbone.

Bran chuckled, hands pulling her closer as her kisses traveled up his neck, he sighs softly.

Valeria slyly smiled feeling something hardened beneath her. Bran's slender fingers wrapped on her nape as he guides her to his lips, connecting them into a passionate slow kiss.

Their lips meshed softly, tongues slipping wetly against each other as their hot breathes mixed.

A feeling rose inside them as their hot skins touched, the air tenses as lewd sound surrounded the two, water splattering around ever so softly.

As the two kissed mindlessly, bran's hands grabbed her hips, sending goosebumps up her spine as he slowly guided her back and forth, grinding her wet cunt against his erection.

Her arms wrapped around his neck as she softly moans against his lips making him smile as he sighs at the sensation.

Pleasure rose between the two as moans escaped their mouths, eyes slowly closing as they grinded against each other.

Valeria shivers as she grinds against him, it felt so good if it were not for the water he'd surely be soaked from how much she was growing wet.

She whined a little when she felt him raise her hips, slowly guiding her down onto his shaft, he let out a soft sigh of a moan as he felt her soft warm insides squeeze his tip as he entered slowly.

Valeria let out soft moans and whines as her head fell back a little, mouth opening a little as her eyes closed.

Bran's hold on her tightens as he moved her body up and down onto him, a satisfied smile rose on his lips as he let out small groans and moans from the pleasure.

She shivers as his hand rose to softly squeeze her breast, the sensation of his fingers trailing back down to grab her hips was sending goosebumps up her spine.

She let out heavy sighs as she moans, feeling his lean unto her chest, tongue lapping on her nipple before he sucked on them with a sly smile on his lips, when he heard her gasps.


"Shh" he whispers as he bites softly making her flinch as she bit her lips from the pleasure.

Her hips moves involuntarily as she felt his hand leave her hips, going to grab her hair to further pull her head back as his lips moved to ravish her collarbones and neck, leaving red and purple marks in his wake.

Bran felt like melting inside her with how much pleasure he was feeling at the moment.

His hand softly squeeze on her enlarged breast, chuckling when he saw the white substance that left it.

Heavy sighs and whines left their mouths as she rode him in a steady pace.

She opened her eyes when she felt him lean away only to see his arms now rest on the curve of the bath tub.

Valeria's lips twitch up in delight seeing his eyes close, lips apart as his head falls back to the wall.

It was such a pretty sight.

Pleasure struck up their bodies as he continues fills her up.

"V-val darling— faster" he quietly whined feeling something inside him form.

She, with her trembling toes, smiles as she purposely slow down. She enjoyed seeing his eyebrow twitch as his eyes opened slightly, mouth opening wide as he lets out heavy breathes of moans, he trembles in pleasure at her agonizing pace.

His large hands went to grab her waist, it tightens around her as he tried to fasten her thrust.

A bruise would surely appear.

"What is it love?" She teasingly said with her teasing smile as her face lean close on him.

He leans in trying to capture her lips only for her to teasingly pull away as she let out whines of pleasure. she slowly thrust down on his large shaft, feeling it fill her up.

To her surprise, she felt his slender fingers wrap around her neck, pulling her down to his face, lips capturing hers in a slow passionate kiss, biting her lower lips as he started to guide her to go faster.

"You're lucky we're here in the present" he whispers making her laugh, knowing he was pertaining to being able to walk when their inside the past.

"Haa-" she lets out as her arm encircle around his neck, fastening her pace as his hands guides her to do som

He rubs against her inside letting pleasure shoot up from her walls.

Her mind was clouding in pleasure as he thrusts in repeatedly. Their soft moans bouncing against the walls, panting as they felt closer to climax.

With a few thrust, bran held her down making valeria gasps as she felt his warm cum fill her up.

Her eyes traveled to him only to see his satisfied smile, eyes staring down at her.

He helped guiding her hips to ride his cock once again as to help her ride her high out despite feeling her continous trembling as she came.

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