chapter 57

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"Keep going" Valeria instructed the children as they shot their arrows.

Catelyn was as usual with her father, inside the warm castle.

Bran insisted her to stay with him in the warmth but they both knew that she had to train the children or else they'd be killed immediately.

Valeria walked through the busy people of winterfell, heading to her husband and child so she could atleast get a little bit of heat.

On her way inside she caught sight of someone.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she tried to get a look. "Gilly?" Her voice rung out.

The girl in question turned around with her toddler in her arms. She smiled largely as she saw the younger girl. "Valeria!" She excitedly said.

The two shared a quick talk of excitement with valeria cooing at how much baby sam had grown.

He was a mere infant last time she saw him.

"Where's sam?" Valeria asked.

Last time she saw a vision of the two, they were living near the citadel.

"I heard he went to bran?" Gilly said unsurely.

Valeria nodded slowly as she smiled before she instructed one of the workers to take gilly to a vacant room so they could rest.

They said farewell before valeria decided to go to bran and greet sam.

"He's on his way back to winterfell. With Daenerys targaryen." Was what valeria heard as she opened the door.

Sam and bran turned to her in surprise before they both relaxed, bran giving her a knowing look.

"What? This is my room too" she said with a shrug.

"Valeria! It's nice to see you all well" sam said with his usual smile.

"You too" she sincerely said as she takes sleeping catelyn from bran's arms, transferring her to the warm bed.

"So you saw it? In a vision?" Samwell asked bran again pertaining to jon and dany.

Valeria turned only to laugh when bran pulled out the letter that stated Jon's return.

"Oh." Sam let out.

"He needs to know the truth." Bran started.

Valeria listens as the two spoke. She already knew what bran was pertaining to. Only the two of them knew.

"His last name is not snow. It's sand" bran explained.

Valeria watches as a look of realization rose onto sam's face, " it's not."

Valeria's eyebrow rose at this, even bran seemed confused.

"Dornish bastards are named sand" bran tried to explain to him, eyes momentarily turning to Valeria hoping she wasn't offended.

Of Course she wasn't.

"The high septon's diary. He annulled rhaegar and ellia... He wedded rhaegar and lyanna in a secret ceremony.." he said, face full of wonder as the pieces connected inside his mind.

Bran and valeria shared a look in astonishment, hands holding onto each other. "Are you certain?" She asked.

"I don't know why he'd lie? Is. Is this something you can see?" He said with hope.

And as the two's minds were there, they were also somewhere else.

Valeria and bran stood beside a tree as they watched rhaegar targaryen and lyanna Stark's marriage.

They were dumbfounded.

They both knew what love looks like, and watching the two was like watching themselves.

Valeria blinks as realization hits her. "Robert's rebellion... Was based on a lie." She muttered, dumbfounded as she shared a look with bran and sam.

Bran looks at the fire, "he's not a bastard, he never was."

A sense of happiness and sadness washed over bran, he watched jon as he grew up, how he resented being a bastard, how he thought that's all he'll ever be.

And now he's heir to the throne

"And he needs to know"

"-t-too rough- wait-" she pants as she bit into the pillows.

Bran chuckled, "i think your previous teasing will be punished here" he said trying to annoy her.

She was too deep in pleasure, mind too clouded to even understand what he just said.

She was sure they visited the past to see her real ancestry... Not to fuck.

He thrusts deeper inside her as he pounds her from behind, hands gripping the sheets beside her head.

Her loud moans and whines were sweet sounds to his ears making him smile deviously.

Beads of sweat covered their bodies as he littered her milky skin with patches of red and purple hickeys.

Her breathing was shallow as she tried to catch her breath, pleasure was all she felt, it felt too good.

"Don't —stop" she whines as she feels the familiar knot forming inside her.

Bran buried his face onto the nook of her neck, breathing her scent in as he thrusts inside her, euphoria filling him up as he let out moans of pleasure.

Soon she tightens around him, trembling in pleasure as he rubbed raw inside her, releasing around his member.

She continuously whined as she trembled underneath his thrusting figure, her cunt was sensitive from cumming making her gasp out moans.

"W-wait too- too much" she mumbles in pleasure.

But he was close, the knot already formed inside him, he couldn't stop himself from thrusting inside her.

"Just. A little more, love. You can take it." He breathes down to her ears.

A trail of saliva had already trailed down her chin from their continous kissing earlir, and now her moaning kept her mouth open.

She shivered as he thrusted one last time before feeling his warm cum fill her up, enough for her to squirt her liquids from overstimulation.

She breathes heavily as they slowly rode their high, before he finally pulled out, collapsing beside her.

After minutes of silence, only their heavy breathing was heard.

"Where do you even learn this.." she mumbles in a daze as he pulled her to his arms.

Cuddling her to his chest as he rakes his fingers on her hair. Peppering her face with kisses, adoration on his face as he stares down at her, innocent looking face.

He shrugs with a lopsided smile. "..podrick"

Her eyebrows furrowed. "The- who now?"

Bran laughed at her confusion before giving her a big sweet kiss on her forehead.

"Podrick." He simply stated.

Her jaw dropped. "The squire?"


AN: im sorry for not updating regularly but case studies are such a bitxh when your grouped with the "copy paste" type of people istg.

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