chapter 13 - rather be dead

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Valeria flinches from her dream. It was a weird dream. It wasn't one of her memories from her past life. She had never been a dragon before.

She saw someone with wonderful white hair like hers, she was talking to her repeatedly saying the word dracarys as she gestured to a raw piece of meat. Valeria remembers breathing fire before eating the delicious meat—

"Ririe?" Valeria flinches once again her face turning to bran.

Her heart pounded against her chest,She immediately sat up to be leveled with him. "Your awake" she mumbled hands pinching his wet cheeks to make sure he was real before she engulfed him with a hug, a breath of relief left her.

He lived.

he sniffed as his tears started to well up again "My legs—maester said I can't walk anymore— I I don't believe him— I can't be crippled."

That explains the tears on his wet cheeks.

"But you lived" she quietly said as she caressed his cheek lovingly.

Tears where flowing from his eyes once again, "I'd rather be dead"

"Don't say that!" She said immediately tears threatening to fall.

"I'd rather be dead" he angrily said to himself.

"I would've killed myself " she mumbled quietly.

It was true. She couldn't imagine ever living in this life without him. She loves him. She knew he loves her. She cared more to be loved.

Bran shakes his head "I can't be a knight — nor can i be your husband If I can't even stand up to protect you" he said disappointedly.

The first thing he thought when he heard the news was that valeria wouldn't want him anymore if he really was crippled. He couldn't stand the idea of it.

The idea of her hating him. Being disgusted of him.

"I'll protect myself— i don't care if you're crippled i would still marry you" she said as her heart sank slowly.

"i should be the one protecting you!"
"i don't care about me! i care about you"

"How could you? If it's t-true then i won't even be able to give you children" he whispered knowing how much she loves the idea.

Her eyes widened at his words "You don't even know that! And if you can't that's ok we have summer and draken, they. They can be our children" she said trying to ease his worries as she tried to smile through her tears.

"J-just don't throw me away please" she whispered.

She's been thrown away far enough throughout her 23 lives, she wont be able to take it if bran were to be the one to  throw her away.

Bran could feel his heart sank a little. "I- i could never" he mumbled.

"Then why won't you marry me?" she said sniffing cutely.

He let out a hoarse chuckle from her as his fingers hastily wiped her tears away. "I'll be a burden to you" he stated as he rests his forehead on hers.

"I dont care." She mumbled with a small sniff. "You've always taken care of me— it's my turn now" she mumbled before she smiled.

He chuckled a little before nodding. "Does this mean you still want me" she mumbled with hope to which he let out a breathe.

"As long as you want me"


"In my dream i breathed fire to cook the meat— maybe we should teach him that?" Valeria suggested To bran.

They were on his bed with summer and draken—their children, as she likes to call them.

Bran nodded before he thinks. " There should be a word we can use? Like when we tell summer to hunt"

To this summer stood up in alert making the two laugh. "No darling it's not hunt time yet" she sweetly said as she caress his furs.

Valeria's brain itches trying to think of the word kaleesi had said. "Dra-dra—"

"Dracarys" bran stated and to their surprise draken spit fire cooking his meat before he ate it.

Valeria gasped at this, the two smiled in amazement. "It was that word you said in your sleep" he explained.

She made an o shape with her mouth before hodor came bursting through the door.

"Robb is calling for you, tyrion Lannister wanted to see you" vivian explained after hearing hodor's hodoring.

"Hodor!" He happily said.

"Exactly sweet giant" vivian said with a smile before she pats his back.


Hodor carried bran to the great hall where robb speaks with everyone who wanted an audience with him.

Apparently tyrion had blue prints for a special saddle for bran's legs. He was nice afterall—specially to broken things.

"I have a soft spot for the odds, bastards, cripples and broken things— OH! here's one of the most loveliest odd thing in westeros" he suddenly said making bran turn to look.

Valeria arrived with a giggle, she had to hide her dragon. "Lord tyrion how lovely it is to see you" she greeted happily.

"It's always a treat to see those dual eyes my dear" he said with a smile.

bran's eyebrow furrowed at tyrion's choice of words "She's not odd, sir. She's —"

"Unique" valeria finishes bran's words with a loving smile.

Tyrion scoffed with a smile in amusement at this as he nods.

Tyrion found her intelligence at the young age of five, interesting to say the least. And she found his wittiness useful.

"What's that?" Valeria asked as she saw bran's blueprint.

"I'll tell you on the way" he happily said making her smile.

The adults talked more as the children left for the stables so they could get the saddle made.


"i miss arya so bad!" she whined as she laid on bran's legs with him reading to catch up on his studies.

he still didn't want to believe that he'd never walk anymore, robb was planning to talk to him later but till then they'd have to stay in his room like how they were for the past week.

bran didn't hear her as he tried to remember the lannister's word.

"bran darling" she called out suddenly.

he hummed. "can you kiss me? like on my cheeks?" she requested happily.

bran, too stunned at her request, dropped the book he was holding. ultimately dropping it on her head.

she hissed letting out a painful sound as she cradled her forehead. bran's eyes widened immediately helping her soothe it. "im sorry! that was so sudden!" he said referring to her request.

she giggled as he—in a panic— started to pepper her face with kisses repeatedly saying sorry. he somehow misplaced his shyness somewhere.

and valeria hoped he never saw it again.

she laughed feeling the ticklish sensation as her hand grabbed his that were on her face.

"does it still hurt?"

she shook her head satisfyingly

both stopped staring at each other after hearing robb's voice from outside.


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