chapter 21- ew.

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bran woke up with a gasp as he suddenly sat up.

they were in a field resting as osha carved her own weapons for hunting. rickon sat up from the cart after hearing his brother's gasp and hodor checked up on him under their make up shade.

"you inside your wolf again?" osha asked.

she's already accustomed to warging considering she was from beyond the walls where it was more common.

"no. it's the three eyed raven. it's back- i tried shooting it but a boy-"

"i don't want to hear it." osha immediately said.

they argued for a bit but they both know she was right. this may be connected to magic and that should be least of their worries as it's a long way to the wall.

"i'm back!" valeria said with her usual smile as she pulled a dead wild boar behind her.

she huffs as she stops infront of them with a proud smile. rickon was especially amazed as he immediately stood up to poke at it. valeria giggled at osha and bran's loose jaws.

"i- how?" he let out in mixed amazement and confusion.

"hodor!" hodor said with a face of disgust making osha and valeria laugh.

osha pat's valeria's hair proudly as a way to say she did a great job.

it was common knowledge to them now that she remembers her past life, and that she has skills useful for them to survive.

"we should probably turn it to jerky- cook the rest for tonight" osha said smiling down to her. "although we'll have to move immediately, we don't know if we're being followed"

valeria nodded in agreement. rickon laughed in excitement as he cheers "Yey meat!"

valeria sat down beside bran as she watched osha teach rickon how to properly skin and cut the animal's meat.

"shall i teach you how to shoot?" valeria whispered to him with her usual smile after seeing his gloomy face.

bran smiled back before nodding. "i'll need it, after that dream i had" he said.

her eyebrows furrowed. "what dream?"

"No, no no no- do you want to go blind?" Valeria said after seeing what rickon picked and almost ate.

Rickon immediately dropped it in confusion. "Aren't these blueberries?" He asked confusedly.

He and hodor accompanied her to forage for food considering they still have jerky left.

"Do you see how fuzzy the leaves of that one are?" She explained as she pointed out the difference.

Atleast she can be sure that rickon won't go and poison himself. She sighed satisfactorily after seeing rickon and Hodor's basket's having non poisonous things in it.

"I'm going back to take this to camp" she said to the two to which they nodded.

She walked silently as she hummed a little to herself and as soon as she rounded one of the trees she halted hearing unfamiliar voices.

"Osha?-" she stopped after seeing two unfamiliar strangers with them.

One had a knife to osha's throat.

That was enough for her to take her discarded bow and arrow, immediately loading it, as the anxiety of osha possibly getting killed settle in her system.

"Stop!" Bran shouted.

He knew valeria never aims, she'll definitely burry that arrow through the girl's skull.

Valeria's eyes turned to him in confusion only to notice summer sniffing another stranger's hand instead of attacking him.

He seemed older than them by a few years but Valeria's eyes could only notice how he seemed familiar with her child.

"Who are you and how do you know my child?" Valeria sternly asked him as her she point her arrow onto him. "I do not like aiming arrows for too long. So speak" she said blankly.

"Child?" The stranger murmured before looking back down to summer. Realization overtook him as he noticed the dual colored eyes and pale white hair valeria had.

"You must be the wife" he said with a smile as looked at her.

"He was the boy from my dreams. The one i told you about." Bran said with a confused look.

Valeria seemed confused by her husband's words and how these strangers knew of their relationship, only a few knew they were married.

They were lucky maester luwin had placed it on the records inside the crypts.

Valeria shakes her head from unimportant thoughts as she opened her mouth.

"I suggest you release osha before i shoot your boyfriend" she sternly said as she glared at the girl.

There was silence before the girl finally spoke.

"Ew! that's my brother!"


"Have you bled yet meera?" Valeria asked as soon as the group caught up with her and rickon.

She was looking for useful herbs, she has been from the past few days, knowing it'll be harder to find some once they reach the colder areas near the wall.

"I uh aye. I've already bled" meera slowly said a bit uncomfortable to say it out loud.

Valeria nods at this before she pulls out a certain flower she took earlier showing it to osha and meera both.

"Tell me when you bleed, this helps with cramps-Oh and this one will help with rickon's runny nose, I'll boil some as soon as we stop" she started to ramble to herself.

Meera seemed amazed with her vast knowledge as she stared at the white haired girl.

Specifically at her eyes. She's never seen two colored eyes in one person before.

Valeria raised her eyebrows as if asking why she was staring.

Meera seemed to blush, flustered she was caught. "Oh. I uh it's just that. I've read tales of how Targaryens have pale hair and how they rode dragons" she started to ramble.

Valeria giggled sweetly at this further making meera blush as she simply says "ok" before she walked ahead the two to walk alongside bran.


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