chapter 62

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Trigger warning ⚠️: miscarriage

Valeria's pov.

"No.. no no no—" i couldn't help but mutter out.

This can't be happening.

Everything was hazy, my ears were ringing and everything was blurry.

I can feel Daenerys' panic beside me as she helped remove my undergarments soaked in blood.

My throat hurts.

Everything hurt.

I feel like puking.

"It'll be alright" her voice was soft and trembling as her hands went to wrap around me.

I didn't notice how her eyes had softened, how it looked at me as if she was looking at her self.

When dany laid the undergarment on the floor i cried so loud that sansa came running out her room, which was meters away.

My world shattered as i saw the small red thing that stuck onto the cloth of my undergarments.

My heart dropped and i cried even more as i stared at it, my throat almost closing in on me.

Everything was blank but at the same taime it hurts so bad.


I finally heard clearly.

"—valeria! It's alright- I-" sansa tried to tell me as she shakes my shoulders to snap me out of my panicked state.

But all i could feel was despair, I couldn't stop my heaving, my heart was beating too fast and all i could feel was pain.

"-i- my child..." I mouthed as my eyes closed tears flowing out.

Sansa and daenarys, they couldn't help but tear up at the girl.

"What did i do wrong?— I didn't even know i was having you" i cried out as my hands reached to cup onto the small child.

I couldn't help but wail out as i felt it's warmth spread through my palms.



Rickon ran until he bursts through the door only to see his brother pn the floor crawling and catelyn crying on the bed.

"Bran!" He couldn't help but shout as he ran to help him up.

Behind rickon came lyanna mormont who was worried about all the noise. "Lord stark!" She shouted.

"Hurry lyanna! Go tend to catelyn" rickon shouted to her.

She nods before going go ease the child.

"Rickon hurry- take me to valeria, i saw her earlier— she's in pain" bran said in a panic as rickon sat him down.

Bran was worried sick.

He's never seen valeria in his visions of the present. She's somehow always blocked by it.

But for some reason, he saw a glimpse of her.

Talking with daenarys, until she suddenly crouched in pain.

Rickon ran as he pushed bran through the corridors, following the sound of chaos until they saw sansa, sitting on the corner of the hallway.

Sansa immediately looked to the two. "Bran!" She called out in panic.

And as the two finally arrived, bran's heart dropped seeing the blood on the floor and Valeria's dazed state.

Tears were on her cheeks as she silently cried.

And on her hands...

Bran gulped as he felt his stomach drop already knowing what had happened.

It was painful of course but.

Valeria is his priority. She had always been his first priority.

"My love" he called out.

But she could only sniff.

Bran furrowed his eyebrows as he looked around. "Where is the maester?! Will my wife's blood cover the floor before you take her to him?!" Bran's angry voice boomed through the walls and grew silent.

He was worried, panicking even.

They all seemed surprise at the fact that she had a miscarriage, valeria was overwhelmed earlier, hyperventilating.

She slapped everyone who tried to touch her, scared her body will be cursed more or that she'll suddenly have another miscarriage.

She was going insane from the pain.

"Come on mother" rickon softly said as he carried her, placing her unto bran's lap.

It'll be easier to push her there than carry her.

They all moved away as rickon pushed the chair in a haste.

Bran immediately pulled her head unto his chest. "It's alright. It's not your fault." He immediately whispered to her making her cry once again. "I shouldn't have made you walk with me— train the children and-"

"I failed you" she couldn't help but mumble.

To this bran immediately grabbed her face. "Nothing you do will make you a failure... Even if you burn the entire world i wouldn't care, I'd still love you" he whispered to her.

Valeria sighed at his words.

The little stark was buried that day, and for the next few days everyone gave valeria and bran their condolences letting the couple mourn together in their room, as did the rest of winterfell did. Mourning for their little stark.

Valeria sat on the bed with bran by her side, catelyn resting unto her chest as she slept.

"I love you" bran called out suddenly.

Valeria smiled as she rested her head onto his shoulder. "I love you too" she mumbled.

"I YOUUU!" catelyn suddenly jumped from her sleeping position making the two flinch.

Valeria and bran couldn't help but giggle at her outbursts.

"I love you too" bran told her before giving her kisses.

Catelyn giggled.

Bran and valeria sighed as they watched their child. "Catelyn's enough at the moment, it would've been nice to have another though.." she mumbled.

Bran gave her a kiss on her temple. " We'll just try again." He told her lovingly.

Valeria chuckled. "Now?" She jokingly said.

Bran gasped dramatically, hands going to cup onto catelyn's ears. "Our child can hear you." He jokingly said. "But yes now"

Valeria finally laughed genuinely after many days, and bran smiled at her.

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