chapter 18-

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"Let go of me!" Valeria shouted at man.

She didn't understand why theon sent this guy to take her back to her room after his disgusting comment earlier.

He, much to her horror, pushes her onto her bed. "Hey. you should go first. Theon said we can have her" he called out from outside.

An ironborn came in with his wicked smile making goosebumps trail her body as she started to shake.

She somehow regrets not spending much time in her room, well, enough to hide a dagger atleast.

"N-no. Don't you dare touch me" she said as he creeps in whilst the other guy left. "I am valeria targaryen i have the blood of a dragon, you'll burn if you dare-"

"Shut up!" He screams before slapping her across the face. "Little freak, i like me some freaks" he mumbled as he grabbed her swollen cheek, staring into her dual colored eyes.

Her breathings started to fasten as anxiety creeps in. She was scared.

It happened in her past life. And she vowed never to experience it again.

"D-Draken!" She desperately screamed when the man started to pull under her skirt and she squirmed, clawing at him.

Flapping wings was what she heard and her heart swelled with hope, she couldn't even see him with her cloudy tear stricken eyes. But she continuously called for her child.

"DRACARYS" She painfully screamed through her frightened state.

She was sure she can be heard from outside. Hoped bran and the others heard her atleast.

How can theon do this to her?

And then she felt it.

Through the chaos.

The hot burning fire and the sweet screams of the man above her as he burns.

"Dracarys, dracarys, DRACARYS" she continues to scream in hysterics as she crawled away from him, rubbing her eyes for it to clear from tears.

She was a trembling mess when his screams were silenced and she turned to see his charred body.

Draken croaked proudly as she swooped in to check on his mother, snout bumping onto her soft cheeks. Her hands, although trembling, reached to wrap around her little dragon.

"Valeria!" Vivian bursted through the door. Her eyes were red as if she cried so much earlier. "My lady?" She confusedly said seeing her state.

Valeria was trembling, her lips bled and her cheek was swollen. Her eyes were red from the tears and her clothes were disheveled.

Her clothes were disheveled.

"Where's bran? I. I want bran please" she whispered as she started to cry again.

Vivian felt her heart clench. "What have they done to you" she sadly mumbled immediately swooping in to cradle the poor child.

Vivian suppressed her gasp as her eyes caught a charred body on her floor.

"Bran is in his chambers. Theon said you can't see each other-"

"Please vivian" she whispered.

Vivian nods. Ofcourse she'll bring her little princess to her prince. "Theon. He killed ser rodrick while bran watched earlier, he cried so much" vivian slowly said as she carries valeria.

Valeria's tears silently flows. this day keep getting worse as it passes. "Theon ordered his men to have me" she shakily said making vivian stop in her tracks.

"I'll kill him in his sleep"

"No. They'll kill you" she mumbled quietly as they waited the ironborns to move pass.

vivian quietly walked through the halls hoping they won't run into theon. but fate wasnt in their side at the moment.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Valeria grits her teeth hearing theon's voice. "To my husband"

After minutes of arguing she was ultimately sent back to her room with guards upfront her door.

Vivian stayed with her making sure no one decides to come in and try anything.

Morning soon came and something told valeria that everything that happened yesterday was not a dream.

Her door suddenly slammed opened, she awoke, immediately sitting up.

Theon seemed furious but he was somehow relieved that valeria wasn't gone. "Where is he"

In a daze valeria didn't answer, her face shown confusion. Theon scoffed almost in amusement as he softly sat down infront of her in bed.

Vivian was out getting breakfast for when she wakes up, so no one was there to stop theon.

"Your little lord left you"

Those simple words made her eyebrow furrow.

"What?" She whispered as the words sinks in. She didn't feel so good. "He'd never" she mumbled.

Theon's face seemed empathetic as he pats her head but she slapped it away. "You're lying"

"Im not. He left with rickon, osha and hodor. He left you"

Her heart clenched. She knows bran wouldn't do such thing without reason, she trusts him.

Maybe he thinks I'll be safer if i stayed?

Maybe he's just hiding around.

He'd never leave me.. or worse, has he thrown me aside?

He wouldn't.


"Why are you even here theo- n" her tongue almost slipped. "Are you mad i burnt your men after you gave me away to them? Like some whore" she blankly said.

Her words dripped venom as theon's eyebrow furrowed. "What? What are you-"

"Save it, leave me alone.. please" she sternly said before laying back down, her face turned to the window.

Theon, still confused, went out to ask vivian what had happened. He doesn't remember having done anything like that.

He couldn't do something like that.

As soon as he shut the door tears fell once again. Her eyes were puffy and she was sure of it.

She sat up after hearing the door open quietly once again.

She quickly wiped her tears away after seeing who entered. "Maester luwin?" She mumbled confusedly.

"Valeria. Bran wanted me to tell you to wait for him, he said he'd be back for you" explained quietly as soon as he sat down.

Hope filled her chest as a smile rose to her cheeks. "Maester. As soon as he comes back. You'll have to wed us—"

"My exact plan" he said before taking something from his pocket.

He pulled out a small box, handing it to the girl.

Her dainty fingers opened it with a small gasp. "that's from king robert. he specifically stated that you should have it on your wedding day" he explained. "he was suppose to give to it to lyanna but fate had other plans" he explained.

valeria can't seem to stop crying today. she can't believe Ned and the King are truly dead. they were somehow her father figure in this life.

"i'll have to go and make sure theon won't find them. hush now my child" maester luwin said as he ruffles her pale hair.

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