chapter 6- betrothed

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"vivian~ stop teasing me" valeria whined at her handmaiden.

"My lady, how could i not? It's been five years and prince tommen still kept sending you letters every week- And you respond every week!" She excitedly fawned.

Bran rolled his eyes at this as he passed another book to valeria, who was currently arranging her bookshelves and collection of letters.

"As do Princess myrcella. We were all friends and nothing more- and besides i am already betrothed-"

"What?" Both people in the room froze at her words.

"Hodor?" Hodor also stops, dramatically dropping the books he was carrying.

"Oh? You lot didn't know?" She confusedly asked the three.

She was sure that everyone knew of her betrothal to bran. Especially after they were caught sleeping in each other's bed-innocently- earning her a talk with lady catelyn.

She was glad it wasn't 'the birds and the bees' just simply lecturing her how bad it would look considering they were a boy and a girl.

But Ned who overheard the talk, immediately brushes the issue off stating that it was fine and no one would fawn over these considering they were betrothed.

Which then escalated to the couple explaining to her that she was indeed betrothed to bran as per the king's orders.

Not that she didn't know already.

So it confuses her that her own handmaiden and the guy she was betrothed with didn't know.

And she didn't take hodor to be a gossipy person anyway. He's just hodor.

Valeria giggled as she saw bran's face lose color from the shock.

"Who are you betrothed with and why did i not know that my baby is getting married off?!" Vivian whined as she buried Valeria's face into her chest cooing how the girl was growing to fast.

"The king is the one marrying me off-"

"I knew it! Is it to the prince?"


Bran's face grew whiter with the conversation continuing.

Valeria rolled her eyes playfully. "If it was with prince tommen why would they sent me to winterfell?" She said as she pulled away from vivian's motherly claws, continuing to stack her bookshelves once again.

Vivian gasp after further thinking. "Is it to robb?"

"I feel sick" bran mumbled quietly as his guts felt squishy.

"Ew no- can you please have this sent to kingslanding?" Valeria handed vivian two letters for the two royals.

Vivian nodded as she head out with hodor on her trails.

"Geez vivian" she mumbled quietly as she placed her hand out to bran waiting for him to pass on another book.

A minute passed and she faced him in confusion. She laughed seeing his paled face before stepping off the stool to shake him out of his trance.

"My little wolf, are you alright?" She mumbled with a smile as she poked his cheeks.

He only stared at her though.

"Bran~ you're not going to ignore me till our wedding right?" She teased before ruffling his hair.

She watched all color return to his face as it morphed into confusion, he blinks fastly.

She chuckled as she went pass him to grab the books hodor dramatically left on the floor.

Bran gasped quietly. "Wait. We. We're betrothed?" He asked in surprise.

Valeria laughed, "yes?, Unless you don't want to- the king would probably have me marry little rickon-"

"When do we get married?" He eagerly asked, she giggled, she can see an imaginary tail wagging behind him.

"I don't know? When i bleed?" She unsurely mumbled.

He grew red knowing what that's for, but a soft smile engulfed his face as he tried not to smile so much.

"I honestly thought you knew. You seem to care for me more- i thought lady catelyn asked you to do so" she said as he helped her up the stool once again.

She really did thought so. Knowing he didn't know and he still cared for her made her feel warm inside.

He always made her feel warm and giddy.

She knew what this is and she's not one to deny it .

"I wish our children would have your eyes" he suddenly blurted out.

Valeria almost fell from the rate she turned immediately at his words. Her face flushing red at his words.

"I. I- What?" She said with a laugh.

"What? Your eyes are pretty" he simply said.

"Did your mother had the same eyes?"

she shook her head remembering her former mother. "Nah. she had pretty lilac eyes" she said with a smile.

He used to be careful around the topic but after her reassurances he came to ask her about such things.

Like what she remembers about dorne. He loved her stories about the place.

"Then i hope our children would have your hair, maybe even sansa's, i love your hair" she mumbled with a smile as she stacks her books.

It was funny how two ten year olds where talking about marriage like this but as soon as valeria turns twelve and she bled immediately, marriage was already bound to happen.

So it wasn't really far along to talk about such things.

"Can you tell me about dorne again later? Arya wanted to know too and i think rickon's coming" he stated excitedly.

Valeria agreed almost immediately.

It was another one of their secret late night room parties. It was usually just them but sometimes arya would come along and occasionally rickon.

They finished rearranging her room, both collapsing dramatically on her bed in exhaustion.


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