chapter 47

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Jon and sansa insisted that Valeria stay as they negotiate with the other houses which valeria called out to be stupid.

Jon, in everyone's eyes is a bastard and knowing sansa, she's feisty and might get offended when she's turned down.

Sir davos' way of words may help though.

But then again they were right in keeping valeria and her child a secret, no one knew catelyn was a girl, she'd be less of a threat since it'll be hard to accept a woman to be queen of the north.

Such is the case for sansa at the moment.

It's been almost a month of gathering houses that would support them and so far they had a small army compared to the boltons


"Where's sansa?" Valeria asked as soon as she arrived at the camp.

"How'd you get here?" Jon asked her in confusion and disbelief.

"I rode here" she told him.

Correct. But not specific.

Draken rested on a cliff not too far away, enjoying the snow as always.

Jon sighed in stress as he noticed almost three month old catelyn happily riding on the back of her mother, giggling and cooing.

"And you brought her" he mumbled as his fingers pinched his nose bridge.

Valeria rolled hr eyes playfully as she raised her eyebrows at him.

Jon sighed. "She left earlier, we fought last night, she insisted we needed more men and i said we'll have to fight with what we have" he explains as he walked around the table.

He was definitely stressed, his face says it all.

"You're both right and you know it." Valeria says as she stands beside him, hands hugging his arm comfortingly.

Jon let out a scoff of a laugh before he smiled at her. "It doesn't matter, it's better this way. I wouldn't want her on the battlefield anyway— same goes for you little lady-"

"Woman! God jon I've already bore a child and you still insist that im young?" She jokingly says.

But davos interrupts them. "Jon. It's time"

With those words jon and valeria shares a look knowing it may very well be their last.

"Don't leave this camp— if we lose you go north, edd will protect you" he tells her sternly.

Valeria looks at him with the same sterness. "Don't lose. I've only gotten you back, you can't leave me so soon" her voice almost cracked.

And with that the two shared a hug as if saying goodluck.

Jon walked away from her only to be stopped by valeria. "Wait! You have to kiss catelyn goodbye!" She excitedly said as she ran up to him. "She'll give you luck" she smiled at him.

Jon chuckled as he nods leaning to give the baby a kiss on her head. Catelyn laughed as she drools a little.

And with that, jon was off to war.


A clatter of a fallen object made valeria turn around from inside the tent.

As soon as she saw the frozen young girl she smiled. "Lady mormont? We meet again" she softly said as she held catelyn to her chest, rocking her as she sleeps.

"I- i you— i saw you.." she trailed off dumbfounded.

"In your dreams?" Valeria continued for her.

Her tough, feisty demeanor seemed to have crumbled as she slowly approached valeria.

The two once again had acquaintanced themselves, in a whispering manner since catelyn was sleeping.

"So is she a stark?" Lyanna softly asked valeria as they sat on the makeshift bed.

Valeria nodded with a smile. "You promise to side with the starks.. does that mean that if i ask you to protect her you'll do it?" She softly said.

Lyanna didn't even flinch as she immediately turned to nod at her words, her face full of determination.

"House mormont swears it" she stated as she slowly kneels.

Valeria smiles as her heart swells in relief.

"Lady mormont i brought you your—"

Valeria and lyanna turned to the entrance as they heard a clatter of a basin as it hit the ground.

Valeria's heart stopped as she slowly stood up in disbelief.

"V-vivian?" She hesitated to ask.

And the girl infront of them started to cry as she ran to pounce on valeria. "My lady— my baby valeria.. i. I thought they caught you— i thought you were dead but.. you've grown! You're alive!" Her voice kept wavering and breaking as a smile invaded her crying face.

Lyanna stood up, "so..You weren't lying when you said you served her.." she said in disbelief.

"Vivian.. i thought the boltons have taken you.." she slowly said, dumbfounded and in disbelief as she started to cry.

The idea that vivian was alive and well had finally sunk into her system and floodgates of tears opened and tears had left her eyes.

"I've served lady mormont— she took me in-" she started to tell her.

The three exchanged their stories connecting it to each other's until it was broken when catelyn cried.

"You— you bore a child?!" Vivian said in disbelief as she watched her lady rock the baby asleep.

"Yes, but we should talk when i come back. Right now i must entrust you two to take vows, keep her safe whilst I'm gone" she pleadingly said.

She trusted vivian, and the young lady. Vivian was protective she knows how to kill and to flee when needed, whilst lyanna was a great fighter.

She can't take her child to the battlefield and she can't stay with her whilst rickon was out there possibly dying.

"But how will you even get there?— one person won't make a difference, we should just wait" vivian argued with her.

She just got her back and now she might lose her again.

"One person will not. But one dragon will" as soon as those words left her mouth, flapping wings were heard from outside.


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