chapter 10- bled

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Valeria bit her cheeks as she tried not to laugh, she shared a look with bran and the two almost laughed.

It was silence before Ned and Robert broke into a laugh before they shared a brotherly hug.

Valeria and bran watched as the two chatted before their eyes darted to the people leaving the royal carriage

Valeria's cheeks were hurting from excitement as she saw myrcella step out with tommen in tow.

Her smile twitches when the queen left the carriage but as soon as myrcella and tommen's wandering eyes found her they immediately waved enthusiastically before the queen scolded them.

Valeria giggled a little as she turned to bran. " I'll introduce you later to them" she whispered excitedly to which he chuckled at her buzzing figure.

"Where's the imp?"

"Arya-" valeria was about to scold her. "Will you shut up?" Sansa annoyingly asked.

"Your name is?" They heard the king asked to which arya replied. "Arya" too simply

The king's eyes darted to bran and immediately to Valeria's arms that clung unto the boy's, Robert let out an amused laugh at this.

"Ooh. The groom to be. Show me your muscles" the king amusingly asked.

Bran smiled proudly, showing his arm to which valeria giggles.

"Valeria." The king greeted fondly. "You two seem to already be attached by the hip" he amusedly say at the two.

Valeria gave him a thankful smile before she curtsies. "Your grace" she greets gracefully letting a small childish giggle escape.

The king ruffles her pale hair fondly before turning to Ned.

Valeria almost tenses seeing cersei come forward to be greeted by ned and catelyn.

The grown ups talked and everyone disperses once the king and ned left. And as soon as queen cersei went to her chambers leaving the younger royals to themselves she dragged bran to where myrcella was.

"Myrcella!" She squealed excitingly as she almost pounced on the older girl.

Myrcella giggled as she hugged the girl back almost immediately. "You've grown!" She fussed as they let go.

"So have you!" She giggled. "Where's tommen?" She asked noticing he was not beside her.

"HERE!" The boy excitingly said pouncing on her from behind.

She almost fell if it was not for bran catching her. She mumbled a thank you before turning to hug her friend.

"I've missed you so much" tommen gushed as he rocked them side to side a little.

Valeria giggled as she let go. "As did i!"

"Oh!" Valeria let out as she remembered. "I'd like you to meet bran" she excitedly said as she grabbed bran's arm.

The poor boy almost tripped but he honestly didn't care.

"Your grace" bran greeted formally at the two, with a small bow.

Valeria almost cooed at his adorableness.

"Is he..?" Myrcella suggested teasingly with wiggling eyebrows to which valeria rolled her eyes playfully.

She might have told myrcella about her crush on bran in her earlier years in winterfell.

The four after being introduced talked fo the rest of the day, bran and valeria helping the two royals settle in.

"Valeria" tommen whispered excitedly after he saw bran finally go a few foot away from the girl.


"I found something from the castle. I think it's suppose to be yours" he mumbled before looking around to grab his gift.

Valeria curiously watched as she opened his chest of belongings, cringing when he scurries his items into a mess to finally see the 'gift' hidden in the bottom of the box.

He sighed exasperatedly as he finally got a hand on a smaller chest offering it to the girl.

"What is it?" She asked with an incredulous look on her face.

He gestured for her to open it with his proud smile. So valeria carefully opened the chest, and as soon as she laid her eyes on it she almost dropped it as her heart stopped.

"Is this..?"

"Uh huh. Dragon eggs, maester said it already had turned to rock- but i still think you should have it" he rambles.

Valeria's fingers traces the egg in wonder before she smiles thanking tommen with a small hug.

"Ririe, mother said we should get ready for the feast" bran interrupted the two.

Valeria said her goodbyes to the two royals promising to talk to them later as she- per usual wrapped her arms around bran's.

He was warm. Warmer than anyone she knew at winterfell. Bran got used to her clinging unto him. Sometimes she was afraid he'd grew annoyed but he never did. He likes it.

"My lady! There you are"

The two turned to vivian are she rounded the corner.

"Come, let's get you ready"


Valeria ate only talking with bran as they were once again inside their own little bubble.

The prince and princess were not allowed to attend the feast much to Valeria's disappointment but she was actually thankful they didn't attend. king robert was flirting with another woman, Right infront of the queen.

She cringes at the sight making bran laugh.

"We should probably head to our rooms" he said laughing at her.

With her face of disgust she agreed almost immediately. "Should we check up on jon?" She suggested knowing the close bond between the two.

He nodded excitedly.

The two sneaked off from the table before they were stopped by robb. "Where are you two sneaking off to?" He said with his usual smile.

"To where you took arya to"

"Bran!" Lady catelyn called out making the two of them flinch as if being caught. Valeria giggled at bran's annoyed face, patting his back teasingly as she nods her head.

"Valeria dear, you too"

The two shared a look before they head to catelyn. Bran laughing quietly.

"Your grace" valeria greeted as soon as she saw the queen.

The queen nodded. "You've grown- have you bled?" She asked immediately.

Valeria's face grew red as she shared a look with Catelyn, "I. not yet your grace" she answered confusedly.

She was too young to bleed so why would cersei ask.

The queen only nodded and the two was dismissed.

They let out a sigh of relief as they snuck off to see jon.

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