chapter 34

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"i wanted that" valeria whined a little after bran ate a berry she gave him.

He confusedly look up at her. "You gave it to me?"

"Oh." She simply muttered before turning to eat a different one as if she wasn't even upset earlier.

Bran's eyes narrowed at her. "You— are you ok?" He asked slowly.

She's been weird since yesterday when she suddenly disappeared with meera. "Yeah why?" She asks casually.

"Well you said sorry to a tree you bumped into earlier so.." jojen weakly said with a laugh.

"I didn't mean to hurt it" she whined before she latched into meera's arm. Meera laughed at her before she pats her head.

"Don't mind her. It's that time of the month" meera simply said. "Does it hurt?" She whispers.

Valeria shook her head. Her cramps usually attacks her at night though.

"What time of the month?" Bran confusedly asked making the three other teens look back to him.

"The time when us women peel our skin off like snakes—" valeria dramatically said.

"She's bleeding" jojen simply stated as he walked pass them in his almost limping state.

To this bran's eyes widened. "You've bled?! Since when?!"


"Bran stop it, I'm alright" valeria whined as he fawned over her and what she might need.

"I didn't even know that you already bled-" he mumbled disappointedly.

He didn't even had the chance to spoil her like he wanted to when they were children. His mother often told him that it was a painful, uncomfortable process and that being spoiled with sweet things are best.

"I should've gave you all the berries earlier" he mumbled to himself as his hand softly massages under her belly.

Fortunately and also- weirdly, draken seemed to still have heat even though he was practically travelling in the cold north for months now.

Draken laid with valeria, heating her up much to her comfort. Summer stuck to her legs as he nuzzled onto her.

It was such a comfortable night to the point that her cramps didn't even bother her. She slept like a baby.

Her boys spoiling her with warmth.


"We can stop, we can rest" meera told jojen as he staggered.

The winds were restless as they walked and an unsettling feeling warped inside valeria. "She's right jojen. I think we should let you rest for a while" she worriedly said.

"We'll rest when we're with the raven." He simply said as they continued to walk.

Bran and hodor has already walked ahead as the three lagged behind. Summer was walking, stalking near bran.

and draken..

He suddenly stopped following them after they reach a certain point earlier. He seemed to refuse to go forward, he kept pulling at bran and valeria, pulling them back.

It's like he didn't want them to enter the territory.

He even tried pulling jojen back with him.

But soon he flew and they just assumed that maybe he felt weird considering it grew colder today with the wind, maybe he went hunting..

Valeria helped meera with jojen as he continued to limp. He was getting worse as time goes by and valeria was growing more worried at jojen.

Sure their first moment were not really good considering she felt like he was guiding her husband to death but, she grew fond of him and their small jokes.

Like an older brother.

She wondered if all this never happened would she have met jojen and her friend for life—meera?.

They could've been a one big happy family. Jojen and theon as her brothers whilst osha and vivian could be the parents.

Jojen dropped face down the ice forcing panic to erupt between the two girls as bran and hodor had already went far ahead.

"Jojen, that's it. We must rest, we don't even know when we'll get there" valeria worriedly said as the two of them took ahold of him.

Jojen's eyes seemed to lit up as he looks at the snow before him. "we're already here." He mumbled.

Meera and valeria shared a look before turning to bran's sudden call. "Jojen! Jojen look" he said with a wide smile.

With the help from the two girls jojen was finally able to stand beside bran, they were at awe with what they saw.

The weirwood tree.

The sunlight illuminating from behind it.

Soon they've already walked to it, down the cliff hodor pulled bran as valeria helped making sure her husband won't go slipping down the cart and rolling down the hill.

Meera seemed in awe as she also walked a fair distance between her brother and her friend.

"Can you believe we've made it?" Bran said with awe.

As valeria opens her mouth, goosebumps suddenly travelled up her spine. Something doesn't fell right...

She turned hearing a thud from behind her. Meera also turned in confusion seeing her younger brother lay belly flat on the snow. "Jojen?" She mumbled.

But all hell ran loose when he was suddenly dragged away and skeletons rose from the ground.

"MEERA!" valeria couldn't help but shout when the skeletons swung at her friend.

She tried shooting her arrows but of course those were useless and so she opted into using the discarded axes.

She cursed her petite body as only adrenaline was keeping her from being able to use the large axe.

Luckily she was able to help meera at first but more came and she soon had to fight for her own life.

She turned to her left eyes landing onto bran's figure, his panicked voice was what caught her attention.

She can feel her stomach drop seeing one of the skeletons crawl onto him as he frantically tried to get her away.

"SUMMER!" Valeria called as she swung her axe into another skeleton.

Summer was successful at tearing the skeleton away from bran and she tried going back to him but skeletons kept coming for her.

It's like they're endlessly coming back.

Valeria jumped when hodor suddenly appeared beside her, attacking a skeleton that was about to kill her. "Hodor?" She asked only to caught a glimpse of bran's eyes which had already turned white.

"Save yourselves!" Was what she last heard from jojen..

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