chapter 48

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Valeria breathed heavily as she held onto draken's spikes, he flew fastly through the sky until they arrived on top of a cliff where she over saw what was happening.

Her heart dropped as she saw how many soldiers the boltons had compared to them.

How could jon have forgotten that she had a dragon— Oh.

He and sansa didn't know.

They were already away from winterfell when draken was born and they didn't really see her get off draken when she arrived.. it's not like draken was always hanging around castle black either..


But her stomach dropped when she saw someone running through the field, her eyes caught a glimpse of jon running from the other side.

It didn't take her a second to realize that it was rickon.

"Draken let's go" she simply stated and draken did fly up again, faster than ever as he swooped down into the grassy field.

Just in time as an arrow swooped down, bouncing off of draken's scaly body inevitably falling to the ground.

Everyone's breath seemed to have gotten stuck in their throat as they stared at the creature in disbelief.

His large scaly head, drooped down slowly as he sneered, down enough for everyone to see the pale haired girl who rode it.

Valeria's proud figure sat up straight ad her eyes glared at the man holding a bow and arrow.

Was he really just shooting as rickon ran? Like it was a game?.

She could feel her blood boil at the thought.

Ramsay's hold on his bow dropped as he stared at the creature.


Valeria's eyes turned behind her, only to skip a beat when she saw rickon on the ground staring up at her.

"Valeria! H-how.." jon let out as soon as he reached them.

"My baby!" Valeria happily said as she slid down from draken and onto the grassy ground, immediately pouncing onto rickon as he slowly stood up.

No one dared to move as the dragon stood in all his mightyness, sneering at them all.

Valeria's hands trembled as she hugged him, he was also trembling as he cried. "You came back" he cried out.

"I did." She whispers as her heart soared in happiness that she wasn't late.

"You're safe.." she whispers. "And you've grown.." she said as she pulled away to look at his tall figure, taller than her now.

Valeria was too happy seeing rickon that she didn't notice ramsay order to shoot at them.

But jon did.

"Valeria! Take him to camp, now!" Jon broke their little Reunion.

Valeria could only nod before she quickly grabbed rickon, helping him up the dragon's back. "Lower your head!" She instructs.

As soon as she got up the dragon.. "NOW!"

Arrows came flying down them.

but draken was swift enough to brush those away with his tail and wings, but he whined as a few struck him.

This enraged valeria.

Draken roared scaring Bolton's men as he flew up to the sky. "CHARGE!" men from Jon's side screamed as Bolton's men started to charge.

"Valeria take him to safety!" Jon screamed as he pulled out his sword.

Valeria breathed heavily panicking as she heard not only draken's whines of pain but also rickon's. An arrow shot got through his arm. Atleast it was only his arm.

Enraged by this valeria took draken high into the sky, before she plummeted them down into the back of Ramsay's men.

"DRACARYS" she shouted through the chaos.

The archers screamed and bolton cowered as the dragon breathed fire, burning all his men in the back.

She didn't know how many times she jad screamed the word 'dracarys' but her voice was getting strained as draken continuously obeyed her.

"Kill that dragon!" She heard bolton scream and all remaining archers started to aim for them.

The only plausible move was to fly higher and so they did.

Atleast they were safe from the arrows but in the end she knew draken would soon grow tired, and she had to treat rickon's wound.

Everything happened so fast and soon valeria and rickon watched from afar as the men surrounded jon and their soldiers.

"Draken! You can do this, they need us" she told him as his flapping grew slower than before.

But nonetheless he still turned back, flying to where jon is only to stop on top of the hill.

Valeria confusedly looked only to see banners arrive with sansa and.. littlefinger? In front, leading them.

Now valeria was sure they'll win this.

She sighed in relief before she taps draken. "Let's go back my child" she mumbled.

Draken seemed to understand, flying up and back to the camp where vivian and catelyn are.


"Ouch! Careful, please" rickon yelped.

Valeria chuckled as she laid on a rocking chair with catelyn sitting up her lap.

"So she is bran's?" Vivian asked as she crouched infront of the child.

"I don't think val would want another man to have her children— Ouch!" Rickon whined.

Valeria laughs at his words as she nods agreeing.

He was so dumbfounded and happy when he saw the child, he was so fond of her already.

"For a stark, you whine too much" lyanna teasingly said as she tightens the bandage on his arm.

Rickon's eyebrows furrowed at her comment. "For a girl, how are you not gentle?" He asks her only to stop. "Even osha can be gentle at times" he mumbled.

The sadness in his voice was enough for valeria to know that osha's gone.

Lyanna rolled her eyes. "I'm not just a girl, I'm Lady Lyanna mormont. I'm meant to be feisty" she told him sternly.

"Lyanna?. You have the same name as my aunt— as pretty as her too" he says only to stop.

Valeria and Vivian's jaw dropped as they watched.

"Did he just.." vivian whispers.

"Yes. He just flirted with her." Valeria whispered back.

"I- im not pretty! My mother was not so-" lyanna said in a fluster.

"But you are. Great fighter too as i heard" he continued to compliment her.

Valeria knew rickon knows what he's doing to her, his smile says it all.

Three years age gap.. that could work. Valeria thought.

"My lady! The carriages have arrived." A soldier called out from outside.

Valeria's eyes met rickon's as she smiled. "We're going home."

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