chapter 43

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"she's adorable" meera coed

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"she's adorable" meera coed.

Whenever they had a free time all they do is stare at the child who was constantly drinking milk from her mother.

"I know— her hair is lovely too" valeria said as her fingers caressed her baby's cheeks.

Bran was just staring at her with a smile, slowly rocking her in his arms. just a few days ago he refused to carry her afraid he'll drop her.

"Cat. Cath are you cold love?" Bran called out to her ever so quietly.

He was afraid he'll be a little too loud and she'd cry.


Catelyn Vivian stark.

Valeria cried so much when they came up with the name.

Her two mothers.

Three if she added osha but, three names would be too much, bran suggested they use osha's name for their next child.

Jojen's if she bores a boy.

The three shared a look before they turned to cath who suddenly cooed out a small smile appearing on her face.

"She has your cheeks— i just want to-" bran let out only to yelp when valeria slapped his fingers away.

Valeria's glare made him gulp. "You are not pinching her cheeks" she sternly said.

"Im not! I was just going to press a little" he argued a small pout appearing on his face.

"Yeah right" val mumbled before they broke out into a quiet laugh.

Meera rolled her eyes playfully. "Were val's cheeks that full when she was a child?" She asked bran.

Bran could only chuckle as he nods. "It was so round and it was always red because of the cold" he saids fondly. "You should've seen it, it was so adorable." He gushed.

Valeria rolled her eyes playfully. "Yeah no my cheeks were red because you were always pinching them" she annoyingly said.

"What?! It was adorable" he teasingly said.

Meera rolled her eyes at the two who were arguing in whispers. "If you two wake cath she'll go suck on your breast again"

And valeria immediately groaned. "No~ My nipples are already chapped with how much she's eating" she whined quietly.

Bran could only chuckle before giving her head a kiss as if saying thank you for doing so.

"Well that explains her chubby cheeks" meera jokingly said.


"Valeria look! Draken left us some deer He's so huge now!" Meera excitedly said as soon as she entered the cave.

But her smile dropped when she noticed Valeria's tear stricken eyes, she seemed to be in panic with how steep she was breathing.

Meera immediately dropped the deer as she ran beside hodor, sitting infront of valeria who was sat up holding her child to her chest.

"W-what's happening?" She nervously asked.

"I- I don't know but she's trembling so much and she's — she's so so cold" valeria cried out in worry and nervousness.

She wouldn't let go of catelyn as she pressed her against herself to hopefully generate some heat.

She stopped turning blue too after she did this.

"Hodor. Hodor?" Hodor worriedly said as he fussed around valeria.

"W-where's bran?" Meera asked so she can ask what they should do.

And as if he heard he suddenly gasped outloud awakening from his trip with the raven.

He seemed dazed, trying to shake the feeling off of himself as he smiled excitingly, looking for his child.

Only to see the three hovered around cathelyn.

A bad feeling came over bran as his eyebrows furrowed.

"What's happening?" He slowly asked.

Valeria slowly stood up immediately running over to him. "S-she's shivering, i- I don't know what to do" she said with trembling voice.

Bran's heart dropped at her words as panic slowly filled him with fear.

"B-bran what do we do? Our child.." she trailed off as she hugged catelyn close.

Bran thought for a second before turning to meera. "Meera, take hodor and light some fire, it must be because of the cold—"

"Take her south."

Everyone froze at the bloodraven's words.

"W-what?" Valeria let out in disbelief.

"You know where your brother is at the moment. It's much warmer there than here." He explains.

Ofcourse he was right, valeria does know where jon is, it's closer than winterfell.

"Targaryens are fickle things especially as young as your child, she needs heat more so right now than ever" he explains further to them, "therefore you must go".

Bran and valeria shared a look.

"B-but my training is not done yet?" Bran confusedly said.

Surely he wouldn't have force him to come all this way to not train him completely?.

"Which is why you'll stay"


"What? You— you're not serious?" Bran sternly said dumbfounded.

"I will not leave my husband here-" valeria angrily said as her face slowly contorts in anger.

"But you will also not let your child die freezing." The bloodraven said in certainty.

Valeria and bran froze knowing he was right.

"You must let me go with her— it'll take months before she gets to the wall. I- I can't even imagine being away from them-" bran tried to argue with trembling voice.

Valeria's thoughts were selfish. She wanted him to come with her but jojen's face appeared in her mind.

Valeria sighed as she trembles. "H-he's right. You must stay." She whispers.

Bran turned to her in disbelief ready to argue but she stopped him. "My love. We can't let jojen's death be in vain. You must finish what you came here for" she sadly says.

Meera could only sigh hearing her brother's name, she agrees with valeria. "Don't worry I'll come with her"

"No you'll not. You will stay here, i will not leave my husband defenseless" valeria sternly said.

Bran angrily looked at her. "And what of our child?! I can't have you both travel alone out there-"

"They will not travel alone. A week of travel will be enough to take them where they are headed." The bloodraven's booming voice was heard.

They all turned confusedly at him.

A week?.

"And they won't travel alone, their courier is already here." He simply said.

And before they could even ask.

"HREEE" a roar accompanied by flapping wings was heard from outside.


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