chapter 2- new arrival

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"vivian? How long till we arrive at winterfell?" Valeria asked now wearing the thick fur coat the king gave her.

A week into the travel, although unacceptable, she asked her handmaiden to stay with her inside the carriage claiming that she was scared.

She wasn't. but months of friendship and happiness with the royal children made her feel lonely, alone inside the cozy carriage.

"Just a week left i believe, my lady" vivian said.

She always wondered how valeria was so well mannered, her etiquettes were on point, the way she speaks and the fact that she is now reading a thick book made her seem like an older mature person.

But she couldn't help but coddle and care for the adorable five year old.

Like the rest, she was first scared of her eyes. It was unusual. Some say it was cursed but her personality alongside her adorable face made those eyes adorable.

As they neared the north a month back, Valeria's chubby cheeks were constantly red making everyone of her entourage coo at her adorableness. And the thick coat on her small body could not make her any more adorable as she waddled by.

As well as her manipulative words and cuteness ofcourse.

"My lady i hope you don't mind me asking. But when is your name day?" Vivian asked politely to which valeria smiled.

"Oh. Yesterday." She answered, eyes never leaving her book as they bounced inside the carriage.

"Ohh. Yesterday-" vivian calmly said before realization came to her.

"YESTERDAY?!" she squealed in surprised making the knight outside knock at the window.

Valeria giggled at her reaction.

"Is everything alright my lady?" The voice outside asked.

Valeria opened the window, with a toothy smile greeted the knight which he cooed at silently. "Everything's alright sir-"

"No it is not! My lady how could you not tell us it was your nameday yesterday? We hadn't even celebrated-"

"It's quite alright vivian I don't really like celebrating it" She said with a laugh.

Vivian pouted in disappointment. She should be excited for her nameday, not like this.

"Then happy nameday my lady" the knight outside said with a fond smile before closing the window, knowing that the winter air entering the carriage might not be best for the child.

"You're six already, how fast time flies" she mumbled beside the child as her arm wrapped around her comfortingly.

Vivian was not much of a high noble lady. She was a commoner to be exact. The queen thought it fitting for a child of low nobility to have a commoner as her hand maiden.

But the king saw her fit to serve the young Targaryen, training vivian through the first months of Valeria's arrival.

"I know" valeria mumbled softly as her eyes scans the book.

The book joffrey smuggled inside her carriage as a form of goodbye.

From your future king. He wrote poorly on the first page.

She flipped at the last of the pages. Eyebrows raising at the written message before her lips curled upwards.

If someone were to hurt you send me a letter and I'll have their head.

He might be a psychopath but deep down she knew he found her comforting. He should. She manipulated him to do so.


"Is the room ready?"

"Yes my lady, i made sure to double the fur blankets" one of the maids answered catelyn as she made sure everything was ready for their new soon to be child.

"Good. I heard Targaryens love heat. She might feel more comfortable from our cold weather if her room is warmer" she mumbled more to herself than the servants.

At first she didn't like the idea of the betrothal to bran, but then she found out that the girl was a child herself.

She found herself breathing a sigh of relief, she was glad the king chose them to care for the child. If it was any other house she was sure the child would have a miserable life.

And besides. What's one more child to care for? She already has jon snow.

She'll just have to raise her to be good.

Catelyn opted to check the room. It was right beside's arya's room since it was warmer in this side of the castle.

"Mother. Who's coming to winterfell?"

Catelyn jumped as arya suddenly appeared from under the bed.


"Bye mother!" And she left.

Catelyn pinched her nose bridge in stress as she checked the bed once again and other parts of the room.

Until the window burst open. "Mother"

She jumped once again.

Her children are bound to kill her one day. She turned to the window seeing her little six year old happily enter the room through the window. It was right beneath his room.

She sighed. Then she smiled. "Brandon dear-"

"I know. No more climbing" he lazily said as he plopped down on the warm bed.

"Ooh! I like this bed. It's warmer than mine" he said with his toothy smile making catelyn smile even more.

"Bran we have someone coming later. I need you to make her feel welcome, she's been through a lot." She gently said earning his attention.

"Is she my age?" He asked curiously, his big eyes full of wonder.

His mom nodded, causing him to feel excited to meet this new person. Someone he can be friends and play with.

Catelyn urged him out of the room although he said he'd want to wait and greet her at the gates, catelyn told him he should head to bed by then.

The carriage will arrive unfortunately at night due to constant snowfall, the harsh winds made the journey far more difficult.

Bran sighed disappointedly before turning to the window. "Use the door little lord" his mother teasingly said making him sigh more cutely.

I hope she knows how to climb! We could climb together. And if she doesn't know how i could teach her!. He thought excitedly.

Catelyn soon joined Ned at the gates after she made sure that all her children were sleeping and tucked in. Then they were alerted that the carriage was approaching.

They looked at each other with worry and hope as the gates opened. Snow falling heavily with an entourage of exactly 8 knights, surrounding the carriage.

The knights gave respect to Ned and his wife to which they nod in acknowledgement. "My lord, thank you for having us." He said knowing they'd be staying a month before they are sent back to kingslanding.

The carriage completely stopped infront of them, one knight climb down his horse to open the door and assist the young lady.

With her thick furs and hooded small figure the first thing that they saw was her white hair that flew out of her hood.

She jumped down the carriage with assistance of the knight to which she gave thanks, making catelyn coo silently.

As she stood infront of them, ned and Catelyn's eyes squint trying to get a better look at the child.

"My lord, my lady. I thank you for the warm welcome." She gracefully said making catelyn coo even more.

"I need to pee."

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