Chapter 1

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He hadn't flicked the page in the last half hour, he'd just be staring mindlessly at the writing written on the old book.

Regulus had noticed this. He had noticed Remus was lost in his own world and finally decided to snap him out of it. "Stop thinking," he said clicking his fingers in Remus' face. Remus looked up and yawned stretching his arms up and finding the wooden library chair a bit more uncomfortable now than it was three hours ago.

"I like to think," he said in more of a snap.

"Yeah, you like to think about my brother" Regulus replied unable to hide the smirk in his voice.

Regulus was in his fourth year he had turned fifteen last week at the end of September and had fallen for star chaser James potter, aka his brother's best friend.

James was a year older than him and many people had eyes for him. Who wouldn't really, with his raven-colored hair, his warm hazel eyes hidden behind round glasses and his slightly tanned skin dotted with soft freckles, and his smile. That smile. It was so inviting that Regulus found himself smiling a bit whenever he saw it even though he nearly never smiled. But he could never really know what that other boy thought of him, at least he excepted him even though he was a Slytherin, most Gryffindors despised Slytherins.

Remus was also not that lucky in the love department. Now in his fifth year, he nearly could never get Regulus' brother Sirius Black out of his mind. They had been friends since first year but from fourth year Remus seemed to want the boy with all his heart. He would wish he could wake up next to him, to be able to stroke his long black hair, to kiss the tip of his nose, and look for hours on end into those blue eyes. But Sirius Black was a hard one, you could nearly never tell what he was doing, so Remus was always trying to understand if Sirius was flirting or joking around, a very difficult one Sirius black was indeed.

"Oh Reggie, we seem to be some of the smartest people around and we still don't know how to figure out how to make those two fall for us" Remus sighed closing his book after looking at the time.

"I told you next time you call me Reggie I'd kick you in the shin" Regulus snapped playfully as he too began to pack his stuff away.

"Totally" he replied and he ruffled Regulus' hair knowing how much it would irritate him "wish there was a way to make them jealous".

Regulus pondered that for a moment and then turned sharply "Remember that time that Hufflepuff girl asked you out I still swear to Merlin that Sirius's face was like thunder" Regulus said.

Remus was seeing the clogs turning in Regulus' brain at this point "Yes, kind of like the time James choked on his pumpkin juice when that Slytherin girl invited you to Hogsmeade" he replied.

"I think if we dated anyone those two would start to react" Regulus smirked.

"You're a bit of a genius Black, but I'll make it clear I'm not going to go breaking anyone's heart, it's sort of cruel" Remus replied.

"You can't break anyone's heart if they know it's fake," Regulus told him, he had an idea in his head and wanted Remus to put the dots together.

"Then it has to be someone trustworthy to keep the secret and be ok with it" Remus replied. "Wait where you thinking-"

Regulus nodded and they were at a mutual understanding.

"They will murder us if they find out," Remus said. The idea itself seemed phenomenal but if he knew anything about the two they would be rather displeased when they find out the truth.

"All part of the plan Lupin, are you in," he asked, he outstretched a hand like a businessman making an offer.

"Merlin's beard, let's go down for this one together" Remus smiled and he took Regulus' hand and shook it before slinking an arm across his shoulder guiding them both out of the library before they would be kicked out.

"My dear Reggie, may I say you are a beautiful mastermind," Remus said trying to contain the small laugh in his voice.

"My love Remus, always" Regulus replied, as he pulled himself out from under Remus' arm. "Shall we find our dear pals and tell them the splendid news?" he asked, seeming to adapt an overly posh voice.

"Alright then" Remus replied, his mature voice slipping away. "Can't wait for their reaction" he grinned.

"I think this will be easier then chess with Peter" Regulus told him as they began to climb the stairs towards Gryffindor tower, it was an hour till curfew but Regulus didn't mind sleeping on the Gryffindor couch, it was much warmer in that room then in the Slytherin common room.

Remus muttered the password and they walked in. There eyes first saw the vibrant color of Lily's red hair as she faced a rather challenging match of chess with Peter. "Hey, where is Potter and Black," Remus asked as Lily looked up at them whilst Peter killed her queen.

"The dorm, most likely doing something they shouldn't be" she replied and he thanked them and the two began walking up the spiral staircase towards the other two.

Remus pushed the door open to see Sirius mid-rant on something, the sound only came when the door was opened so there was definitely a silence charm on the room. James and Sirius fell silent in seconds.

Remus was stopped in place, and he realized they had no plan at all, he didn't know what to say but was overly glad when Regulus took his hand.

"Remus and I would like to let you know, that we are dating," he said the corner of his mouth twitching into a small smile.

"What the fuck" came from the mouth of James 'I would never swear' Potter.

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