Chapter 5

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A low chuckle is was broke the two away from each other and they turned to the door which the sound was coming from. And there was Remus. He was leaning against the door with a bottle of fire whisky in his hand grinning, it would take a blind man to not realize he was completely drunk. "I just came up for a smoke but you know I can leave if necessary" he chuckled.

James was red in the face, he almost looked distraught as he spoke "Remus, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't I'm sorry"

Remus just chuckled which made James both confused and scared. He swung the bottle to his lips gulping speaking "Jamie my boy, I'll let dear Reg share the news with you, I'll just grab this," he walked over to one of his jacket pockets and pulled out a box of cigarettes and wagged it in the air to show the two "and now I'll be gone" and with that, he walked down the stairs disappearing.

James turned to Regulus who was still only centimeters from him and James realized he still had his arm around the other boy's waist. He let go and Regulus took a step back to sit back on the trunk. A small grin lay on his lips as he looked at James who was giving him a quizzical look.

"I and Remus may of fake dated to get a rise out of you and Sirius to see if you'd make a move," Regulus said.

James' mind seemed to freeze for a few seconds before he finally spoke blurting a few things out at once "It was fake! Wait does that mean Remus likes Sirius? You tricked us!" He did all of this with wild hand gestures that made Regulus fight off a laugh.

"Yes, Remus likes Sirius, but don't tell my brother it's rather obvious those two pine over each other but my guess is Sirius also doesn't believe Remus likes him back" Regulus replied and James nodded.

"You still tricked and lied to us"

"You still kissed me when I had a boyfriend"

"Fake boyfriend"

"You didn't know he was fake"

Remus couldn't stop grinning when he came downstairs to the buzz of the common room. He came and sat on the windowsill where Peter was sitting and lit his cigarette, he offered one to Peter who refused, he left a minute later, he hated the smell.

After a minute Sirius skipped over and plucked the cigarette from Remus' fingers and put it to his mouth taking the place at the windowsill that Peter had just been. Remus still in his drunken haze couldn't help but stare as Sirius put the cigarette to his lips and smoked. He looked amazing doing anything but right now Remus couldn't stop himself from staring. He was just glad Sirius was as drunk as he was and took no notice of this.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Sirius spoke and Remus realized he was now looking back at him.

"Kissing your best friend" Remus replied pulling the cigarette from Sirius's fingers and taking a drag of it.

"What" Sirius replied his tone changing to a bit angrier and he stood up a bit too fast so that he wobbled a bit.

Remus stood too realizing his error "It's not like that, me and Reg- we broke up yeah, so it's fine really" he replied.

"When did you break up?" Sirius asked he had turned to look directly at Remus.

"Yesterday" Remus replied thinking of the first answer he could.

"Yesterday and he's already snogging James! No, I'm going to give him a piece of my mind" Sirius replied and he was already a few strides toward the dorm stairs when Remus grabbed his arm.

"Sirius Black if you do anything I'll use a freezing charm on you, it's fine really" Remus replied. His grip was tight on Sirius's arm not planning to let go.

"Fine" Sirius groaned calming a bit. They looked around, it was well past two am and the common room seemed to be draining out only a few more people were around and Peter was passed out in an armchair.

"My guess is your not gonna let me go to sleep in my bed" Sirius mumbled and Remus nodded. "Then fine, we'll sleep here," Sirius said and he pulled Remus over to one of the couches in the common room.

"You can sleep there, I'm not tired might have another cigarette" Remus replied. Sirius seemed to ignore that and pulled Remus to sit on the couch. Sirius then proceeded to lie down and rest his head on Remus' lap.

"You have fun not sleeping you vampire," Sirius said shutting his eyes.

"Oh no you know my secret" Remus joked and Sirius chuckled.

"Night moony"

"Night Pads"

Ten minutes later Remus heard the sound of soft snores and couldn't help smiling a little, he took his wand from his pocket and pointed it at a blanket in the corner of the room, he made it float over and layed it on Sirius.

He knew they were both drunk and that tomorrow would probably be a morning of headaches and hangovers, but he didn't care, he got this.

Regulus had found himself in a very peculiar situation, he was laying on James' bed on his side in complete silence and he was looking at James and James was looking back at him and their hands were grasped together.

Regulus was rather sure he was dreaming or maybe in heaven, but it didn't matter to him all that mattered to him was James, whether this was real or fake he had it, and he would give anything to just stay here in this moment just looking into James hazel eyes while James looked back into his blue ones.

He didn't care about Today, or tomorrow all he cared about was now and that right now James was finally his and he didn't plan for anything to change that.

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