Chapter 82

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"Say hello to Phoenix," Sirius said to Regulus holding up the small child.

"Dear Merlin, whose child is that," Regulus asked.

"Ours," Remus said shaking his head. "Sirius heard of a child abandoned in Knockturn and couldn't resist, I came home yesterday to find a three-year-old on his lap," he told them.

"So your her parents now," James asked whose eyes hadn't left the small child since they had entered with her.

"Yep, signed the paper this morning, come on she wants to say hi to her uncle Reggie," Sirius said passing Regulus the child.

"Who's this ray of sunshine?" Lily asked walking into the room with Mary and looking at the child who Regulus was holding warily. She was sticking her tongue out at him and blabbing about Remus.

"There's," Regulus told the two while passing the toddler to Remus.

"Of course, well what's her name?" Mary asked.

"Phoenix Minnie Black-Lupin," Sirius told them.

"Minnie?" James repeated and Remus nodded.

"Well welcome to our clan of chaos little Phoenix," Lily said to the child tickling her.

A first to many extensions to their family.


The loss the war gave them was something that would stay with them forever, but the time before the war would too. Those happy memories made around that castle, the late nights spent awake partying and laughing, Dorcas and Marlene were gone, Remus and Sirius were raising a child, Mary and Lily were looking at adoption and James and Regulus were married. Life was going to be a journey for them all with risks and turns but they were all prepared to take a run in the dark and see if there was a light on the other side.


"Took your time," Regulus chuckled and James wrapped his arms around him. He had lived a long life but now found himself somewhere different, somewhere where the wrinkles were gone and he was met with the body he had in his younger years, and his lover was also young once again.

"Is he?" James asked and Regulus nodded and there was a chuckle he turned and Sirius came barreling towards his friend embracing him. "Ahh Prongs, too long," he chuckled.

"Remus hasn't got long," someone muttered and he turned once again to see his friend Mary.

"Of course, my Moony the last one standing, he's too stubborn," Sirius chuckled.

"Can he just get here already," Marlene yelled from beside Dorcas.

"Marlz, Dorcas," James smiled and ran over to pull them both into a hug.

"Oh look who decided to show up," Lily said and they turned to see Remus.

"There he is!" Marlene yelled and threw herself at Remus.

"Marlene," Remus breathed holding her close.

"I missed you too Moony," Sirius said and Remus was released from the embrace only to fall into a new one with his lover.

"We all missed Remus, who couldn't," Dorcas chuckled as they hugged.

"I missed him the most though," Marlene announced which owed her an eye roll from Sirius.

"We're all back together," Lily smiled.

"There would never be anything that could separate us, Evans, I'm stuck to you like glue," Sirius chuckled.

"Being stuck with you lot is going to be the death of me," Regulus said.

"You weaselled your way into this by fake dating Remus, you got yourself here," James told him.

"Yes the good old days," Remus chuckled.

"Well, Lupin and Potter there's a whole lot more around that we can show you, so how about we get going," Mary told them.

"Right behind you Mary," James said taking Regulus' hand in his.

"Yes Moony you're going to love it here," Sirius smiled kissing his cheek and taking his hand.

Hello, the book is now over, it's been a great time and I hope you enjoyed it. I decided to add Phoenix into this book so it will add to my other book on wattpadd and ao3:

Phoenix Black-Lupin || the child of Wolfstar

This book follows her from her fifth year up until the end of the war and works with the same narrative of this book except Jily happened for a small amount of time and from there Harry was born. Check out that book if your interested.

Thank you all for reading 🫶✨

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