Chapter 70

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"One more time Macdonald, say that one more time," Sirius threatened.

"Cut your hair, it's a mop," she repeated and Sirius was about to completely rugby tackle her to the ground but there was a loud pop and he turned. He was able to get to where Remus had just arrived in time to catch him.

"Shit! Mary!" He yelled and he helped lie Remus on the floor as Mary ran over followed by James and Lily.

Remus was a bloody mess, his face was covered in blood and his leg showed a clear sign that he had been splinched. Sirius couldn't breathe, it might be because of the fact Remus was so hurt but he knew it was something else, it was because Remus was shaking and he looked deathly pale, Sirius had seen himself and Regulus like this many times, the cruciatus curse.

Sirius held Remus's hand brushing his hair back as Remus gritted his teeth. Mary started to work on his leg first, summoning ointment and dabbing on it as Remus hissed in pain when it touched him.

James ran to get bandages they kept in the kitchen and brought them over to her and she wrapped his leg with them. She then went to his face reducing the swelling and cleaning and healing the cuts.

"Fucking death eaters are mental," he mumbled and it seemed to make everyone able to release some tension built up.

"Fuck Remus are you ok," James asked as Remus tried to push himself up but fell back down, he was still shaking.

"James," Lily said softly and James realised that Remus was in no condition to have a conversation.

Mary fixed anything else that was hurt, including a broken wrist and Sirius couldn't take his eyes off Remus who now had his eyes closed breathing slowly in and out.

"Get him to bed, he needs rest," Mary said and that's all Sirius needed to hear to pick Remus up in his arms and bring him to their room.

Sirius didn't care what the others did, he wouldn't leave Remus. He just stayed beside him holding his hand. James poked his head through the door a half hour later saying they were all going as Sirius just nodded.

Remus wasn't sleeping, Sirius could tell. He was pale and bruised and Sirius could tell he was fighting.

"I'm sorry," Remus whispered softly.

Panic and worry completely engulfed Sirius in seconds. "Moony, you don't need to apologise, there's nothing to apologize for," Sirius told him.

"I should have stopped it, it was so stupid, Fenrir read my mind in front of a room of death eaters, and they just all came at me, well except Reg and his friends," Remus began and finally he opened his eyes and Sirius felt warmth fill him just looking at those amber eyes.

He wanted to ask about Regulus, and what had happened, but he knew Remus needed rest. "You did everything needed of you Moony, get some sleep," Sirius urged.

"I'll sleep if you stop sitting there and hold me," Remus told him with a small smile coming to his face.

Sirius didn't need to be told twice and he instantly slipped under the cover beside Remus wrapping his arms around him and letting Remus's head rest in the crook of his neck. Just holding Remus again was everything. He never wanted to leave here, he never wanted Remus to go away again, here Remus was safe, safe from death eaters and anything else that could ever hurt him.

When Sirius awoke the warmth made him smile even with his eyes closed, he had missed the warmth Remus brought to him.

"Why are you smiling?" Remus's voice asked softly and Sirius's eyes instantly opened locking with Remus ones.

"Because of you," Sirius replied. Remus looked better he was still a bit pale but less than earlier and Sirius was now noticing how his cheeks looked a bit hollower, he hadn't been eating too well from the looks of it. "How are you?" Sirius asked.

"Better, I think I should write to Dumbledore and let him know I'm back," Remus told him.

"Not now, I want you to rest now, Dumbledore can wait," Sirius told him.

"Alright," Remus replied and he wrapped an arm around Sirius' waist to pull him closer before kissing him. "I missed you so much," he told him.

"I missed you too Moony," Sirius replied resting his chin on Remus' head. "So fucking much," he murmured.

"I'm surprised you and James didn't burn down the place," Remus chuckled.

"You have no faith in me do you," Sirius chuckled back whilst planting a kiss on Remus' forehead.

"Non at all," Remus replied.

"My cooking got better, do you want something to eat, I don't burn the pancakes anymore," Sirius told him.

"Ok, I'll see if you make edible pancakes now," Remus chuckled and Sirius kissed his cheek before getting off the bed and rushing to the kitchen to make the pancakes.

Much to his happiness and annoyance Remus was sitting up, he looked tired and still a bit too pale for Sirius's liking but at least he was sitting up, what Sirius didn't like was that he had a piece of parchment and quill in hand.

"Moony," he tutted.

"I think it's just best if I tell him quicker, I have a lot of information," Remus said as he finished off his writing. It was short and mostly coded, all it says was. 'Dear Albus, I am back home, R.L'

"Merlin, you never listen, I'll send your letter but you better be eating my pancakes when I get back," Sirius said taking the parchment from Remus and handing him the pancakes in return and then walking to the other room to their shared owl which he attached the letter to and sent off.

"They aren't the worst, but merlin pads the sugar in these," Remus said shaking his head.

"Good thing you like sweet things huh," Sirius said grinning and he slipped back into bed beside Remus.

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