Chapter 58

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The same coldness that always fell upon Regulus when he was around his family instantly melted when he walked into the carriage and watched as James turned and looked at him.

All James needed to do was grin and from there Regulus was on him, wrapping his arms around James' waist and resting his chin on his shoulder.

"Good to see you two Reg," Sirius mumbled from opposite them where he sat mindlessly throwing his wand up and down, Remus was already meeting up with Lily and getting ready to patrol the carriages.

The train was soon off and a couple of hours later Lily and Remus joined everyone. Most of them were very cheery after the holidays and they spent their time talking about what they had been up to.

They soon arrived and went to the feast, the January weather was still cold but inside the hall it was warm and inviting. As the feast ended they all began to make their way to the dorms, Marlene and James started to walk with Regulus and James to the Slytherin dorms.

"For fuck sake, you don't see each other for only two weeks and you end up like this," Regulus said upon entering his dorm with James, who was laughing. Barty and Evan were on Barty's bed, Evan was shirtless and Barty's shirt was half undone. Both of their lips were bright red and swollen.

Barty turned a grin on his face and Evan eyed James smirking. "Well if it isn't Reggie and Pretty boy," Evan smirked.

Regulus just rolled his eyes and pulled James by the hand to his bed before placing a silencing charm outside of the bed to not hear Evan and Barty another so they couldn't hear them before closing the bed hangings.

"There probably already snogging again," Regulus muttered as he turned to James who was smiling widely, his head was tipping to the side and it made Regulus forget to breathe for a second, James was perfect.

"I'd offer to snog you but you seem to be disgusted by it," James grinned beginning to pull the covers over him.

"Wait no," Regulus said panicking and he flung himself on top of James with so much force that James who was propped up on his elbows fell flat on the bed and their faces were inches apart.

"Well hello there my beautiful Reg," James grinned foolishly tucking a curl that had fallen in front of Regulus' eyes behind his ear.

That was enough to drive Regulus over the edge and he connected their lips as his hand came and found James' hip. James put one of his hands on the back of Regulus' head, pulling him closer, his free hand was on his waist.

It was full of heat and want, it seemed that they were also very much like Barty and Evan and were fuelled with lust for one another after being apart for two weeks.

"I missed you, love," James breathed after they pulled away and Regulus had begun to draw mindless circles on James' cheek.

"I missed you too," Regulus hummed in reply kissing his cheek. He lay on James' chest hearing the soft beats of his heart and cherishing each moment he was there just with James, who was stroking Regulus' hair softly before he finally dozed off.

A few weeks later when the end of January was nearing, Remus discovered something interesting about Peter. He was rolling his eyes as Sirius walked out of the dorm, where Peter had found them snogging.

"Can I ask you a personal question Pete, and please chuck a book at me if I'm wrong or being a prick?" Remus asked and Peter nodded, beginning to put his books away.

"Is there a reason you've never dated anyone? I mean I've seen some of the girls that have asked you out over the years and they don't look bad," Remus asked, he had always been genuinely curious about it and whenever Peter would roll his eyes at an over display of affection it made his curiosity spiked.

Peter shrugged before explaining "I've never been attracted to anyone actually, it's weird not even blokes like half of you lot, does that mean there's something wrong with me?"

Remus began shaking his head and then responded. "I don't think so no, it's alright not to like anyone, there's nothing wrong with you and even if there was, there is no way you're ever going to be able to top a gay werewolf," Remus replied which made Peter laugh a bit.

"Yeah no way of topping you, Sirius already does that," Peter grinned which led Remus to flip him off which made him laugh even more.

"I think you two will be together forever," Peter then said, he was more serious now.

"What, me and Sirius?" Remus asked and Peter nodded.

"I think you're like magnets to each other, there's no way of fully separating you," Peter responded.

"Maybe," Remus responded, the corners of his mouth tipping upwards as he fought a grin.

"No definitely," Peter responded more firmly and loudly that it almost made Remus jump "You break apart and you bicker but then you come back together, you go through hardships and come back as one, I don't think there could ever be a universe without the two of you together in it," he said.

"You sound like a romantic," Remus chuckled at the irony.

"Yeah and sadly I will never be able to bless anyone with my amazing romance," Peter said flopping down onto his bed.

James was the one who loved love, he cherished it and loved to spread it, Peter didn't feel it from attraction but felt it in the love he had for his friends. Sirius would dance with love like it was a candle flame, occasionally flickering but still bright and burning joyfully. Remus fought for love and wished for it from his father, but burnt brightly when he was given it.

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