Chapter 79

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Remus never thought he would be asking himself what do you put on to see his friend being trialled for murder, but he also never thought that he would see an end to this war.

The recent days had been surprising and very joyous, but hearing what Peter had done had been a kick to the gut.

He could still remember it so vividly, the air left his lungs and it took only seconds for Frank Longbottom and Alastor Moody to have body binds and chains over Peter, the air didn't feel breathable, how could he, how could he?

He and Marlene had been friends even before Hogwarts, neighbours, did their long chats, jokes, hugs and smiles all mean nothing to him, they didn't mean enough for him to not kill her.

He had been taken away and was out in a holding cell in the ministry until further notice, they were rounding up a lot of death eaters and even Severus Snape was heading to Azkaban.

It wasn't an easy decision deciding if they would or wouldn't go to the trial, James, Mary and Sirius refused, James still couldn't believe that Peter had done it and neither could Sirius, Mary wouldn't go because she didn't want to see Peter and see the man who had killed her best friend. Regulus stayed with James leaving only Lily and Remus who decided to go.

They sat down on a bench and waited until they had a door opened and Peter was led in chains over to a chair which he was now cuffed to. He looked around the room and his eyes fell on his two old friends.

"Peter Pettigrew, you are being trialled for being a Death eater and for being part of the killing of Marlene McKinnon and her family, what do you say to these accusations," the judge asked him.

"They are true," Peter said his head falling down and Lily gripped Remus' wrist.

"Did you work with the Dark Lord willingly?" The judge asked him.

"I was manipulated by a lady at work who just got me talking and- and," Peter began, he was rambling, trying to find anything.

"Did you do any acts of the Dark Lord under the Imperio curse?" The judge asked not to seem to want to hear his pleas.

"No, but-" Peter began but the judge seemed to have heard enough.

"Peter Pettigrew I sentenced you to Azkaban prison," he told Peter and he began to be uncuffed from the chair and dragged out of the room, but he began to yell.

"I'm sorry, she was my friend, I'm sorry, please, please, I'm sorry, Lily Lily please, Remus Moony I'm your friend I'm sorry I'm sorry!" He yelled and that was the last time the two saw Peter Pettigrew.


"What are you doing?" Regulus asked, they had just been in bed, it was the day of Peter's trial and instead of being there, they were just lying in bed. James had now randomly begun to draw circles with his finger on Regulus' chest.

"I still can't believe this is real, it's like a dream come true," James told him, not answering his first question. "I don't know what's going to happen now," he admitted.

"What do you want to happen now?" Regulus asked and he let his hand go to James' hair running his hand through it.

"I don't want to have to let you go again," James told him. "I don't ever want to do that again,".

"You won't have to do that, lucky for you I don't plan on leaving any time soon, I still need to get a house," Regulus replied.

"You don't have to get a house," James responded quickly.

"Being homeless doesn't sound too appealing to me," Regulus told him.

"I mean you can just move in with me if you want," James told him.

"Oh, really?" Regulus asked, he hadn't even thought about that.

"Yes of course Reggie, I wouldn't want you anywhere else," James told him and he pressed a kiss to his forehead.

Regulus chuckled softly. "Alright then Potter, I'll move in with you," Regulus told him. A wide smile appeared on James' face and he grabbed Regulus by the waist pulling him closer and kissing his cheek a few times.


"So he's in Azkaban," Mary asked and Lily nodded coming over and looping an arm around Mary's waist and pulling her into a hug.

"I thought he was our friend, I thought he was her friend," Mary told her as she began to cry.

"He's gone now alright, he's gone," Lily said to her hoping to calm her.

"Good fucking riddance," Mary said in a choked-out sob.

She hated Peter, what he had done to Marlene, to the Order, and to them, was unforgivable. But the part of her that cried was the part that still recognised that she had lost yet another friend.

One friend was killed by a traitor

One friend was killed by vengeance

One friend was gone for betrayal.


"He was our friend," Sirius said softly, his head resting on Remus' shoulder. "We trusted him,"

"I know Pads," Remus said softly and he took Sirius' hand in his. "I thought he was too," Remus told him.

Peter Pettigrew may have had a different story, maybe if he hadn't accidentally given out information to Alecto Carrow, who then pulled him into all this if he had been brave enough if he had chosen his friends over his life. But thats now how this story goes and now Peter Pettigrew was left in Azkaban the memory of his pointing his wand at his friend and muttering the killing curse, and seeing the shock on her face fade as she became numb to the world.

Marlene McKinnon was Dead.

Dorcas Meadowes was Dead.

Peter Pettigrew was in Azkaban.

Regulus Black was Alive.

Mary McDonald was Grieving.

Lily Evans was Helping.

Remus Lupin was Wondering.

Sirius Black was Growing.

James Potter was Smiling.

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