Chapter 11

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"Merlin's beard moony," Sirius said as the closed the dorm room door.

"You were amazing at quidditch," Remus said pretending to not be thinking about what they had just done.

"Your a bloody great commenter," Sirius chuckled back, he had his arm still on Remus' waist.

"You're not gonna let me go back down again are you?" Remus asked as he looked at the boy beside him, his cheeks were red but a grin was on his face.

"Yeah not a chance, your to drunk already," Sirius replied.

"You can leave me here then, I don't want you to miss a party, especially a quidditch one," Remus replied he'd loosened himself from Sirius's grip and had dizzily made his way over to his bed plopping down in it.

Sirius walked over to the side of Remus's bed and watched for a second as Remus's chest rose and then fell as he breathed, he still had half of his chest showing.

Sirius felt his breath hitch as he found Remus's eyes on him and so he looked at Remus "I'd prefer to stay here" Sirius replied and he slowly came over and lay down beside Remus.

"It's almost Christmas," Remus says. He's looking up at the wooden ceiling of the four-poster bed. His words are slurred as they have been since Sirius saw him only minutes ago.

"Yeah, you coming to James' again this year, I am, my parents couldn't give two shits where I am," Sirius replied he was facing Remus even though Remus wasn't looking back.

"I got a letter, they want me back this year" Remus replied.

"I'll just have to live with Potter's never-ending natter about my brother," Sirius said a small chuckle in his voice, he was nervous.

He hadn't been in Remus' bed since their first kiss and he'd felt too nervous to do many things which surprised him, Sirius was nearly always confident but with Remus, he became so flustered that it was almost unbearable.

He then felt his confidence spike as it had done in the common room and he slipped his hand into Remus', entwining their fingers together. Remus looked at Sirius and then their hands and he smiled.

"I'm gonna die tomorrow a full moon and Madam Pomfrey is going to see straight through my hangover," Remus groaned dropping his head so that it rested against Sirius' chest.

Sirius wrapped his arm once again around Remus' waist chuckling a little. "That woman bloody loves you, she'd let you hex half of Slytherin and still give you a pat on the back," he chuckled.

"Oh shush Black," Remus replied lifting his head back up to look into the other boy's eyes.

"Make me" Sirius smirked his eyes grew darker, and his confidence would never really leave him.

Remus attached his lips to Sirius' as soon as he had said those words. He pulled himself upwards so he was straddling Sirius's hips, on top of the shorter boy, and not once breaking the kiss.

Sirius's cheeks burnt red at this movement. Merlin's beard Remus was going to kill him one day, how could he be so bloody hot. No wonder why half the girls had eyes for him, that his smartness, his attitude, no bloody wonder why he got jealous.

By the time Sirius finally found out how to breathe again Remus was still kissing him but not his lips. His kisses were beginning to trail down from his chin to his neck until Remus was kissing his collarbones definitely leaving hickeys.

Finally, he stopped still on Sirius, so Sirius sat up using his elbows. Remus was smirking "That shut you up".

"Could you be louder!" Regulus hissed but in reality, he was loving this. He and James had snuck from the common room and James was holding his hand as he peaked around corners, they had decided not to get the map or the cloak as Remus and Sirius were most likely snogging in the dorm.

"Where are we even going?" Regulus asked.

"Ah ha, here," James said and pulled Regulus into the room. It was the history of the magic classroom.

"Why are we here potter?" Regulus asked. He went and sat on the closest desk. He was still quite displeased about losing the match, most of the Slytherins would probably glare at him for a week.

"Well I wanted to talk to my boyfriend in private if you may know and I'm rather sure that he is upset about losing quidditch," James replied.

The two had two drinks each and were a bit more confident than usual if that was even possible with James.

"I'm not upset it's a game," Regulus replied.

"Come on Reg, you annoyed," James said he had that stupid grin on his face and a look saying that he knew he was right.

"Oh fuck off potter," Regulus said.

James walked over so that he was so close that he was looking down at Regulus and Regulus had to look up.

His voice was a whisper so soothing but so powerful also "No"

Regulus felt his stomach pull and his breathing stop for a few seconds until he grabbed James by his quidditch robes, which of course unlike the rest of the team he hadn't taken off, and crushed their lips roughly together.

If Regulus was a crackhead James would be his drug. That stupid grin, the messy hair, his hands that were now on Regulus' hips, his laugh, his jokes, his kindness, Merlin it was everything.

James' tongue was now exploring the inside of Regulus' mouth searching each corner and Regulus couldn't ask for anything better. James was halfway on the desk now and Regulus was leaning back so far that he felt like if he leaned an inch more he would fall.

"Fuck," James then breathed into the kiss and Regulus stopped and he burst out laughing.

James had never heard him laugh, and never like this, and his laugh was amazing.

"I'm sorry, but did James sunshine potter just swear," he said through his chuckles.

"Guess I did, what do you do to me Black,"  James smiled.

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