Chapter 50

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Sirius was stubborn, he had always been stubborn. So after hearing about Remus dating Melanie his feeling didn't differ, they grew. He now had to make Remus fall so deeply back in love with him that Remus would break up with her.

It was cruel, he knew that but he couldn't live in a world where he could just pretend Remus did not mean the world to him.

He was not happy about the amount of time Melanie spent with Remus, she was now always around him in the common room and meals and even at weekends, but she wouldn't go in his bed, it made Sirius a bit happy to know that only he had been given that privilege.

"I missed you," James repeated for about the hundredth time that week planting kisses down Regulus' jaw, he had an arm around his waist and they were in Regulus' bed.

"I know James, I missed you too," Regulus chuckled softly, to be honest, he was rather enjoying it, he thought he would get sick of James' constant wanting to be with him but he loved it.

Regulus soon tucked his head into the crook of James' neck and softly listened to the beat of his heart. "I love you, James," he found himself mumbling sleepily.

"I love you too," James replied holding onto Regulus tightly, a whole summer without him felt like torture and now he never wanted to let him go.

The weeks passed and Sirius felt maddened by the lack of Remus, he was now rather busy with Head Boy duties, it almost seemed like he was avoiding Sirius entirely.

It was true he was but that was for an unexplainable reason, he felt himself being pulled closer to Sirius and it seemed to feel worse when for the first time in months the three came with him to the shack on the full moon, he hadn't allowed it for the rest of last year because of the chance of them getting in trouble, but now he didn't have a reason.

Sirius was kind to him then, more than usual which had been a surprising amount recently. He seemed warier of Remus now as if he was fragile, close to shattering in the time around the moon, which was rather true.

Melanie kissed Remus on the cheek sitting down beside him at the Gryffindor table for breakfast at the start of October. "Remus, I was wondering if you wanted to come to a party at the Hufflepuff common room not this Saturday but next Saturday night," she asked him and Remus's eyes instantly fell on Sirius.

"I've got plans," he replied, it was not a lie James, Sirius, and Peter and he was going to do a prank, even with his new role as Head Boy he could easily be persuaded by James to join in on a prank.

Melanie's face fell a bit but she said it was alright and told him she'd see him later, and so she did.

They sat in the Hufflepuff common room which could be described as even more inviting than the Gryffindor one, it had a sweet smell to it and plants were all around.

"Remus, we need to break up," she said getting straight to the point, this was not what Remus saw coming and he choked a bit on the tea he had been sipping.

"What?" He replied he thought things were going well,  as well as a two-month relationship could be going.

"Remus, you're really smart and funny and hot, anyone could admit that and I care so much about you, but you don't like me," she said to him softly.

"Of course, I like you, Melanie, what are you talking about?" He asked, now placing his tea down on the table beside him.

"I believe that Remus I do, but you still love him, I see it in your eyes, you want to believe you can love me but your heart still belongs to Sirius," she told him.

He was trying to remember everything she was saying, to piece it all together, it sounded all so true and false at the same time and it was making him a bit confused, she carried on.

"I know you two dated, the whole school did, and then you broke up, I don't know why but all I know is it doesn't matter how much you tell yourself you don't love him you do, and it's hurting me and hurting you if you keep denying it," she said softly, she gave him a small smile before walking away towards her dorm, leaving Remus in the soft chair he was in thinking.

Merlin's beard was right and Remus knew it, he had tried to burn out any sparks that were trying to light but they weren't sparks anymore but flames, he wanted Sirius back and he couldn't keep thinking that he loved her.

"You alright Remus?" James asked as Remus walked into the common room, it was just Regulus and James sitting on the sofa.

Remus had a very dumbfounded expression on his face when he looked up at them. "She broke up with me," he told them softly.

"What?" Regulus said looking up from the book he had in one hand whilst the other hand played with James' hair as James rested his head on his shoulder.

"She says I still love Sirius," Remus replied, he was spilling his guts to them and he was not sure why, merlin it was so hard, he felt like a fifth year again, hoping to figure out a way to tell Sirius his feelings whilst also hoping to hide away and keep them all bottled away.

"No shit," Regulus replied and he was grinning, Remus was sure he hadn't seen him smile once this year, he seemed a lot gloomier. James looked at Regulus with a confused look "It was obvious, you're meant to be the one good with love, it was basically radiating from him," Regulus told him shaking his head.

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