Chapter 66

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Remus, Sirius and James went to the Potters when they arrived. They would be staying there until James found a flat and Remus and Sirius found one. They all had enough money to buy houses but the thought of a flat sounded cosier.

A week in and they had found flats only two streets apart. Sirius wanted to pay for all of the expenses which he was more than capable of doing with the small fortune his uncle Alphard had left him but Remus would not let him and paid half of the money.

Peter moved into a flat not far away also and began to look for a job at the ministry. He was tighter on money than them but wouldn't dare ask for any even though he knew they would be more than willing.

Some of them were going to work, like Marlene and Mary who went straight into internships at St Mungo's but they all still went and joined the Order.

They were only aware of the Order because of James, Marlene and Dorcas' parents who were all a part of it and Dumbledore was more than willing to let them join.

The first meeting was at the end of July and it was the first time they all fully saw each other, only contacting each other by floo calls or letters.

James nearly cried when he saw Frank Longbottom and was already asking him questions about what he did as an Auror when Dumbledore came in.

He spoke to them about any news he had and then set out assignments. Only a few people got assignments and they would meet every two weeks at different locations, this being James, Sirius, Peter, Remus, Lily, Mary, Marlene and Dorcas' first time they weren't given tasks but Dumbledore asked to talk to Remus privately.

They walked into another room of the house they were in, they weren't meant to know whose it was and only got there by Porkey so there was no way of knowing.

"Now Remus, I know that you're aware that Voldemort is gathering werewolves, but in packs, they are close to him from what I know, so we need someone to get close to him," Dumbledore said and Remus understood exactly what he was saying.

"You want a spy, a werewolf one," Remus asked and he nodded. Remus was well aware that he was the only werewolf around and knew what Dumbledore was asking of him.

"You do not have to agree to this Remus, but if you do I'll be giving you the assignment to go undercover in a few months, it will mean no contact with anyone you know," Dumbledore told him.

"I'll do it," Remus told him and Dumbledore had a mysterious twinkle in his eyes as he nodded they said goodbyes and Remus walked back to the room to find Sirius waiting for him, they apparated back to the flat Remus told him everything.

August passed and James and Marlene had been on an assignment in the ministry they were able to find a death eater who was working rather close to the minister.

Peter, Sirius and Lily were the only other ones who got an assignment that month and they had been left to follow some leads but were left with nothing.

By September Dumbledore was not going to be showing up regularly to the meetings and Alastor moody was left in charge of giving new news and assignments.

It was in the first week of September that the paper showed them something interesting.

'Four Seven year Hogwarts students did not return to school for their final year, Barty Crouch Jr, Evan Rosier, Pandora Malfoy and Regulus Black. Barty Crouch Sr was the only adult who would comment on the disappearances and said he didn't know where his son was and that the other three were known to be his friends.'

"Bloody Regulus and his friends," Sirius muttered angrily stirring a cup of tea.

"I didn't know Pandora was a Malfoy, is she Lucius' sister?" Remus asked, intrigued, he had known Pandora but not too well, she sometimes startled him at times.

"Cousin, she and Malfoy's father are brothers," Sirius replied coming to sit down beside Remus. "Them lot of them are going to get themselves killed at this rate," Sirius muttered.

Mary and Dorcas finally got an assignment which was to go to Knockturn alley and question a shopkeeper that was known to have some information.

Remus was the only one of his friends who hadn't been given a task so far but he knew it would be happening soon enough. It was a bit scary the thought of having to go in blindly without knowing what was happening with the Order or them knowing what was happening with him, he wasn't allowed to tell anyone what he was going to do, except Sirius, Sirius was his exception. But Dumbledore hadn't talked about it since and October was already nearing.

Peter was juggling his work at the ministry and his work with the Order and it was a bit stressful but he found someone at the ministry to confide in. Alecto Carrow was always pleased to talk to Peter and was only a couple of years older than him. She was always pleasant and seemed to hang onto his every word. It was nice having her as good support for him.

Marlene and Mary were happy to have each other at St Mungo's while Lily and Dorcas were usually found at either Lily and Mary's home or Marlene and Dorcas' one where they would go over notes and assignments they had from the order trying to find out anything more they could about Voldemort and how to stop him.

James was mostly at Remus' and Sirius' flat where they would talk about the work with the Order if not there he would be at his parent's home, he was there at least once a week, but he could never really say goodbye to them.

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