Chapter 7

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Sirius didn't care about the looks he got, he wouldn't care if he was snogging Remus in the hallways, and he would do anything for Remus.

When they reached the common room he was rather sure Remus was completely and utterly asleep. He walked to the dorms and walked over to Remus's bed. The full moon was never pleasant and Sirius was always shocked to think about how Remus was able to endure it month after month.

"Oh, moony" Sirius found himself saying as he laid the boy on his bed. In his weakened state, it made Sirius want to hold him for even longer. He used one of his fingers to push away a curl that had fallen into the sleeping boy's face. He was beautiful, so still, so amazing and Sirius felt compelled to just kiss him on the cheek so he bent down ready to place his lips on the boy's cheek but then Remus moved in his sleep so that momentarily their lips became one with each other.

Sirius pulled back in seconds. Merlin fuck. He was ready to bolt, what had he done, but then Remus grabbed his wrist and he looked down to see the boy now a lot more awake than before.


"What?" Sirius spluttered, he was a complete mess.

"Stay and kiss me again" Remus replied and so Sirius did. Remus pushed himself up with an arm so that he was sitting up and as asked Sirius put a hand on Remus's cheek and pulled him closer and once again kissed him.

This was much longer and passionate, Sirius had no clue what it meant but he knew he loved it, it was something he had wanted for so long.

When they finally pulled away Remus was smiling "Sirius it was fake"

"What?" Sirius asked confused.

"Me and Regulus the relationship was fake it was all just to make you and James jealous" Remus replied.

"All that time you liked me," Sirius asked and Remus nodded.

"I can't believe you" Sirius replied and he looked utterly perplexed, all this time it was fake, all this time Remus had liked him.

"And we made a bet because James made a move on Regulus before you did me, I had to have veritaserum in front of you" Remus replied, he was still sitting up just looking into those blue eyes.

"Wait when did you have veritaserum in front of me?" Sirius asked.

"Now" Remus replied.

Sirius let it clock in, it must have been what Regulus gave him but now Remus would have to answer anything truthfully.

"Alright then, what do you want to do now" Sirius smirked.

"Kiss you, then just lie down with you, and then maybe kiss you again" Remus grinned sheepishly.

"Alright we can do that" Sirius replied and he clambered over from where he sat on the edge of the bed so that his face was centimeters from Remus so he didn't have to move at all.

He kissed Remus once again. He put his hand on his cheek and placed his other hand on his hip while Remus place one at the back of his hair and the other around his waist as they kissed until they had lost their breaths.

Sirius slid under the cover beside Remus and they both sat there, backs against the headboard. "I think I like you on veritaserum" Sirius chuckled.

"I think I like you in my bed" Remus replied which made Sirius' cheeks red.

"Wait James knew about the fake dating thing before me?" Sirius asked and Remus nodded.

"And he just decided to let you two live?" Sirius asked.

Remus chuckled before replying "He said something about waiting before you knew before plotting".

"I think I owe him and Reg a bit of an apology," Sirius said.

"Yeah I guess you do, but you can do that later" Remus replied.

"Merlin's beard how am I so lucky to be in a bed beside Remus Lupin" Sirius chuckled.

"I was thinking the same thing about you" Remus replied the smile still pressed upon his lips, he looked tired and still pale as before. Sirius reached a palm up to touch Remus's forehead and felt it was warm.

"You need sleep," Sirius told him

Remus rolled his eyes "Fine" he replied unable to lie and say that he didn't. He shuffled down till his head hit the pillow and then looked up at Sirius who was still sitting up in the bed. "You're not going to leave are you?" He asked.

"Of course not Moony where else would I go?" Sirius chuckled and he lay down next to Remus so that he was facing the boy beside him.

"You could have gone lessons" Remus suggested but with that Sirius pressed a finger to his lip.

"You wanted me here didn't you, now get some sleep alright," Sirius told him and he nodded he let his head fall until it was against Sirius's chest. Sirius felt a small smile creep onto his face and so he slung an arm around the taller boy's waist and waited until he fell asleep before letting himself doze off too.

James was on his way from lunch, ruffling through his bag as he walked, unsure of where he had left his wand.

"What you looking for Potter?" A voice chuckled and he turned to see Mary.

"My wand, I think I left it in charms" he replied frustrated.

"It's sticking out of your robe pocket" she pointed and he looked and saw the stick there.


Mary was laughing a bit but then finally stopped pulling herself together as they kept walking, preparing to ask the question she had planned. "James- how do you ask someone out, like it's random I know but I've never asked someone out, I've always been the one being asked out," she said to him.

"Oh, well I guess a great romantic gesture could work or admitting your feelings, I'm not sure I think Sirius would be better with this, who's the lucky fella?" James answered.

Mary's cheeks grew red "Oh it's no one really, and anyways I wouldn't be caught dead asking Sirius for advice, but thanks James I owe you one" she smiled.

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