Chapter 54

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The spell for the prank began to work as people made their way to dinner people would walk and then for a second they would fall through the floor until they found their legs stuck into the ground. James, Sirius, Peter and Remus walked around with glee, they had spelt their shoes not to be affected by the spell and watched as confused friends looked at one another, wondering what to do.

"Look who it is," Sirius chuckled upon seeing Reg who looked unlike the people around him to have given up, his legs were on the floor up to his knees and so he sat on the floor not seeming that concerned.

"Thanks for the heads up," Regulus muttered when they came over, James laughed but quickly used the countercharm at the place Regulus was at and pulled him to stand up now free.

"You can sleep in your bed tonight," Regulus said before walking away shaking his head.

"He's definitely not happy," Peter said but he was laughing at seeing Regulus annoyed like that.

"Oh he loves me, Petey," James chuckled and they made their way to dinner finding it almost empty except for a few students who were able to pass all the spots they could have been stuck at or who were able to free themselves.

"Do it, plus I don't want to hear Potter talking to you half the night for once, half the time you two forget about the silencing charm," Barty told Regulus.

"I'm mad at him, that bloody prank," Regulus muttered, he had an idea of something to do with James. Everything seemed to be going south in his life but with James it was alright.

"Then you do your blissful plan and then prank him afterwards," Evan said from where he sat on top of Barty's lap. Regulus was rather sure they wanted him out of the room so they could have a proper snog but he agreed.

"James," Regulus muttered once again now shaking the sleeping boy. He was in James' dorm and was happy to see Remus and Sirius lying next to each other, their arms and legs weren't entangled together as they usually were, but they were close.

"Hmm, oh look who came," James said and he grabbed his glasses grinning drozily, they were crooked and Regulus straightened them out for him.

''We're going out, get dressed," he said and James sprung up and changed quickly soon enough Regulus had him by the hand and they were running in the dark through the corridors and into the cool autumn air.

Regulus was being very spontaneous but James wasn't going to say anything about that. He guided James by the hand to the lake. In the dark waters, the stars and light from the moon reflected onto it.

"Would you like to go for a swim?" Regulus asked, he remembered once in the second year he had seen James swimming in here with Sirius on a scorching summer's day and that he wished he would be there too.

"My clothes are gonna get soaked," James mumbled, he was delighted with the idea of going into the water with Regulus but not the one of walking back dripping wet.

"Take them off," Regulus replied as if James should have thought of that straight away.

"Not even going to invite me for dinner first," James chuckled and Regulus rolled his eyes.

Soon enough they had taken their trousers and jumpers off, James took off his shirt but Regulus kept him on, he knew that he couldn't take it off if James saw what was under his sleeve he would lose the one thing that kept him going.

James stood in just their boxers and took Regulus' hand before sliding into the waters. They weren't freezing but James kept moving to stay warm. He had an arm around Regulus' clothed waist guiding them away from the edge.

"You're being very impulsive tonight," James chuckled, he was wide awake now, looking at Regulus who had been smiling for a long time now.

"If you knew what you did to me James," Regulus chuckled and in as seconds his hand jumped upwards and was kissing James, the momentary shock caused James to sink so the two were underwater for a few seconds their lips still connected before resurfacing.

They pulled away and James chuckled and softly pulled at one of Regulus' drenched curls. "You're perfect," James muttered, it escaped his lips but he meant it completely.

"No James, you're perfect," Regulus smiled softly, the fact that James thought he was perfect made James more perfect himself. He was so lovely and caring and a bright light in the darkness surrounded Regulus' life Regulus never wanted James to let go of him, he never wants to lose him.

They began to swim around and then James would come to Regulus, pulling him close by the waist and kissing him softly, he'd done it more times than he could count when he noticed the sun beginning to peak over the mountains and then noticed the absence of Regulus.

He turned to the bank to see him pulling on his jumper and swam over.

"I love you, Potter, I really do, but sometimes the prankster needs to be pranked," Regulus said and he crouched down and kissed James' cheek, leaving him rather confused and then he watched as Regulus grabbed his pile of clothes and began to walk quickly away.

James was out of the water in seconds chasing after him, his bear feet were touching the ground and he kept going, Regulus began to run too, but soon enough he had ducked out of sight as they got to the doors of the school and James was met with the waking students of Hogwarts.

There were only a few early risers that same him walking in soaked head to toe and nearly naked but half the school had heard of it by the end of breakfast.

James had dressed himself up warm and had now planned to spend that school day in bed making Sirius give in a note.

Regulus came to him at lunch chuckling and giving him back his clothes and kissing away the annoyance he had.

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