Chapter 65

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This was it, this was James' last quidditch match ever, the final and he had to win it. He was dashing through the air past players and throwing the quaffle in the hoop with ease. Soon enough he wasn't even scared of if they would win or lose because they were getting so high with points that even if they didn't catch the snitch they would win.

Sirius and Marlene were good help to and had both been victims to James' pressure and didn't dare to be at their greatest.

James was going past players with the quaffle in his arms and they were currently at 190-40 so if Ravenclaw caught the snitch now they would be at a draw but James flew past the other chasers and the beaters and threw the ball and scored.

The crowd erupted with joy and James turned his head around to look at them a grin on his face. But then it fell a bit when he saw someone clapping in the Slytherin crowd a small smirk on their face, Regulus. Why was he here? And why did he have to be here and look like that? He was looking directly at James and James was unable to turn away until he was nearly hit with a bludger.

He couldn't get Regulus' face out of his head but he stayed in control and then soon the Gryffindor seeker caught the snitch and the crowd erupted in joy. Sirius practically threw himself onto James and they laughed and yelled in joy, they had done it.

The party was big in the common room and Sirius brought down his record player and played many songs. It was just full of joy and craziness and it was all they needed right now, exams were over and in two weeks they would be on the train and starting their lives out in the real world.

But of course, as Marauders, they had to go out with a bang, their last prank, took a few weeks to pull together but on the first full day they had a blast laughing at how anyone who walked into a room would have to yell out the lyrics to there favourite songs.

When the day finally came and they had to make their way to the platform there were many tears. There was a lot of saying goodbyes to friends and places they knew so dear, James, Sirius and Marlene had even been able to get a hug from McGonagall as they said their goodbyes. She told them how they had made her life a nuisance for the last seven years but that she would miss them terribly.

Sirius did cry in the morning, he kept saying that he could never leave his bed because it's where he and Remus would stay together and he even threatened to take the mattress with him for a good ten minutes but James convinced him not to.

And there they all were saying goodbye to Hogwarts. To the pranks, to the bonds, to the fun. They had made many things here they had fallen in love with and made friends they would have for life.

Peter was happy about the friends he had made he was happy that he was going to go into a new part of his life with the friends he had had for the last seven years.

Remus had good and bad times his whole life but the best came from Hogwarts from the teachers and people around and he knew it would always hold a special place in his heart.

Sirius found his family at Hogwarts he found people who made his life bearable again and he wouldn't change that for the world.

James was glad for all the time he had all the time here, even with the bad moments they were still memories that he had made and always has.

"I'm going to miss it you know," Remus said a few hours before they were expected to arrive.

"Don't get soppy on me Lupin," Lily told him and he chuckled nudging her shoulder.

"Don't call him soppy James is probably crying in the bathroom he's been taking for ages," Sirius chuckled.

James was not crying in the small bathroom on the train. It was very unexpected what happened and something he was going to regret but it was the spur of the moment.

He'd been waiting outside of it for almost five minutes when he finally decided to bang on the door. The door opened this time and he had too much of his weight on it that he fell forward and was instantly caught by the person inside, of bloody course it was Regulus.

James didn't know what to do for a few seconds, he was inside the room and Regulus was still holding him up and they were just looking at each other and merlin it had been two long, he couldn't remember who did it but it only took a couple of seconds for there lips to collide together and James was being pushed against the door closing it.

It was a mess of confusion and want. They both wanted this, they were each other's drugs and they had been too long without the other. Their lips were pressed together and then James pulled Regulus' hair just a bit so he gasped softly James was able to get his tongue into Regulus' mouth.

It wasn't as soft and calm as usual it was violent in a way, there was no care in it, just gasps of shock and breathless moans.

Regulus soon grabbed James' hair tugging him back so their lips parted and so his lips could search James' neck. James wanted to melt in place but he finally found his sense of thought.

"Fuck you," he muttered.

"I miss you to James," Regulus whispered back against his skin.

"No fuck you Regulus," he said but it was more of a whine which only grew when Regulus pulled away from his skin and opened the door.

"Goodbye James," he said before walking out.

It took James ten more minutes in the bathroom before he finally left it.

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