Chapter 16

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Remus and Sirius returned downstairs soon after, the hug was short and Remus still wasn't different, but he felt just for a split second, his heart beating like it always did with Sirius around, but then it was gone.

They had a small lunch as dinner would be a large one as always, there would be guests over as there was every year.

By mid-afternoon the guests started to come in, most of them around the same age as Fleamont and Euphemia who were quite elderly parents, but some even younger.

Remus got a few looks but he tried to keep his head down and took a seat on the couch. The food was soon served, a large turkey being the main part and many other types of meat, vegetables, and treats.

Remus was glad that with the number of people in the large room he was quite hidden in that corner of the couch and had managed to separate from Sirius and James, he felt pitied around them, he didn't want that.

He thought he would be able to stay there in that corner for as long as he wanted until someone strode over, a small smile planted on his face.

"Merry Christmas, Mr. Lupin, may I have a word," Dumbledore smiled. Remus' opinion of Dumbledore was an unusual one. He didn't dislike him but found him too strange to be liked.

He followed Dumbledore out of the room and caught eyes with James who gave him a half smile.

They made their way to Fleamonts large office room where Dumbledore closed the door and turned to Remus who had leaned himself again the wall.

"The Potters wrote to me about what happened, well what they know was that from there guess your father did this, I know you are not up for talking about what happened, but maybe you could answer me this, would you want me to find you somewhere else to stay in the summer," Dumbledore asked. His smile had gone but his voice was cautious and calm.

"No," was the answer he snapped quickly. He hated the thought of ever stepping a foot back there, but he would never leave his mother, no matter what.

"Alright, but if this happens again, I won't have a choice, is your mother at home," Dumbledore asked and Remus nodded in return.

"Ok, stay safe Remus," Dumbledore said and he left the office. It was quiet and Remus stood there. The sun was begging to set and a low hum of Christmas music could be heard.

Christmas. Remus seemed to have a knowing feeling that Christmas wasn't ever going to be as enjoyable as it was before.

He walked out of the room and was met with Peter, Remus had forgotten James had told him Peter and his family would be coming to the party, he'd forgotten a lot of things they had said to him.

"Remus, I got your letter, you should have come over, how are you doing?" Peter asked. It was a moment of coincident Peter being there, he hadn't been waiting for Remus, just in the hallway at the time. And Remus realized that James and Sirius had not told Peter what had happened, all he knew is 'something came up.

"I'm alright, happy Christmas Pete," Remus said turning to close the door and finally stepping into the light of the hallway and out of the dark office.

"Merlin Remus, what happened?" Peter asked, and there it was that pitying look, Peter had seen the bruises across his face.

"It's nothing, you go find James he's probably doing something he shouldn't be," Remus said, and before Peter could even talk he was off heading to the kitchen which was quiet apart from a few adults in boring conversations.


Someone had dropped a cup of wine in the room and Remus had jumped his fists raised, his breathing coming out in pants, his eyes searching every corner.

"Remus," someone said their voice small, placing their hand on his shoulder.

He turned to Sirius who had already started guiding him from the curious eyes. "Moony, it's ok," Sirius told him. They were walking towards Remus' room at this point and soon they were sitting at the edge of his bed, Remus found that his hands seemed rather interesting.

"It's ok to get scared, Remus," Sirius told him, he was rubbing Remus's back with his hand.

"He asked me to come home, just to beat me, he was beating my mother, I had to stop him," Remus said, the words tumbling out of him, he was shaking, he thought he had stopped shaking by now.

"My mum sent me a gift, I haven't opened it, I'm just happy, happy to know she's not hurt, I didn't want to leave her," he said, he felt like he should be crying, but no tears came to his eyes, how long would it be like this.

"That's why she made you go," Sirius spoke, it was not a question more of a statement he wanted to clarify.

"We should go downstairs, the guests will be leaving soon, we should say goodbye to Peter," Remus said as he stood up and Sirius followed suit.

"I'm here Remus, I'm always gonna be here," Sirius said gripping Remus' shoulder and then leaning forward a bit to place a kiss on his cheek.

"Thanks, Pads, and I'm gonna try to be better, I'm gonna get back to normal," Remus spoke.

"Remus, you've been through something horrible, you may never be completely the same, but id still wanna snog you anyways," Sirius said and a smile appeared on Remus' face.

They went back downstairs and said goodbye to Peter, from the look on Peter's face from beside James, Remus knew James had told him all he knew, it was gonna come out either way.

The house soon began to empty until it was the original group left, all of them soon said goodbyes to one another making their way to bed.

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